I need your votes

November 1st, 2010
Okay friends, I need your votes!!! I have entered this photo into the latest Hipstamatic contest. Please vote for my print, Dreaming Fields, by visiting http://hpstm.tc/21pg and clicking "Like" via Facebook. You can also vote for my print by by retweeting http://hpstm.tc/21pg and #hipstamatic! Thank you!!! ♥ I started out ranked #324 and have moved up to #44 as of this evening. I can't wait to see where I end up!

Here is the photo I submitted:

For those wondering, Hipstamatic is a photography application for iPhones. To learn more about the contest, visit: http://community.hipstamatic.com/contests/21

I know this is shameless self promotion but once you submit your photo to the contest, you only have 5 days to gather as many votes as possible. Thank you for your support!
November 1st, 2010
ok so clicked on the link and it doesn't do anything, just brings me back here.
November 1st, 2010
@nikkers I don't know why it is doing that! The link I included with my comment on the picture works but it does not work from within the discussion. I have tried it a couple of different ways. I would suggest either copying the address manually or clicking through my picture to my comments where the link works. I am sorry for the inconvenience but I do appreciate your support!
November 1st, 2010
Hi Autumn, I went to the picture in your profile and the link worked like you said, voted for you , and you are now rated #42. good luck. its a beautiful photo. and not to worry, it wasn't an inconvenience, and I am happy to support you.. :)
November 1st, 2010
was this posted again? i've voted! :D
November 1st, 2010
You are 41 now ... :) Good luck!
November 1st, 2010
Tiz done! Good luck :-)
November 1st, 2010
November 1st, 2010
voted- this is a great shot! good luck!!
November 1st, 2010
@nikkers @eleanor @blightygal @lovesscrapn @rebcastillo77 - Thank you so much everyone!

@taleweaver Yes, I posted this shot as my picture of the day on 10/30 but wanted to post a separate discussion as well for the people who may not have seen it or don't follow me. Thanks for supporting me!

It feels silly for me to post these discussions when I enter a contest but I know that if I don't promote myself, most people are not even aware there is a contest out there.
November 1st, 2010
I just checked and I up to #36 now! Thank you so much everyone! I appreciate your votes. I saw a number of you have shared my link on Facebook as well. You guys are awesome!
November 2nd, 2010
I have 3 days left to receive votes and have made it to #33 - my highest ranking yet! Thank you for voting and spreading the word!!!
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