Does popular make a good photo?

November 8th, 2010
I think the trouble is many people are confussing Popular for Good.

The Popular Page is not about good photos it is about at best So So photos.

Follow the logic...

If more view equals more popular


A person is just as likely to view an image that is very bad (rubber neckers and all) as one that is very good


A very bad photo is just as likely to be as popular as a very good photo...

The proof for my second assumption lies in the fact that many people like me take bad photos, I get views... ergo bad photos must get looked at...

Also, people who take bad photos and know it are likely after some critic and comments. So they post for people to look at their photos. These self-proclaimed bad photos therefor are looked at by people who want to offer C&C. Ergo bad photos must get looked at...


If a person knew what a good photo was they would take good photos as good photos are mostly about composion and other easy stuff that anyone can do.

Since many people here claim they do not take good photos, they must not know what makes a good photo.

If a person who does not know what a good photo is selects a photo as a 'fav' that would mean it must not be a good photo (see above) (or at very most it is 50/50 as they likely get luck once in a while and actually fav a good one)

I thus propose the more popular your photo the more average it must be as it a 50/50 chance that is it being viewed because it is either good or bad AND there is a 50/50 chance that the person 'fav'ing it knows what a good photo is, thus making it actually good...

Therefore for any photo there is a 25% chance it is good, 50% chance it is average and a 25% chance it is bad.

I thus HUMBLY propose we rename popular page to the "So So Page"

No one will want to be on the "So So Page" thus all debate about the popular page should now be at an end...

November 8th, 2010
lol. Thought long and hard about that one didn't you. Busy day at work?? lmao!
November 8th, 2010
LOL! Excellent analysis!
November 8th, 2010
@nikkers yepp needed break... no didn't think that hard about it... if I did I would scold myself for the faulty logic...

The ironic thing... by posting this... people may be inclined to wonder who I am... therefore going to my pictures... therefore making me more popular... yet however, I am no better photog after this bump than I was before it!
November 8th, 2010
@lynnmwatson thanks... I was worried, some people take this so serious... I didn't want to start a flame war ;)
November 8th, 2010
I'd assume popularity isn't based on views but more on the comment to view ratio - the more comments from fewer views, the more popular it is in essence.
November 8th, 2010
@indiannie_jones with the majority of the comments here being of the "Great Photo" variety... it is the same thing I say to an ugly kid when the parents ask just how cute he is...

"Look how cute J is.."
"Yepp she looks like a 'Great Kid', 'quite the kid you good there', 'she looks super'"
"J is a Boy.."
"Oh... yeah clearly that pink jumper is blue, must be the white balance on my glasses, my bad!!?!"
November 8th, 2010
@icywarm There are a lot of incredible photographers on here and I think we all know this, regardless of the reasoning behind the populaity of the photos. Fair enough, it is a "comment me and I'll comment you" kinda game but when all is said and done, it's not like people will fav and gush over rubbish.
November 8th, 2010
@indiannie_jones rubbish by who's measure... the best photo I have every seen in my life maybe rubbish to you... I am thinking when the impressionalist started painting... it was rubbish... now it is great work...
November 8th, 2010
@icywarm By their own, of course :) that's why one ought to aim to please only themselves in this project.
November 8th, 2010
lol... :D Pretty funny.
November 8th, 2010
Hahaha, shame on you! That's me "scolding you for the faulty logic." Especially the 2 paragraphs after furthermore. Didn't you say you took bad photos (and knew it)? :D
November 8th, 2010
@indiannie_jones Oh well that makes sense any artist worth his salt is a self-deprecating, narcissistic, genius. Oh wait the narcissism explains the popular page… never mind I retract my original theses.

