What do you do when you feel like giving up?

November 5th, 2010
I have posted a lot of photos since June 1 when I started this project. The first one was a fluke. And some of the others that followed came out nicely as well. I have had some (okay - A LOT of) flops but because it's take a picture a day, I posted them anyway, good or bad. I see a lot of great photos on the home page and in the popular pages and some are just spectacular and then I get discouraged and get a bit depressed because I reflect on my own photos and think they all suck. And then I feel like giving up on the project all together. I started it to get me out of the house and try and get me out of my depression, but I'm finding that my discouragement about my own photography skills really defeats me. I run out of ideas and inspiration, or I just don't care anymore. I've tried suggested sites people have directed me to for suggestions or challenges, but I find that I don't have the eye for the challenge presented. I try but fail. So what do you do? How do you keep going? Is it even worth it to keep doing the project? Also, at times I see new people sign up and then have hundreds of followers as well and I only have a scant few and I've been doing this for months ... which also doesn't help my own outlook on my skills, but then again I'm not a professional. And I never will be. I don't know... maybe I'm alone in my thought process. Maybe I'm not. I can't believe I'm the only one who gets totally discouraged and wants to give up, but odds are I am. I am close to the point of throwing the towel in on this project and that doesn't help depression either.
November 5th, 2010
Ok Bev, excuse me for my bad english,. I think that best way to don't feel discouraged in this project is making you own project inside this one, For example for 1 month upload street shots, for the second flowers and so on. Tis maybe could be a way to enhance your personal project.
November 5th, 2010
i think you have to keep in mind your own goals for YOUR project. it's true, some people on here are pros, (or will be someday), & their objectives in general seem to be to practice taking great photos, expand their portfolios, etc.
I, like you, am not a pro, nor will i ever be, & yeah, i definitely see LOTS of photos on the site that are better than mine, & i see LOTS of people (newbies included) with more followers, etc. It's always encouraging to get positive feedback on photos, but when I don't, it's OK because even if my photos suck (and sometimes they really do) they are still a snapshot of my life, & that's what my objective is for the project, to be able to look back next june on a whole year of days, good, bad, & unexciting.
November 5th, 2010
Bev a few months ago I had the same thoughts that you have. I try and try and think I am making great photos but the truth is I only get comments from people that I comment to. Whenever I am unable to make lots of comments my comments fall to zero quickly. I just decided not to let it get me down. I have been a photographer for more years than a lot of people herein have been alive. Yet, I have a nice point and shoot by choice and it just doesn't do the job that some others are able to do.

Here are some suggestions. Follow the theme each week as much as you can. Visit the tag site i.e. theme-purple to see what other people are doing. I also try to comment on as many of the theme shots as I can. I have found that bright colors capture more interest than just about anything else.

I suggest you follow a lot more people and try to make comments on their work. Look at what attracts your eye and see if you can learn to think like they do about their shots.

I did complain about the popularity aspect of the popular page and top 20 chart some time back. In a way it reminds me of high school where the popular people win all the awards and the people who study hard just to keep up are never noticed. (me!)

Don't be discouraged, just set yourself some goals, like the home_a_z project where we make photos of our hometown or country representing the alphabet. I think Kristin's comments above mine are very good ideas.
November 5th, 2010
I totally agree with Kristin. I'm using the project as a way to follow my life for a year and much as I'd like to be a much better photographer, I'm happy with my photos because I took them and they mean something to me. There are some spectacular photos on this site but most are taken by semi professional photographers and/or used a lot of processing & editing which is fine for them. I run out of ideas really quickly too but every day I look at the latest photos, click on ones that I like and/or inspire me then check out other photos by that person and "follow" them if I like their work. I had no followers until I started following others - maybe that's what you need to do if you want to build up your followers.
November 5th, 2010
Sometimes it helps me to look back. Over the months i've taken lots of different shots, some good some bad (and even posted one my mom took by accident whoops!)..but it makes me smile, because when I look back...I see my life. I see events, and emotions, and whatever tickled me that day. thats what this is about for me. And I'm taking a photography class that "forces" me to take pics of certain things, so I throw those in here too.
And even if you "give up"...guess what? You can start over. Thats the beauty of life. In the end, its your project, do it how you want to, how it makes you happy. If leaving it for now=happy...leave it. :) It'll still be around if you want to pick it up again.
November 5th, 2010
@prttblues @omabluebird --- In addition to just following people and commenting, I suggest participating in the ongoing threads. The more you intereact with people the more they will interact with you.

