Will they let you take a camera on a plane these days?

November 9th, 2010
I have to go to Denver on Wednesday to go testify about a crime that I witnessed over 10 years ago. I leave early in the morning and come home late. I haven't been on a plane in like 14 years or more and the world is a different place since then and I know there are all sorts of different rules and regulations and it seems almost impossible to know everything about flying. So I am wondering if they will allow me to carry my camera in my little day bag onto the plane?
November 9th, 2010
Yes . I even took my digital slr as well as two lenses and a flash in my huge camera bag onto the plane. I believe they counted that as a carry on. My tripod i packed in my suitcase just for safety though.
November 9th, 2010
yes... you can take it if they are allowing carry-on... around christmas last year you could take nothing and I mean nothing on board... but that is be relaxed this past few months...
November 9th, 2010
I've never had any problems with any electronics. I travel back and forth from WI to PA all the time and usally carry on everything because the bag fees are so ridiculous.
November 9th, 2010
Yes, and you can even use it when they allow electronics. I took a couple pics out the window for my nephew when I flew in September.
November 9th, 2010
I've never had issues... and I've lugged a TON of camera gear in carry ons over the past 4 years. Only thing I've noticed that if you have a lot of gear, they will swab it for explosives. Never had an issue when only traveling with 2-3 cameras, though. You send it through the xray scanner just like anything else. And if you're a pain in the ass like me and shoot film, you make a poor TSA agent hand check all your film, LOL

I'm a bad girl, I use my cameras even when they say all electronics need to be turned off *shrug* Never had a flight attendant say anything. Gotten a lot of awesome photos from planes! I've also used my Holga from the plane, gotten some cool shots that way (and of course those are allowed... it's film, there's no "on off" switch on a Holga)
November 9th, 2010
@hopeless @icywarm @katiezrobb @rlowen @hmgphotos

Great!!! Thanks for answering this for me. We usually drive everywhere we go because with a family as big as ours it is way cheaper so I don't know what they allow and what they don't allow. I was for sure hoping for some "out of the window" shots and I am going to a different town, a big city I might add, I can't NOT take pictures...lol. And I want to show the kids my day. Taking pictures will more then likely be my bright spot for the day.
November 9th, 2010
You can, but some airports have strict rules about using a camera inside them. Like I know our harbours here don't allow cameras for whatever reason. You can pretty much take anything in your hand luggage that isn't harmful / can't be used as a weapon.
November 9th, 2010
Even in the strictest of security times I have never had problems with carrying my camera onboard. I have been asked before to take it out and turn it on, so make sure your battery is charged. I would also do as others have and (if you take it) pack your tripod in your checked luggage. They will probably not allow you to carry it on.
November 9th, 2010
it is STILL doable.... have not ruled them DANGEROUS yet... LOL!!! I take my DIGI came with me on baord all the time.... love taking photos of the planes and the crew - each and everytime.... :))
November 9th, 2010
So far, I didn't have problems.
Ditto with the rest.. you can, counted as your carry- on.
November 9th, 2010
I take my photo gear along with race radios, chargers, etc. all the time in my camera bag. About twice a summer I get pulled aside for a hands on check of my bag, but it used to be almost every trip. I normally take pictures from the plane if I have a window seat. This last summer, for the first time, I had a crew member say I had to put away the camera on takeoff. A bunch of bull, but I did not want to be taken off the plane, so I put it down until she was gone. Now out of habit, I keep my camera hidden while they do the pre-takeoff walk through. With a window seat you can get some amazing cloud, sunset, sunrise and just cool shots.
November 9th, 2010
Also, if you are like me, my camera bag is full of stuff. It is a backpack type of bag and I always have lens cleaners, suntan lotion, etc. I also carry a pocket knife and a Leatherman utility tool in my bag. One time I forgot to take them out before a flight and I was caught. Luckily I had time to run them back to the car before the flight since I did not want to lose them. Check your bag for liquids, knifes and suntan lotion. I have lost a few tubes of suntan lotion that were larger than the required size over the years.
November 9th, 2010
@indiannie_jones I am sure someone out there could figure out a way that a camera is a weapon. Dang crazies!!! One of them better not get on my plane. I am so use to being the only crazy around, it wouldn't be fair....lol..jk.

@kmackenzie Batteries are charging right now!! I won't be bringing a tripod so I don't have to worry about that but thanks for the suggestion. I will remember that for if and when I ever have to bring one.

@rudit IAnd hopefully they never rule it as dangerous!!

@markbuehl With my kind of luck, I will have a flight crew like that...lol I am bringing my little point and shoot and I don't really have a bag for it and I don't normally carry sun lotion with me either. I hardly ever get sunburned so I never think of sun lotion even though I probably should and I don't carry knifes (or any other "weapon") either. But that does remind me to go through my purse today to make sure I don't have anything banned in it.
November 9th, 2010
@hmgphotos @markbuehl The reason you need to stow the brick that is your camera is that if there is some turbulance and you lose your grip that camera body and lens becomes a brick as it slams into someones head. I have see how fast a camera can bounce, I was shooting out the door of a little ses and we hit a pocket... without the neck strap I would have donated my camera to science to see how fast it could fall 2000'.

For your own safety, please stow your camera, the airlines MAYBE crazy but there are some good reasons for it...
November 9th, 2010
The one I am taking is a little camera and it will more then likely spend most of the flight in my purse (now that is a real brick..lol).
November 9th, 2010
@christinah1979 oh yes I am sure one day my wife purse will take my head off in the car or on a plane
November 10th, 2010
@icywarm I've NEVER been told to stow it, just been told that its an electronic device that through magic voodoo will somehow bring down a plane. Plenty of people have other objects out during takeoff that can also do what you're suggesting... like infants on their laps, LOL. With your logic, that means I shouldn't be using my camera at all during the whole flight... ok, so are laptops, books, etc also "banned" from in flight use using your logic?
November 10th, 2010
@hmgphotos the OH&S person in me wants to say yes... just like standing on a chair to reach something high... it is not much of a risk... and personally I will be flying with a 6 month old next summer and I still think I might pay for a seat and strap him in... but I am told he is to be feeding going up and down... so I don't know!?!

as to the electronics with the cockpit and you shooting mostly film is very silly... I am talking mostly about:
November 10th, 2010
but I will add yes... for the very few people who die... maybe that book is worth it to you... but man would I feel bad if my camera killed a guy!
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