But I never considered the you-scratch-my-back, part…. That would imply the person who scratches the most backs is the most popular… interesting…
November 8th, 2010
@icywarm Eh, how else do you get people to notice your photos and make the effort of commenting? Hasn't it always been said that this community is all about that?
November 8th, 2010
@indiannie_jones well assuming that the 'classic' method of getting your work noticed (dying) is not always practical. You could write shameless articles about random rants ;)
November 8th, 2010
@icywarm I too have found that helps :P
November 8th, 2010
LOL - i think that the "popular page" is aptly named as popular, I mean definitions for popular do include:
"- adapted to the ordinary intelligence or taste"
"- suited to the means of ordinary people"
November 8th, 2010
@rossco088 sounds like a 'bean counters' answer... just need to quote your source... for all I know you could be making up those sources!

PS as a fellow bean counter I started this debate to avoid needing to look up some sources from the ITA about medical donations!?!

November 8th, 2010
AMEN. Now I'm having a headache! LOL

After this post you will most likely be the top of the So- so page. Great analysis! Ha ha
November 8th, 2010
Hahahahaha!!!!! Okey Dokey! ;-)
November 8th, 2010
@icywarm and everyone else....
Best thread I've ever read on this website. Thanks for the enterainment :-)
November 8th, 2010
oh this is good....hilarious :)
November 8th, 2010
> That would imply the person who scratches the most backs is the most popular… interesting…

This mechanic is certainly evident on here, and I'm not saying that's a negative thing, but it does happen. It's bound to. The more chatty you are the more chatter you'll get on your stuff! Well, depending what you chat about, I guess...

Anyway. Let's complicate things.

Hypothesis: it's a lot harder to create a definition for "bad photo" than it is for "good photo", and/or the possible scope for "bad" is much wider than that for "good", thus your base premise of "A person is just as likely to view an image that is very bad (rubber neckers and all) as one that is very good" contains an inherent flaw.

Ok so firstly - is my own initial axiom correct? Is the definition of "bad photo" broader than "good photo"? Well, I'm going to say it's axiomatic and must be, by the definition of the terms.

Extra reasoning behind axiom: if you assume that the quality/quantity of all photographs taken follows a standard bell distribution curve then at whatever point you define "good" (which I'd stick somewhere about the 80% quality mark, as we're using "good" to mean "on the popular page" (or, trying to determine if that's what it means) and the popular page has only a small number of entries, therefore we want a moderately high percentile in order to reflect this) you clearly have less photos above that mark than below.

Alternate reasoning: If you say that for a photo to be considered "good" it probably should follow at least some of the "rules of composition", then that's clearly narrowing the range of what can be considered "good".

So I think I've shown, moderately well, that there's more bad photos taken than good photos. It's pretty intuitive to think this anyway but it's always good to eat a few logic cookies just to get things sorted.

Going back to your statement, and my emboldening of your "an image that is very bad", I'll hypothesise that no, because there're more bad images around than good ones, the chances of a given bad image getting viewed (out of the set of all bad images) is lower than the chance of a good image being viewed (out of the set of all good images). So even if we take as axiomatic your statement that we're equally as drawn to [the set of] bad images as [the set of] good, and thus that we will look at [the entire set of] good photos as much as [the entire set of] bad ones (which I don't like and I'll get onto critiquing if I can be bothered :p ), any individual good one is still going to get more views than any individual bad one, due to there being less of them for those views to be distributed amongst.

Not to mention, that because the more someone features on the popular page, the more followers they get, the more views they get, and thus the process becomes ever more weighted in favour of "good" photos (or photos taken by folks who predominantly take "good" photos) appearing on Le Page Du Popularité. Worth remembering though, Ross has gone to some lengths to create proportionally representative algorithms that compare your views/comments/favs to how many followers you have, which negates this accelerating bias somewhat (or should).

Ok so that's my (scientifically worded but nonetheless light-heartedly intended) case for why Popular does equal Good :P

Oh and one last thing - "good" may well be subjective, and beauty being in the eye of the beholder and all, but our eyes do have some commonality (hence the "rules of composition"'s existence) so there is an "average level of good-ness" that can be appreciated by a majority of people and derive a pseudo-objective measure of "good".

