What lenses shall I use for my Nikon D90?

January 29th, 2014

I have Nikon D90 camera with kit lens (18-105mm) and I have a Tamron 70-300mm lens (I use it for macro and tele as well but not the best for macro). What lenses can you recommend for me for macro photos? I would like to create nicer macro photos. Does it worth to use filters as well?

I would really appreciate any and all suggestions!
January 29th, 2014
The best Nikon Macro lens is the Nikkor Micro 105mm f2.8 VR. It is a teriffic lens, not just for macro but moderate telephoto portrait work too. It is razor sharp and has the VR vibration reduction system. It's not cheap at about £630.00 but it's cheap compared to quite a few other Nikon lenses that will set you back well over £1000. It opened up a whole new world for me and I wouldn't be without it
January 29th, 2014
I agree with Dave @dgcarter ... nothing better than the 105 f2.8 VR.
January 29th, 2014
The Tamron 90 mm VC USD is another alternative if you want cheaper than Nikon. I am very satisfied with it.
January 29th, 2014
Foe me it's the Sigma 105mm F2.8 - always gets top reviews in shoot-outs - I'm delighted with it.
January 29th, 2014
I have the Nikkor 105mm VR, Brilliant macro but also a very good shortish telephoto and a rather wonderful potrait lens. The VR is incredible. As an alternative though the Sigma 105mm with Optical Stabilisation is also very good and quite a bit cheaper. I don't do extreme macro but it is very liberating being able to get so close. Of course extension tubes could also be an option or even a good quality close up lens converter like a Raynox
January 29th, 2014
I love the Tokina 100mm
January 30th, 2014
i love the kit lens - it's very versatile. I generally keep a prime 50mm or 35mm handy as well. :)
January 30th, 2014
Lensbaby composer pro with double glass optic and macro screw on filters - low-tech excellence.
January 30th, 2014
@kiscsillag @dgcarter @dtigani @vignouse @alisonp Yes to the Nikkor f/2.8 105 and yes to the Sigma f/2.8 105 as well. Both superb lenses, not inexpensive. I own the Sigma, but shot for some time with the Nikkor. You can't go wrong with either, and as others pointed out, superb portrait lenses and great general purpose medium telephoto primes, especially with the APS-C crop of the D90. The Optical Stabilization of both is excellent and makes them extremely useful; to me the Sigma wins out over the Nikkor for OS/VR, but others would beg to differ.

The Sigma 50 f/2.8 and 70 f/2.8, both macro focus, are shorter lenses, not optically stabilized, but are good at what they do and are half the price of the 105s. The 50 seems like a more useful general purpose length for a prime than the 70. I have no experience with the Tamron or the Tokina mentioned by others.
January 30th, 2014
£630.00 ... .oh my goodness!! I'm often intrigued - how do people afford such niceties!! does that mean you don't eat for two months ??
On the subject... what are the guidelines for buying such gems 2nd hand? yes .. no.. maybe.. depending on..?
January 30th, 2014
@brigette Watch the designations carefully if you search second hand. Both the 105's have earlier "cousins" and it is sometimes not clear on places like eBay exactly what is what from less than scrupulous sellers. But by all means look and see.

High quality lenses will always cost more than the camera for standard DSLRs. Perhaps with your D90, you might want to look at the Nikkor DX 85mm f/3.5, made especially for APS-C camera bodies. I have never used it, but its reviews are good. Not in the league of the 105's I am sure, which are both just stunning.
January 30th, 2014
I have the Sigma 105 (2.8) which I used on my D90 for a long time. It has the advantage of being a full frame lens so I was able to migrate it to a full frame body.
January 30th, 2014
I have a D90 and have used it for about 3 years. I used the kit lens consistently, then over time bought the following lenses that I have loved. First, I bought the 105mm macro that others have mentioned and use it a lot. It's a fantastic lens. I would look for it used -- I never buy new lenses if I can avoid it. Nikkor lenses don't wear out. The other lens I've used the most is the 50mm 1.4 which is fantastic in low light and. On the D90 the 50mm acts more like about a 72mm so it's great for portraits, walkabout, pretty much anything except wide shots -- but the kit lens takes care of that.
January 30th, 2014
@frankhymus thanks Frank - i was generally interested in the discussion - i know that the sky is the limit really in terms of what you could buy!!! as @taffy Taffy said i also have a kit - but more recently i've been using a new 1.8 50mm prime - which i'm really enjoying. I will over time get some other lens.. probably won't be spending that much tho'''.. not with a mortgage!!
Thanks Taffy @taffy for your feedback - I do need to learn more about lens!! so much to learn. (like really understanding why the lens behaves like a 72m - i've read that before!!) think I've just been cruising for a while with what i've got. and @swilde thanks for you input too. Very good!!!
January 30th, 2014
I am a Canon user but it makes no odds. The 105 would be the one, no question. A 50mm lens costs the same as a decent meal out and whichever marque floats your boat, this focal length will be a bargain (1.8 at least) and definitely on your shopping list. I only buy Canon lenses but word on the street is that Sigma and Tampon macro lenses are super sharp and you'd need serious scientific equipment to spot the difference
January 30th, 2014
Errr.... *Tamron
January 30th, 2014
I have just bought a tokina/100mm-f28 second hand for £230. Not saying that is cheap but quite a bit less than new. @brigette as long as you do your research first and buy carefully you can get some good kit second hand.
I find the Ken Rockwell site quite helpful a couple of links below might help your research. http://www.kenrockwell.com/tokina/100mm-f28.htm http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/best-macro-lenses.htm

There is also another discussion runing on similar lines here http://365project.org/discuss/general/20897/macro-help-do-extension-tubes-work-with-a-kit-lens
January 30th, 2014
@kiscsillag if you want a bit of relatively cheap fun you could always buy older manual lenses anything AIS upwards will mount but will not auto focus, you do get focus confirmation however, and manual metering but can pick up some cracking bargains.
I've an old 75-150mm f3.5 series E lens I picked up for £35 and it's a great piece of glass.
January 31st, 2014
@dgcarter @dtigani Thank you very much for the your recommendations. That lens could be very good but the price is very high :(

@dgcarter @dtigani @scatcat @vignouse @japers45 @taffy @kporte @barrowlane @chippy1402 @brigette Thank you very much for your answers and sharing your experience with me. Now I have some lenses to think about, read tests, check out test photos. That is very helpful, thank you again.
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