Nobody`s using Olympus?

October 25th, 2010
This may sound silly,but as I was browsing around people`s photos,I realised I`m in the minority of Olympus users. Nikon and Canon are all over the place.
October 26th, 2010
SOOO, you have an Olympus, what does that mean? It means that you have a camera of your choice, you didn't get caught up in the hype that Nikon and Cannon are the only good ones out there. From what I have seen of the photo's you have posted you and your Olympus are doing a fine job. I am looking to get a DSLR in the near future, I only have a point and shoot presently. and I am leaning toward a Fuji, But a big part of my choice will be cost. So you shouldn't be concerned with who shoots with what, you are doing a fine job.
October 26th, 2010
My first camera was an olympus, which I really didn't mind. when I got my first dslr I got a nikon because it was the cheapest they were selling in the store brand new, soyeah.
It really is up to the user. I think that the camera plays a tiny role in the photo, it's all about the balance and composition and what you like. :D
October 26th, 2010
I have an Olympus, but jusy switched to a dslr Nikon though! I liked it, but I wanted something better.
October 26th, 2010
my point and shoot is an Olympus! And I do still use it.
October 26th, 2010
My DSLR is an Olympus E-300.
October 26th, 2010
I'm with Richard. Olympus makes a great camera. I still have an old OM-1. They may well be one of the best bargains out there right now. Getting lenses is tough in some places, which limits some people.