Also: we should both probably get out more ;)

And: it's nearly 10pm and I haven't taken a photo yet. Balls.
November 8th, 2010
I`m too lazy and tired to read everyones post on this thread,im just gonna shout: BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER! ...this is more of a personal diary through images,and less about who has the bigger....lens!
November 8th, 2010
@spaceman : lol! funniest thing I read.
November 8th, 2010
Hahaha love it!!

I agree with Martin 100%! :o)
November 8th, 2010
all this analysis is hurting my brain.
November 8th, 2010
@eyebrows I actually understood that and I was educated under Thatcher!!! Blimey!!!!! It can't have been all bad then!!

Back onto the popular page though and shouldn't it be renamed the Peter Van Allen page??(Only kidding Peter, your work is great...)
November 8th, 2010
Also, on the part about looking at bad as often as good - because there's more bad than good, when we do spy good we're more likely to click and view due to it being a rarity, and just skim over all the bad, looking at maybe one or two here and there that have a particular "type" of bad that interests the individual, thus again views are weighted overall to the "good" set.

@andycoleborn Three cheers for the iron lady!
November 8th, 2010
@icywarm @eyebrows you guys are both Ace members, what do you think of the suggestions page? It gives unique, personal photo suggestions based on what you and the people you follow like (and a mix of a few other things). it's more likely to throw up "lesser known" photos (providing you follow a mixture of people) but at the same time it's more likely to get false positives as it tries to be on the cutting edge and take more chances (similar to the New Faces page)

In relative terms the Suggestions page gets extremely few views compared to the popular page (even when adjusted for number of ace members vs basic members), I think the name of the page has a lot to do with the reason the "Popular" page is so hyped up and argued over.
November 8th, 2010
@eyebrows Are you assuming most views come from the photos you follow or from browsing? As if the later is true... more bad photos would mean greater chance of view bad photos... however... if you only follow those who have in the past produced good photos I would agree with you...
November 8th, 2010
@Scrivna I enjoy the suggestion pages... but to me... it should filter out the photos of people I follow... i don't need to see them again... and for that matter it should filter out the photos from the popular page as well as I don't need to see them again...
November 8th, 2010
What an interesting post - and you are correct in that I will go and have a browse of your photos now. @icywarm @Scrivna I totally agree with filtering out those you already follow on the suggestions page
November 9th, 2010
I think too we have to remember that the popular photos are picked by the 'monkeys'. So basically what we have on the popular page are photos that were liked and chosen by a small group of people, 'the monkeys'.

I hope that we all don't get so caught up on being in the top 20, or on the popular page, or whatever the flavor of the week is and just keep on taking pictures. Some will be good, some will be bad, and some will be amazing photos. But they will all be ours and show how we see the world.

This is a great site to showcase our work. Life is too darn short to get all in a tizzy when we can't figure out how a photo was chosen, or why this one or that one didn't make a listing. Breathe... remember why you take photographs! Because it's something you love! Do we need anything more?
November 9th, 2010
@wndswptlady quote: "why you take photographs" You mean there are other reasons?!? ;p Oh wait that's right people get paid too... or are there more reasons to it?
November 9th, 2010
I will revert back to a High School mentality...

How many people did you know that were popular, but in essence, they were jerks? Popularity comes and goes, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm lol why of course people get paid...but why did we all get started taking them? I would wager it's because it's something we all love to do. I don't perceive this site as being one made for us to compete against each other, but to showcase our work and learn from each other. Maybe it's just the way I look at life now after having 2 close calls with death in one year . (2) 95% heart blockages in one year does change your perspective...on everything.
November 9th, 2010
@spaceman I personally hope people have better things to do... like taking photos than read at least the first post in this thread... who ever wrote it has way too much time on his hands...
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm lol love the sense of humor!
November 9th, 2010
November 9th, 2010
@wndswptlady last month my father passed... his battle with cancer lasted 10 days... at that time I was co-publishing a book and I mentioned something simular in my write-up... looking back at his photos it was not lighting nor camera... rather how much fun he and the people around him were having...
November 9th, 2010
@moncooga well i was popular in school... but no one has ever called me beautiful... I don't know about the jerk part... I was too busy being of service to others to ask them if they thought I was a jerk...

and if we use the if you are pop you are jerk does that make Peter a jerk? He has deleted my posts... hum... there is weight to your argument...

