Hardly any followers

October 24th, 2010
I see that when some new 365er join up and ask for help on a thread they get a lot of followers. I come across a few that follow 1 or 2 of us and therefore their followers are a only a few. I don't like to name anyone without their permission but like to suggest to them that the best way to have more people follow you is to follow them first and also leave a bit of a caption with your pictures as I find at times it's guess work as to what I'm looking at..so that is deterring me from writing a comment and if you politely ask you don't alwys get a reply and now with the @ symbol it is so easy to leave a quick explanation.
October 24th, 2010
exactly it really worked for me.
October 24th, 2010
Hi Bruni, I agree. It helped me to get started and it helps to stay connected with people.
October 24th, 2010
Agree with what Bruni says and especially the bit about writing some commentary about your picture. I often don't comment because I don't really know what the picture is about or is meant to represent. Also would like a little bit about the person in their profile as knowing where pictures are taken is often helpful too.
October 25th, 2010
yeah just getting involved in the project really helps. Making lots of comments (preferably constructive), discussing things in the forum and giving a back story to your photos helps. You're a lot more likely to get comments if someone gets to know more about you, your life and your creative mind through your shots and comments. Answering people's questions with the reply option really helps too.
October 25th, 2010
I've always found that whenever I go on a browsing spree and end up following a bunch of people, I gain a bunch of followers, too.
I also think that the Browse & Pick threads help with that too, even if it's just one person. It's a great way to show off your stuff.(:
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