% of comments verses people followed

November 7th, 2010
I am just wondering, what % of photo's of people that you follow do you view and make comments on. Or do a lot of us just follow someone in hopes that they in-turn will follow us. There is a very low % of people that follow me that make comments, and I am somewhat guilty of the same at times but I really try from day to day. I see some people with several hundred that they are following, is it possible to view and aomment on even 50%. Just wondering
November 7th, 2010
I make a point of playing catch-up when I get a chance, maybe once or twice a week, where I try to comment on at least one or two pictures for each person I follow and IF I get a chance, those who follow me. I also try to see what's going on with other people around the site... and if I happen to be online but don't have the energy or time to check everything, I'll see what's just been uploaded and stick to that. I don't follow anyone in hopes of them following me back.
November 7th, 2010
I think it depends on what kind of mood I am in. Sometimes I am in a talkative (writative?) mood, and will comment on every picture. Other times, I can't think of a single thing to say. Other times I am too busy to even look at the pics. I think I do comment on less than 50% of the pictures I see. I don't think that is a bad thing - there is no obligation to comment or even view other pictures. I do what I can when I can.
November 7th, 2010
I usually try to comment on everyone's pics that I follow. Lately everyone's been very busy though, only able to post once a week or so...so when they do post, it's 5-7 pics at a time ! And if you follow lots of people and 3 or 4 do that....well........gets overwhelming ! Think I better slow down on this site !
November 7th, 2010
For me I normally post and look late evening, due to lots of reasons. So if you have posted early in the day I may miss your photo, I sometimes fall asleep in bed with the laptop on and my husband will come in and turn it off etc. I do try to look at everyone that I am following, but sometimes just dont have time.
November 7th, 2010
I try each day to view the photos of the people I follow and make comments on their pics but sometimes life does get busy and I miss some of the photos. I really do enjoy seeing each photo of those I follow and the stories they tell so when I can I will try to visit and catch up on what I have missed
November 7th, 2010
I was going in every day and only a few to follow, but i find that if I miss a day or even 2 or 3 i really get far behind, so i dont follow anymore. I get less comments myself but i love it when i do get one, so i try to comment when i do.I do love to go on the site and it really is a highlight i look forward to.I get so inspired and love to see and hear about everyones lives etc.,
November 8th, 2010
I try to at least view every photo of every person I follow, and I think I comment on about half to three-quarters of them most days (some days, all of them). But I only follow around fifty people. I think if I followed a hundred, my comments percentages would drop. It's not that I don't want to comment, but that I just don't have enough time. Also, if someone posts several images in a row, I'll often only look at and comment on one or two that grab my attention.

I have around one-hundred and fifty followers, and probably receive around sixty to seventy views on average, and maybe twenty to thirty comments (sometimes less). If I'm lucky enough to post something that really catches the eye, and makes it to the popular page, views can go well into the hundreds and comments go right up too, because followers are spending their valuable time actually opening the image and commenting, which then gives the image exposure to people who don't follow.

I do think that I receieve more comments when I make more comments, and especially when I go and comment on galleries of people I don't follow (usually because they've commented on something of mine). Reciprocation is a strong theme on this site.

So, I don't think it is strange that I have about a third the number of views as I have followers. I try to produce images at least one or two times each week that people will love, spend the time to open and comment on, but not everyone is going to love every photo. And also, I'm sure many people follow to see the occasional fantastic image, rather than to see every photo someone posts. I think that's a valid motivation to follow someone. There are a few followers who rarely comment, but I know that when they do I've done something a little more than the ordinary. :)
November 8th, 2010
@jinximages @cookie123 @jo365 @nikkers @nyweb @shelina @indiannie_jones thanks all I see thar time is the biggest culprit in not being able to respond.
November 8th, 2010
At a guess, I'd say that I view about half the photos in my timeline in the full view, and I comment on about half of the photos which I view... So, I guess I comment on roughly a quarter of the total photos in my timeline...
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