November 9th, 2010
@PeterVanAllen I figured if we are going to talk about him... might as well cc him...

Peter you have been called a great photographer and a jerk... how do you plead ;)

PS how is the round the world trip coming? Keep the pics coming... a morning slice of HDR it is... just as good a coffee...
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm Sorry to hear of your father's passing. That is certainly one of life's heartbreaks for sure. My feelings about pictures are they show others how we experience the world. Whether it wins a prize or even recognition, to me, really doesn't matter. Each photo I take has a touch of me in that will last long after I am gone. You saw that in your father's pictures and that is wonderful!
November 9th, 2010
@jo365 thanks for the vote in support... but you do realize this means more work for @Scrivna don't you :)

I guess that is why the faceless corp... I mean young guy with a laptop gets the big bucks!
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm I must have gone to the wrong school. All the popular people are the ones that treated everyone else "below" them rudely.

And Peter's work is phenomenal. Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder in all cases.

The word popular...semantics.
November 9th, 2010
Very funny!!! And confusing really!!!

I personally like checking out the recently posted page and then click on the ones that catch my eye. I have found lots neat photos that way. I do agree with the fact that popular doesn't always mean the best, here and with everything in life. It is kind of like mac and cheese, Kraft is pretty popular, but the best mac and cheese out there, heck no!!
November 9th, 2010
@christinah1979 I was so with you with the 'mac' until you added 'and cheese'... I believe your statement holds true for 'mac's but not 'mac and cheese' I enjoy how they infuse the taste of cardboard into the noodles...
November 9th, 2010
November 9th, 2010
@Scrivna one other thing today the page was giving me my own images... something else I don't think that should be there...
November 9th, 2010
@Scrivna I think the suggestions page is far better thank the popular - swap them over!

(and thanks for a brilliant site!)
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm Wasn't factoring a specific source of views into my stuff, but considering a random sampling. And sure the greater proportion of bad means overall if you look at "a random" photo it is more likely bad than good, but, we're talking about intelligent agents who are going to get bored of seeing bad and jump more readily to good. Also there being so many bad ones, the likelihood of numerous people all happening to look at the same bad one decreases, especially as we consider they're being looked at for potentially personal reasons (such as beauty/eye/beholder, where bad ones don't share the common themes of such (by definition) so won't appeal to majority of people). Like.

@Scrivna I hardly ever actually look at the suggestions page, or even the popular page, actually. I mainly check my home feed and then only every couple weeks or so go off in hunt of new people to check out, if that, so I can't really comment on it.

@wndswptlady "the monkeys" on the popular page refers to the algorithm that figures out what's popular, not some actual people. It's all automated
November 9th, 2010
LOL the best thread ever!
November 9th, 2010
Some one has far far to much time on there hands ;-p
And beauty is in the eye of the beholder and who are we to judge what is good and bad!
November 9th, 2010
Hey, NONE of the photographers choose to be on the Popular Page OR in the Top 20, "just happens!" Insulting them, even tongue-in-cheek, is going to hurt someones feelings! And that "someone" may be one of our 365 kids that were thrilled to make it on the Popular Page for that millisecond--don't be mean.
November 9th, 2010
Oh my. All the fuss for "popular page."
"Good photo" is in the eye of the beholder.
Let's all just be happy when we get on the popular page, and be happy for others when they do.
Simple enough, eh?
November 9th, 2010
@nikkers @clarissajohal and that is why I like you guys!
November 9th, 2010
@clarissajohal I did not mean to insult anyone... a little self-deprecating at times, and I did poke at @PeterVanAllen but he produces good work day-in and day-out and I hope he knows it so can take a little ribbing...

