Cutting Room Floor

October 14th, 2010
What do you do with the photos that don't make your 365? How many photos do you take on average?
October 14th, 2010
lol I have a 356 file and have done nothing with the photos that dont make it,, if they are of my son they will go in his file one day.. the rest I have not thought about...
October 14th, 2010
@nikkers thanks for sharing!

I have a 365 Extras folder that I then upload to Picasa...I'll use some of them for my scrapbooking but I was curious what others where doing with theirs and if they were sharing them
October 14th, 2010
I don't know how many photos I take on average, but it's probably too many. Everything else goes on Picasa. One of these days when I have a house to decorate I intend to make prints and decorate with them. But we'll see if that ever really happens.
October 14th, 2010
I need to do some serious cleaning up of my Picasa albums but I did make some shots public:
October 14th, 2010
@lookitsz I just did a photo wall which is a huge accomplishment for me because I'm no Suzie homemaker/decorator....good luck...I'm sure your photos will be beautiful
October 14th, 2010
I post my 365 "extras" to my facebook albums. I'm on my 3rd one since starting this project. I take a lot of photos most days, but others I only take one or two...all depends on how I'm feeling that day.
October 14th, 2010
I usually just take one photo for 365, or I pick one from whatever shoot I happen to be doing (the easy way out). I have very few "365 rejects/almosts" because I rarely take a series for the purpose. An old film-camera habit perhaps?
October 14th, 2010
I've taken over 100 some days, and some days just a handful. My "365 source images" folder is 34.5GB and has 4,471 photos in it, since starting on Jan 1st :)

I'm shooting RAW so average filesizes are now, with my new camera, up to around 20MB per photo. Blimey!
October 14th, 2010
Post them on my Flickr:
October 14th, 2010
I take LOTS of pictures. I upload them every day and then start the task of figuring out what I want to post here. Then, in order not to become a photo hoarder, I make a quick decision about how many I want to keep. I'm constantly going back into my "not posted yet" folder and weeding out the pictures I'm really not going to use. It's a constant house cleaning policy I have so I don't get overloaded with hundreds of photos of that pretty tree...
October 14th, 2010
I take pictures throughout the day as I think of them - I usually wind up with three different scenes / settings. I generally take at least three pictures of each setting. Some times there are many more, like 50 or more, trying to get different angles, moving things around, different focus. I only load one a day.

The rest of them, I try to delete the really bad ones, and the rest of them just stay in that day's folder. I tag the pictures that are of people, etc., so I can find them.

I guess I probably should keep 365 pictures separate from the "real" / family pictures, but then my executor will probably just delete the whole bunch without looking at my talent!
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