Like button

October 24th, 2010
Is there anyway I can acknowledge viewing a photo without leaving a comment? Something like the FaceBook 'like button'. I'm in a position of not being able to spend long periods at the computer but would like people to know I've viewed their photo and like it.
October 24th, 2010
There actually now is a Facebook like button!
October 24th, 2010
Yes I know, I was hoping 365 could do a similar thing.
October 24th, 2010
A 365 like button, yes, I would like that as well. Sometimes I'm looking through a lot of photos and I make a selection which have caught my eye enough for whatever reason to leave a comment, but I would like to be able to simply click a Like where appropriate on those I'd otherwise not leave a comment on. Sometimes it's even for the simple reason that I may have a lot to say on a photo or subject, but can't always find the proper english words. Most have no use for my Dutch remarks :-) So it might be a very nice feature to lower the requirements for non native english speakers.
October 24th, 2010
hi Barbara, that's what the Fav button was intended for.
October 24th, 2010
Ross I feel there is a difference between fav and like.
October 24th, 2010

we do not need a like button.
this isn't facebook and it's annoying getting notifications when people press "like" on things.
October 24th, 2010
I agree--the Like button is a cop out. Just don't leave a comment if you don't have the time! That's okay! Personally, I'd rather no comment than a "Like"
October 24th, 2010
...and I don't intend that to sound mean--FB is just on my crap list right now! I don't want 365 to become FB.
October 24th, 2010
Down with facebook !
October 24th, 2010
Facebook is nothing but a pain in my ........too many viruses are coming in when clicking on facebook. can't proof it of course but nonetheless I'm not going on it and it's ashamed as would be able to catch up on my family there.
October 24th, 2010
I really dislike FB and really love 365 so I'm with the 'no' camp on this, solely on the grounds that I'd like 365 to stay as amazing and beautiful as it is already and not become more FB-like!
October 24th, 2010
I like Facebook and everything, but I don't want 365 to be like Facebook (inboxes, chat, like, blabalb) because I like how simple 365 is.
Plus.. you can just fav it! and if you don't like it enough for a fave, it's okay, you don't have to leave a comment :)
October 24th, 2010
You could type the word "like" in the comment. To save time, you could even copy it (select the word, then press control and c at the same time) and paste it (press control and v at the same time) for all the pictures you like. Of course, you could choose a different wording than "like".
October 24th, 2010
We had a discussion somewhat like this before, I would prefer no like button as it does my head in when I get 10 notifications on facebook and it's just someone liking 10 different pics...
October 24th, 2010
I find myself wishing for a like button too - it's a fast way to show your appreciation for photos as they go by your feed. As it is I feel like "great shot" and "lovely!" are pretty much doing the same thing, but they make me feel repetitive. I don't always have something thought-provoking to say, but want to quickly express that I did like that person's photo.

BTW, you can turn notifications off on FB so that you aren't notified when someone "likes" something you post.

October 25th, 2010
I agree Maggie. Often I'm thinking the same thing about a photo that the previous 5 posts have, and repeating "nice shot" or "beautiful" for the 10th time just doesn't sound very sincere, even though I mean it.
October 25th, 2010
Ah, that like button just harvests your personal info. Don't use it!
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