I was actually trying to debate if any system with automation can pick good photos. 365 does it fairly well... BUT healthy debate is still a must or we would feel discounted from the system. At 365 there is a great level of involvement from the users which makes it so special....
November 9th, 2010
@itszaiii Canadian? With the Eh or do other people do that too?
November 9th, 2010
@ukers @itszaiii @faire If nothing else I hope this thread has point a few more people to the suggestion thread... and the popular thread with all this talk about it...
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm Haha, never even been to Canada. :)
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm As a grown-up, I totally get what you're saying! But, like I said, LOTS of kids on 365 and "Popular" when it comes to their photos (in a sea of grown-up photos) is a big deal! My kiddos included (:
November 9th, 2010
@Jordan Anderson the thing is suggestion thresdis only available ace membership's so the popular page is going to be the fav.
November 9th, 2010
@itszaiii google Bob and Doug McKenzie and take off you hoozer, eh
November 9th, 2010
@ukers right... I forgot... my bad... Ross is that a carrot for ACE memberships or are there plans to open it up? Maybe make popular page for ACE memberships? @Scrivna
November 9th, 2010
@FaerieMoon and us grown ups inthe grown up world :-D
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm - Sorry the proper "bean counter" response would be something along the lines of:

As per the definitions of popular include:
"- adapted to the ordinary intelligence or taste"
"- suited to the means of ordinary people"

November 9th, 2010
@rossco088 Date accessed? in case it changed ;) Actual on that note... I am very inpressed with the new standards for citing webpages as per APA(1).

1) Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed, Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2010.

Drat I cannot format the reply properly (too lazy)
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm Just did. Ha, I guess it IS a Canadian thing in the U.S. But, I had to Wikipedia it lol.
I'm Spanish, so I guess that's where it comes from. :)
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm - LOL yeah the profession has come a long way over the last couple years, in terms of embracing technology. I'm out of public practice so I get to avoid citation standards for the most part :)
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm @itszaiii "Eh?" isn't just a Canadianite thing, it's a cool person thing, eh? I do it all the time, but may have picked it up from a cool Kiwi friend of mine - Kiwis do it even more than Canadianites!
November 9th, 2010
@eyebrows Good they can keep it... it sounds a triffle un edumicated to I!
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm Hehehe telemaphone, saxomaphone, edumacated! I am an extremely large fan of putting 'ma' sounds in the middle of words! It makes things much more intemaresting.
November 9th, 2010
@eyebrows I debated in my head if it was 'ma' or 'mi'
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm I think we can safely roll with either. Eithemirer!
November 9th, 2010
November 9th, 2010
@sydneybeier Really what?

1) Someone took the time to write this trash?
2) People are actual replying?
3) Canucks use "Eh"
4) MA and MI are perfectly exctMAble inclusions...

sorry I am a little slow sometimes...
November 9th, 2010
I am such a fan of you right now Jordan Anderson
November 9th, 2010
In an entirely platonic way, you undermastand
November 9th, 2010
@icywarm You need to modify the formula slightly to factor in puppies, children, and new macro lenses.
November 9th, 2010
@becky we will see... on a differnt site we have rules about photos that should not be considered good... no puppies, children, mountains, sunsets, through a car window or macros... because anyone can do that...

I am dreaming of the day I can take a macro of a child holding a puppy during a sunset in the mountains through my car window driving by.... we can all dream!

I would think a photo like that would be #1 on the popular page for at LEAST 4 weeks...

