White Flag

November 8th, 2010
Hi all!

I have not been motivated to finish this project. I have school and lots of training and upcoming deployment for my husband and this project just isn't happening for me right now. It is hanging over my head everyday and I just think i need to say good bye. I am so disappointed in my self and I never thought I would quit. I have loved every second of this project and I may come back one day in the future. I just need all of you to know that your support has meant the world and I have this project to thank for helping me find my passion in life, ironically the same passion that is taking me away from this project. I have tried to keep up with everyone I follow and have just started to fail miserably and I am so sorry about that. I have seen so many amazing photographs through 365. You all rock, keep it up and thank you for everything. It is time for me to surrender to this project and focus on my future in photography with out feeling added pressure from 365. hugs to everyone!

Jessica Gates
November 8th, 2010
Good bye and good luck with everything that is going on in your life. I have enjoyed your pictures very much.
November 8th, 2010
I think this happens when we pressure ourselves with an all or nothing mindset. Don't post everyday if you can't. Just do what you can. Take as long a vacation as you need or want.
November 8th, 2010
I will miss keeping up on your project! Good bye and good luck!
November 8th, 2010
Aw I am sorry to hear that you're leaving but life happens and you have little choice but to follow your passion :) I've enjoyed following your work. :) I wish you luck with everything and hope to see you around sometime in the future :)
November 8th, 2010
oh no jessica! so sorry to see you go! will miss your pics! plus i always love the insights of a fellow military wife! best wishes to you and your husband in the upcoming months... will say a prayer for his unit's safety! blessings!
November 8th, 2010
Aww, I'm going to miss your photos! I understand, though. We all have lives to lead and sometimes they get in the way. I do hope you'll come back at some point, even just to say hi.
November 8th, 2010
Aww, Jessica! Don't be hard on yourself because you're doing what's right for you :) you will be missed though! Stay in touch though xx
November 8th, 2010
Good luck, Jessica. You have your priorities right where they should be. We'll always be here if and when you decide you want to start again.
November 8th, 2010
:-( I hope you come back soon, Jess! We will miss you! 365 does take a lot of time - I have been managing to upload a photo a day, but I've been pretty bad about commenting lately...Life does get busy at times, so take a break, do what you need to do, and surprise us with a massive upload in the near future ;-)
November 8th, 2010
I'm going to miss you, Jess! ((( Good luck with your studies! I hope you will come back one day.... This is so sad ((((
November 8th, 2010
Good Luck with everything, jessica.... here's hoping one day you find your way back to us..... we will be here.... Missing your WONDERFUL & CREATIVE contributions....
November 8th, 2010
Well good luck, I hope everything works out, and hopefully you will come back to us, and like most of us here say, post when you can. There are a lot of people that post everyday, kudos to them, I try, but as most of us know, life happens. I post and shoot when I can, and I would like to believe that there are more people like me and that it is perfectly normal and acceptable to post when we can. Hope to see you soon Jess. Good luck with everything and happy holidays.
November 8th, 2010
totally understand, but also am glad we are 'friends' on facebook outside of here so i can keep up with you!
November 10th, 2010
hey guys thank you all so much. I hear what you are saying....about just putting it on the back burner burner but i guess i am just being hard on myself and thinking that is not what i intended to do with the project, so maybe in the future when i come back i will come in with a different mind set that will make it easier for me to be flexible. Thank you again! please feel free to add me on facebook as I would love to continue friendships and keep up with photography that way.
November 11th, 2010
life happens, no worries
I hope you come back soon
November 13th, 2010
go well with your life, 365 should only be a side line and maybe a distraction. still take pix though.
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