I shoot Nikon because of the lenses I have. Kind of handcuffed in that respect. Stick with your Oly. They are quite good.
October 26th, 2010
My point and shoot is an Olympus! But I don't use that camera anymore its from 02! lol
October 26th, 2010
I started my project with an Olympus and moved to a Nikon P90 (considered a bridge camera) and have plans to move to an DSLR within the next year. I loved my Olympus and it did a great job but I needed a better zoom which is why I moved to the P90 (24x optical zoom on a P&S!) but I want to move to a DSLR for more control. I will likely stick with Nikon since I am used to the feel/menus, etc. I would consider an Olympus but Chris is right about finding lenses, etc. I can get a good setup on a D5000 for under $900 which also helps my decision. Everyone here seems to debate Nikon vs. Canon but I would be happy to stick with Olympus if I had more options.
October 26th, 2010
Sony here...but thats going to change soon I hope
October 26th, 2010
One of my student's Jessica is using an Olympus: here's her 365
October 26th, 2010
I am an Olympus user and I know what you mean...I sometimes feel that I must have a crap camera because everyone else is using Canon or Nikon. I love my Camera and still learning how to use it.
October 26th, 2010
I'm trying to devote my project to what I can do with my phone, but it was buggy a couple of days. Those days I used my wife's Olympus, and it gave me my most popular picture so far. I've had Sony and Panasonic consumer-grade cameras, and our little Olympus is the best one we've ever had.
October 26th, 2010
I love my Olympus 590-UZ. About 1/2 of my project is with it and the other 1/2 is Nikon D5000. I have always used Olympus and still enjoy it. The 590-UZ (Ultra Zoom) is my favorite. It has an amazing 26x zoom and can be enhanced even more with an adapter and lens. I mostly use it for kids sporting events where I cannot get close. Don't feel like you have the underdog camera. It is a great camera and can take fabulous photos. Enjoy it!
October 26th, 2010
SONY !! oh..... and canon
October 26th, 2010
I shoot Oly and Nikon. Formerly I only shot with my big heavy dslr, but in my search for a light weight 'take everywhere' camera, i bought the oly pen camera E- PL1. It is such a great little camera! Full manual control, excellent image quality even in low light, super light (in comparison), and just dang fun to use. It will never replace my D700, but I absolutely LOVE my little pen cam---a good chunk of my photos on here are with that camera.
October 26th, 2010
@jillpearce I see we use the same model,and lenses too.Cool.
October 26th, 2010
I have an e420 - I was also sucked in by my Canon shooting friends telling me to switch over. It isn't true! Learn how to use your camera and it can do whatever theirs can at a similar price range. If you're just a hobbyist, as I am, the olympus is perfect as it's completely affordable and you can get great OM lenses for next to nothing with an adaptor. I also have the OM10 but yet to develop a film through it. Stick with olympus until you actually see its limitations - if there are none, no problem!
October 26th, 2010
I have Olympus and I'm fine with it. If you don't need a full frame camera, in my opinion Olympus and Pentax are the better choice considering quality and prices.
October 26th, 2010
My slr is olympus and my dslr is sony!
October 26th, 2010
I first learned manual photography on an OM-10 :D I still have some lenses kicking around that I need to sell. I've moved to Pentax now (Canon/Nikon bleeeeeh :P), but Olympus has really good quality glass so you'll do fine sticking with what you've got!
October 26th, 2010
I was looking for an easy / convenient waterproof camera so I bought an Olympus Stylus Tough 8010
October 26th, 2010
Not sure about the D-SLRs but the Olympus PENs are quite good!
October 26th, 2010
@spaceman Cool, have you got a macro lens too? Got mine a week ago and still trying to get the hang of it.
October 26th, 2010
I only have a Nikon DSLR because my friend got a newer one and wanted to sell hers. And I think people often just stick with what they're familiar using. I do have a very old Olympus that I got last spring online for $50 when I decided I wanted to start taking pictures. It's one of the first digitals made, I believe. Olympus Camedia C2040Z. I love it. Though, I can't find parts (cards, lens cap...) I use it sometimes for this project because it's easier to carry with me. My daughter wants to steal it.
October 26th, 2010
@jillpearce No,I only have the 14–42 and 40–150 mm lenses. How`s the macro lens? Do you get good results with it? it Zuiko?
October 26th, 2010
Hi, yes the 35 mm is a Zuiko lens and I have the other two lens you mentioned that came with my camera. I have taken a few pictures with the new macro lens but am exploring the use of the aperture to expand the Depth of Field and much more detail. I have not had much luck yet due to hurting my knees in an accident a few days ago and am having a hard time trying to crouch or kneel - hurts like hell. Tripod is needed for a brilliant crisp photo. Here are some of the photos I took with the new 35 mm. Check them out and they are in more than one album - the regular 365 and My Picks.
Blowing in the Wind!
Nice behind!
Lonesome Beauty.
New and Old.
Pink Flower and Raindrop.
October 26th, 2010
I do I do! but I only have an Olympus FE-230 P&S. Compare to others, this little camera looks more like a toy than a camera. I'm ok with it most of the time. however, my biggest complain is that the shutter speed is super slow. and the focus is not ideal either. I will save up for a nicer DSLR.
October 26th, 2010
I have noticed that a lot of people use Nikon and Canon too! I have a Pentax.
October 26th, 2010
I have an Olympus E-PL1 as my "point-and-shoot" which I LOVE! In fact, I think many if not most of my shots posted here are from that camera. My DSLRs happen to be Canon, which I also love, but I can't stand the Canon vs Nikon wars so many photogs get caught up in. There are lots of very fine cameras out there--and it's the photographer that matters anyway. Go Olympus! ;-)
October 27th, 2010
Oh, I do! I have a P&S Olympus and is working very well for 6 years now. I just seldom use it here in 365 since I want to practice my DLSR which is a CANON. :-)
October 27th, 2010
All my pictures are taken with this.
October 27th, 2010
Most people use Canons and Nikons because they have, by far, the best collections of lenses out there, as well as the brand recognition. But if you're comfortable using an Olympus, don't let others detract you.
October 27th, 2010
I have an Olympus E-420 and an awesome set of lenses - I agree with @aikiuser - it is the photographer that counts!
October 27th, 2010
I use an Olympus E-600, so does my sister, she's also on 365. I like it :)
October 27th, 2010
olympus camera
October 28th, 2010
I have an Olympus Trip 35 film camera, and I love it to pieces! My DSLR is Canon, but, like everyone else is saying, it's the pictures that matter, not so much the camera.
October 28th, 2010
Woo hoo look at all of us - I use an Olympus SP-570UZ I love my camera, in fact the other one I had was an Olympus SP-51OUZ, something went wrong and when hubby heard that they would need it for a couple of weeks - he bought me the other one, because he told them I could not go a day without my camera. Yes he is my DH + darling Husband - no not richard cranium.
I love both of them and at first I didn't think I would get used to this one which is up from the 510
because it is rather heavier, but I hate putting it down in case I miss something. Before I had these I had a smaller point & shoot which I gave to my daughter in law to use.
Must check out if she is using it, if not, i'm going to ask for it back!!
I personally don't think it is all the camera - it's in the EYE of the beholder. Sure if you have a much more expensive camera then you have more options, and more costs too if something goes wrong. When you become a prof Photographer then maybe i'd look at something else, but I'm very happy with what I do get, and if it's not good enough to grab someones comments or praises that is not my concern or business.It's not the camera it's how I take the pic that finally shows what the eye saw, I do it because I love it and I hope I can always be happy with the photos I take. One last thing, I felt chuffed when I visited my daughter, son in law and 3 grandchildren last weekend, and looking around their home i saw a photo I had taken a few years back, in a frame and up on the wall. I almost cried it was a stunning photo of my young grandaughter (yes great model makes it so easy to get that picture) and I even gave it a full page in my scrapbook - Called it "Not the Artist - The Model"! I know I have one each of the other 2 GC so now I am going to find them and get them printed so they can have their place on the wall. happy I was like a Pig in Mud and still am - GO OLYMPUS GO!!!!!
October 28th, 2010
All my Underwater Pics are taken with an Olympus C7070WZ.
October 29th, 2010
@spaceman i am using both a nikon d3000 and an olympus e-510. i've had the 14-42 kitlens, the old 40-150 and the 35mm macro. it's superb value for a very capable brand.

lately i've been using my d3000 here in 365 mainly because i love the bokeh of my cheap 35mm 1.8 nikkor, but for macro and tele work, i still use the olympus. the colors produced by olympus are totally mind blowing, in my opinion. if they only produced wider apertured lenses, i wouldn't have tried out another brand. :)
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