November 9th, 2010
@eyebrows yepp and the fact you are miles away makes the more physical love difficult... and I am married and I love my wife and you are not my wife... but yepp thanks...
November 9th, 2010
Are you sure I'm not your wife? ¬_¬

In other news: what's this other site with the rules?! Sounds curimious
November 9th, 2010
@eyebrows Touché you could be my wife...

the other site is:

but we talk about it at
November 9th, 2010
and to be fair we think the standards there a slipping fast...
November 9th, 2010
And in the interest of full disclosure... this is what I consider to be good photos... some great... but at least good... I have none there... been meaning to submit some though just need to take a good photo first...
November 9th, 2010
Just flicked through the Recently Added. Kinda glad I don't rock a Pentax so I can't even take part, those are pretty good. There's a few people on here who can smash stuff out that well, mind.
November 9th, 2010
@eyebrows I know there are some on here that take great photos too. they are on the popular page...
November 9th, 2010
November 9th, 2010
LOL! do you have too much time on your hands?!!
November 9th, 2010
@carolbloomfield I always make time for faulty logic and circular arguments… (For you linguistic fans yes that was a set and item joke!)
November 9th, 2010
@clarissajohal well said
November 9th, 2010

For those playing at home this is what she said... it was way up there and tough to find! I moved it down here as I want to point it out to Ross

Quote :

"Hey, NONE of the photographers choose to be on the Popular Page OR in the Top 20, "just happens!" Insulting them, even tongue-in-cheek, is going to hurt someones feelings! And that "someone" may be one of our 365 kids that were thrilled to make it on the Popular Page for that millisecond--don't be mean.

As a grown-up, I totally get what you're saying! But, like I said, LOTS of kids on 365 and "Popular" when it comes to their photos (in a sea of grown-up photos) is a big deal! My kiddos included (: "
November 9th, 2010
@Scrivna I offer the above to highlight what I mean in my other thread...

If it was

[photo] FaerieMoon (clarissajohal ) embeded with link... it would be easier to follow... imho
November 9th, 2010
@eyebrows re: the monkeys..... Well, well, you learn something new eery day!
November 10th, 2010
Yea, what he said.
November 10th, 2010
@icywarm @eyebrows Haha, nice work guys. Am having a right giggle.
November 10th, 2010
@debmayne Mission accomplished! :D
November 10th, 2010
@icywarm "at best So So photos" - ouch! you burn baby, I was chuffed to be on the PP - but I see this site for what it is and try to stay focused on why I'm doing this ...

reread your whole post and got so lost that I'll just say I've seen some pretty ordinary and really not good pix on the pp (mine excluded of course) ...

also rofl at it - you've done this to get more ppl looking at your pix to get more on the pp! I know reverse psychology, use it every day. lol
November 10th, 2010
@icywarm p.s. not going to ur page out of protest! lol again.

but totally agree re the flaming with you and Annie - rubbish my one's own measure ... AND you got a rise from Ross - now that's funnie ... he say's he hangs around the discussion board but he's always busy being a monkey to have time to comment. this is such a fun thread!
November 10th, 2010
@andycoleborn bloody funnie! before the other 'popular' people left it was a competiton with him and them ... ever checked out the weeks top pick ... why do I bother? Hey got any of Byran's books out yet?
November 10th, 2010
@misschuff I will admit I don't know if you have been on the pp, I looked at your stuff, you should be... looks good...

thanks for the new word "chuffed" is it ch like church or ch like more like sh?

as for not going to my page... that is fine... it is mostly rubbish... nothing worth seeing... mostly just snap shots... or I post photos with things wrong with them where I learn lessons...
November 10th, 2010
It's chuff, like a steam train.You should be chuffed to bits with this thread.
November 10th, 2010
@tolpol thanks... it is an English word, Ausie?
November 10th, 2010
@icywarm I'm Scottish and I use it.
November 10th, 2010
@Scrivna - I think an RFQ on Quantitative analysis of "good photos" is in line. How man pixels makes a good photo? What colour value must they have, and in what proportion?
November 10th, 2010
@icywarm still NOT going there ... (yet) lol
November 10th, 2010
@icywarm chuffed - I think I picked it up whilst living in the UK ...

and ouch, burn ... my pics are [bad] 'great' enough for the pp ... lmao again.
November 10th, 2010
Bahahahaha! Loved it! Too Funny!
November 11th, 2010
wow I think you're over thinking this, but I know what you mean
I'm not impressed all the time by what is on the popular page, but nevertheless there are plenty of very talented photographers on the site
November 11th, 2010
@misschuff it is in the middle of a remodel but there are rubbish photos there... and no votes for pp!
November 11th, 2010
@icywarm you're a shite stirrer .... love it! OK, I'll go there!!!!!
November 11th, 2010
I am worried - my favourite subject to photograph is dogs, does this mean I'll never be able to take a good photo since puppies are an automatic disqualification if you're aiming for a good photo?!

