What to photograph when you just don't give a damn?

November 5th, 2010
You know those days? We all have them - you were awake multiple times during the night, you were up early, the boss has been on your back all day, you come home to fighting kids and an angry wife... those days aren't really conducive to creative photography.

So what do people do in these situations? Where do you get your motivation, your inspiration and most importantly, what do you snap pictures of?

November 5th, 2010
I photograph whatever annoys me the most... or the bottom of a glass of scotch...
November 5th, 2010
Hahahaha! you know, I actually tried that once (it was a glass of gin), but the results weren't that spectacular.

Maybe I should take a picture of what annoys me most... hmmmmm
November 5th, 2010

" Maybe I should take a picture of what annoys me most... hmmmmm "

But that might make the angry wife angrier :P
November 5th, 2010
>Maybe I should take a picture of what annoys me most... hmmmmm

This sounds like a pretty great suggestion to me, @timtam_adams
November 5th, 2010
Go on Tim - angry wife shot!! We've set you the challenge :P
November 5th, 2010
Oh I so have to follow Tim now so I can see this angry wife shot!!!
November 5th, 2010
I don`t know,but let me know,when you find out. Yesterday I wasn`t able take one decent photo...
November 5th, 2010
This is actually a great Idea... sometimes you just arent in the right frame of mind... maybe photographing the annoying thing would offer some humour !!!
November 5th, 2010
Haha. Sounds dangerous. I like it.
November 5th, 2010
LOL! Best.Thread.Ever! Love the responses here. Can't wait to see the angry wife photo. ;)

Here's what I did:

November 5th, 2010
November 5th, 2010
I resorted to taking a picture of dinner the other night. Not my most stellar choice, but then it's what happens when you don't give a damn. Taking a picture of the "angry wife" could be suicide.
November 5th, 2010
I'm in an uninspired slump right now! So I started a thirty days thing from one of the discussion threads. This gives me an assignment I have to try instead of leaving me to my own devices to come up with a picture. Yesterday was the first day and it was "anything I want" which didn't help with the slump bit. Today is "something that makes me smile" tomorrow is "something you collect". For thirty days there's something different but a clear idea of what I'm to do. I'm hoping it drags me out of the slump.
November 5th, 2010
Jinx and I were highly amused by this thread ... and not to be outdone, here's my contribution, taken this evening ;)

More often than not, it's something I'm cooking/have cooked ... or a random piece of junk sitting on my insanely disorganised computer desk ...
November 5th, 2010
@msk1p2 I guess I missed that thread- could you direct me to it? It might be interesting to see :)
November 5th, 2010
Now I have images of a fist heading towards the lens, with a commentary saying this will be the last post because of broken lens. Sometimes I just go back to some old photos i never tinkered with and photoshop the crap out of them...often disasterous, but gets my creativity flowing.
November 5th, 2010
I have several "emergency photos" I use for those days. My reason being that if I post a photo of my big toe or some other uninspired something--it will only make my day worse.
November 5th, 2010
@msk1p2 thanks Sandra :)
November 5th, 2010
I read an article in a photo magazine where the author advocated holding your camera over your head and snapping random pictures to help change your perspective. I also watched a show on PBS once about a gentleman who put his camera up on a portable pole and would snap pictures from high above. I have also heard of camera tossing (not recommending) and of course your basic laying on the ground to get the crawling baby's or insects angle. So I think of all these things when I am just uninspired or desperate for a photo, and take pictures without looking through the viewfinder, allowing myself to use the autofocus. I don't always come out with a usable shot, but what I do get is a unique angle that often points out to me something I hadn't noticed before. And then I concentrate on photographing my new find, even if I have to stand on a chair to do so.
November 5th, 2010
@justkariherself I did the camera tossing thing a few days ago! :D
November 5th, 2010
@jinximages How'd it turn out? (Need I ask?! :)
November 5th, 2010
loving the thread..... and I MUST try that "photographing what annoys the heck out of me" sometime...

when am at this state though, I find myself just doing the point and shoot thing... just let the camera do the talking.... and see what gets captured...
November 5th, 2010
@justkariherself My October 24 shot... kinda cool, and I didn't drop my camera! ;)
November 5th, 2010
You can always try dailyshoot.com, that has helped me a few times when I haven't had an idea or didn't want to go through the steps to enact the elaborate ideas I do have.
November 5th, 2010
Yeah, I do slow shutter blur shots and call it an abstract! Sometimes it works :)

@msk1p2 This looks great - I think I'll try it.
November 5th, 2010
lol glad we all have the same challenges! Living in London I may also add 'Too eeeeeeek outside to remotely thinkg about taking the cam outside' to the list of reasons for not getting any usable shots. I sometimes watch an episode of photoshop user tv and try to do the effect that they introduce http://kelbytv.com/photoshopusertv/
November 5th, 2010
Everyone has challenging days, everyone. Sometimes nothing is clicking in the brain. Changing your perspective to the absurd and creative editing can help turn a so-so picture into something unique. When all else fails ... get some blood to your head. ;-)

November 5th, 2010
I'm following Tim now. LOL

Sometimes I post "emergency" photos but if I don't have any, I skip the day and make up for it once I'm OK. Normally that would be after a day or 2, so I need to shoot different subjects to keep up.
November 5th, 2010
i agree with @clarissajohal I feel better if I go back through my old photos and post something I've taken in the past rather than just a random last minute thing in my house (although some people take amazing shots of random last minute things in their house!) @indiannie_jones you make me smile!! :)
November 5th, 2010
p.s. thanks to everyone for their input...i've been in a slump myself the last few days and this has given me a renewed spark for the weekend!
November 5th, 2010
I usually resort to something around the house... usually in low light, f1.8... when I'm lazy. It's led to a few good ideas sometimes, and gives me a chance to play around with weird editing. I gotta try the whole "thing you're pissed off at," though! Could be fun, tee hee hee
November 6th, 2010
Hi Everyone - thank you SO much for your input. @justkariherself, thanks so much for the excellent idea :)

Last year our local radio station ran a competition where listeners had to send in photos of their partners when they've just woken up. I did that & was about to be murdered, but then she found out that I'd one her a complete makeover. Go me!
November 6th, 2010
@icywarm, I tried photographing a glass & bottle of gin today, along with a few blocks of chocolate. The photos didn't turn out real well & the chocolate kept disappearing...
November 6th, 2010
Hahahh @timtam_adams
November 6th, 2010
and I thought I was cheating all this time....Sometimes I just decide not to take a shot today and make up for it tomorrow with two. I'm still waiting for my creative juices to really start flowing...I'm hoping it will happens soon!
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