Professional Lab Recommendations?

November 7th, 2010
Hi all,
Anyone have an professional lab they deal with for their prints? I'm looking for one that I can manage online since we'll be moving soon. Searched on google and of course received a ton of sites, but would rather have personal recommendations.

November 7th, 2010
If you are looking for a film lab, I use Cooper's Imaging in Norwich CT
prices are reasonable, they will call if there is a question, and service is fast.
November 7th, 2010
I just recieved orders both from mpix and kodak and was happy with the quality from both places. Mpix has a gallery box packaging option which is nice, but I'm not always happy with where they want to crop my shots. They both offer several different types of professional quality paper for very resonable prices. The other think I liked about mpix is that they give you the option of placing your name on the back of the prints so it is harder for people to reprint.
November 8th, 2010
@rmfeldka Hi Robin, we use and have been thrilled with their work. We've ordered everything from very large canvases for clients to simple 4x6 proofs. They also do great color correction, which is great if you're shooting people and aren't sure your computer is calibrated just right. You have to order online via a ROES ordering system, but once you do it it isn't so hard to figure out.
November 8th, 2010
I print from which uses both and I have an account which costs $40/year for the basic plan. I upload my photos to this site as a backup so that I will never lose any of my work due to crashed computers, etc. The basic users print through EZ Prints and I was very impressed by the quality. They use if you are a professional level user ($150/year). I think both companies have very good quality printing!
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