November 11th, 2010
To me a popular photo is something that stands out and has a story or theme.
November 11th, 2010
@novablue do dogs are great... ie "Dogs Playing Poker", "Dogs Play Pool", etc... it is just. puppies! And hey it is not my definition... just one I have been told... personally I love dog photos... they are great pulling a sled, playing catch...
November 11th, 2010
I only take pics that I think monkeys will like. If some of you humans like them, too, well then that's okay with me!
November 11th, 2010
lol I like your stance Jeremy!
November 11th, 2010
I personally have been on the popular page 3 times to be honest those are my favorite photos of mine not because of the popular page but because I actually felt they are some of my best. I also don't comment a whole lot I am a very busy college student
November 13th, 2010
@jeremy480 I'm with you ... but the monkeys don't like me ... cause I don't do puppies, kittens, very few sunrises, beach, sunsets, NO snow - as we're coming into summer .... and well maybe the monkey's know I'm not big on animals so it's payback? Still I strive with my soul and give 365 a pic that means something to me on that day ... why can't the monkeys change to like my stuff? lol
November 13th, 2010
Honestly, I haven't given this alot of thought. And I couldnt tell you how often I've made the popular page. Do I care? No. I don't have time to look most days and really I'm just proud that I've managed to keep up with my project (72%, woohoo!).

The fact that I run a lucrative photography business is assurance enough for me that I am considered "good" in my profession. I don't know how many professional photographers are doing this project. But I will say, those of us who do this as a profession probably don't have as much time to put the thought into creative compositions and editing when it comes time to do the daily 365 - I'm usually too busy editing for my clients, and when I have a minute at the end of the day to do my 365, I'm likely not able to put alot of thought or time into it.

I wish it were different. I see some amazing pictures on the popular page. Yeah, some I feel are just weird and are not "good" but then again Ross doesn't call it "the Outstanding page" , he calls it the "popular" page. He's telling you flat out it's a popularity contest, lol. It's not like the PPA is judging the work. If they were, most of those images would be laughed at.
And I don't mean that in a mean way or anything but it's just the truth.

I suspect (and this is just my own guess) that alot of the people doing this project, and the ones who really put thought into their images and have the time for it, are hobbyists? Maybe they have other jobs and when they come home they want to get creative and have the time and energy. Honestly, after a tough session, I don;t really want to see my camera for a while. It's like working as a chef and then having to come home and cook dinner for the whole family, and all you feel like doing is putting something in the microwave, lol.

Ok hope no one is mad at me for saying this and maybe I'm sooooo far off base. Really I have seen some amazing work though on the Popular page so it's a mix. Some is good and some is not. But I really do enjoy the ones that are chosen as the Top 10 or whatever it's called each week. I think those are exceptional and not chosen just beacuse the person is "popular" or has a certain number of hits. JMHO!
November 13th, 2010
is this a popular discussion or a So So discussion?
November 13th, 2010
@jeremy480 If I like your photos, that means I'm a monkey too? I definitely like your photos, so .... LOL
November 13th, 2010
@lreiney Nice! but this train wreck of a conversation is so far from so-so it is in the realm of just bad!
November 13th, 2010
@bugik haha! I love yours too, you monkey! :)
November 13th, 2010
@dayna Ah the old the cobbler's kids go with out shoes argument!

Well said...

November 13th, 2010
@icywarm @eyebrows if i wasn't following you guys already i would be, after reading this discussion...... too funny!
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