@prttblues --- Everyone has good days and bad days and we just do our best to keep ourselves motivated. It sounds like you are dealing with a lot when it comes to depression. People here, once you get to know them, are pretty good about encouraging each other through tough times however no one here can be your only source of encouragment at all times. Just keep that in mind.

If you want people to notice you and your work, I suggest participating in the ongoing threads. I've said before that when you participate it's like extending a hand to introduce yourself. Lots of people are looking at those threads and I think it's a great way to get to know others and what they are doing too. Be sure to read the top post as this should include what the rules are.

Browse and Pick (gets started when someone feels the thread has gotten too big, usually weekly) The current thread is http://365project.org/discuss/general/2117/browse-and-pick-34.

Favorite October Photo (pick your favorite from your own photos in October. Post a link to the picture and let us know why it's your favorite) http://365project.org/discuss/general/2096/favorite-october-photo.

Your favourite photo 29 Oct - 4 Nov: Pick your favorite of your own work during this period. http://365project.org/discuss/general/2147/your-favourite-photo-29-oct-4-nov.

As for taking better pictures that you are happy with, well that's kinda elusive. I suggest reading books on the subject or checking the internet for how to information. There are tons of photography sites that help people understand everything about photography, from the basics to the more complex. The only way to get better is to learn and practice. Try to take pictures for your own pleasure first. Regardless of what others think at the end of the day, your project is yours alone and should be reflective of that. :-)
November 5th, 2010
agree w/ dorrena, although i still don't get lots of feedback, i do like participating in the browse&pick threads b/c 1) you get to look through someone's photos you might not have found on the popular page, etc and 2) it's really interesting to see what shots other people choose as their favorites of mine. sometimes it's predictable & sometimes i'm totally surprised
November 5th, 2010
I started my project so that I could have focus on improving my skills on my camera. My "good" camera has totally taken a crap and I don't know when I will be able to fix it or replace it, since they quite costly. My whole family came together one year to buy it for me and it took money from like 10 different people to pay for it in the first place. Now all I can use is my little kodak point and shoot. I like the point and shoot for quick snapshots, but liked my other camera for the more creative side in me. I am really limited with the Kodak compared to the Canon and it irritates the hell out of me.
Anyway, my photos aren't what I want them to be and I don't know how to use photo editing software very well(even though I have several programs). However, for me, it isn't about whether I am better then anyone or if I make some chart or get lots of comments, but that I am always improving my own skills. I try not to compare myself to anyone else.
November 5th, 2010
Sometimes my photos stink too, actually lots of them stink, but remind yourself that even professionals stink sometimes. You are only seeing their good shots not every single one they take. I get discouraged because i want every one of mine to turn out perfect and perfect doesn't exist. Don't give up, keep going. Try new techniques do weekly subjects and stretch yourself and read and read and try out the new things you learn till you "perfect them"
November 6th, 2010
stop worrying about getting followers,
take the photos that you want to take for yourself not for others.
and if you dont feel like taking photos- make yourself take them anyway-
keep up with the project.-if its what you really want to do and are commited
relax about it, dont think so much about it and put undue pressure on yourself.
try different styles and methods of shooting and editing


anytime i have ideas for a certain shoot i either give it over-expectations and get cranky with it, or it turns out a completly different way than i had pictured in my head anyway- so dont stress, take photos for yourself that please you, the ones that people like of mine are the ones i think are shit and the ones i like dont get a look in, but i dont mind because im having fun with it.
November 6th, 2010
@stegodino @kdwy @omabluebird @kjarn @kjarn @kylapalin @dmortega @christinah1979 @hopeless @natandhayley Thank you all for the words of encouragement. I read these right before signing offline for the night and came up with a neat idea for today's picture. I don't care if anyone else likes it. I think it came out kinda cool. I just get discouraged from time to time. It's the depression...which is why I started the project in the first place. It's kind of an oxymoron I guess. I have my up days and my down days... You can tell today was a down day (but when something happens during the day that is beyond my control, I tend to reflect inward and can't get motivated). Thanks for all your encouragement and wonderful ideas. I don't expect to be followed (though some of you have and thank you for that!!) but I do hope you find time to browse some of my photos every now and again.
November 6th, 2010
I am bipolar and sometimes I am all over the place with my emotions and that transfers over to my behaviors and actions as well. I joined 365 to have a focus, even if it is as simple as a photo a day. Some days I put way more effort into it and other days, not so much. Try this, when the depression is getting you down, take a photo of something that makes you smile.
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