365 project comments hits google search

November 12th, 2010
when i tried to google my name, i was surprised to see my comments/postings in 365 project all coming out in the open including my report to 'get satisfaction' about not receiving email notifications at the initial stage of my joining this project.! i was wondering if there's a way to filter this so that whatever we write here remains here. if i change my profile name now, i assume the older messages will still come out..any advice??
November 12th, 2010
Just checked my name out too Luster and I did find a comment, Also found out that I had written a book, I am also a multi-instrumentalist and I run a non profit racehorse adoption ranch in Texas. Plus a heap of other things LOL.
But I have changed my profile name anyway
November 12th, 2010
Dammit, journalist Annie Charalambous (also from Cyprus, derp) has managed to steal my thunder on Google :(
November 12th, 2010
I typed in my name and got an actress I've never heard of and then I tried my name with 365 following and found it. I'm not too worried because I don't really share anything overly personal but it does show EVERYTHING. From photos I've uploaded to every photo or thread I've commented on.
November 12th, 2010
Well... I come a long way after "a Canadian film and television actress, most notable for her voice acting work in animated films" and someone in Washington DC who has over five hundred facebook friends! But I'm there with references to some of my 365 pictures...
November 12th, 2010
Well that's funny - on Google I'm a small, rather stuck-in-the-50s island off the coast of southern England ...

Now if I type my real name into Google - there is only one of me in the whole world! Which is why I tend to use pseudoyms on this sort of thing to make it a little harder to know who I really am ....
November 12th, 2010
@islawight Hahahahaha I just caught that
November 12th, 2010
Just my name revealed I'm an American photographer but my name followed by 365 revealed everything I've put onto the project - photos and comments.
November 12th, 2010
@islawight....oohhh now I'm intrigued!! lol
November 12th, 2010
Oh cool - I am a soul/pop/jazz singer from the UK. I did find a reference to the real me though on the Variety Splash site (The Variety Club) as they have included a letter I wrote to them on their web page. Also a couple of other newspaper articles and scout things which is interesting!! My name is shortened here, though I also don't put things I on wouldn't want shared with the world as I already am by posting here.
November 12th, 2010
Vikdaddy brings up loads of stuff about me on flickr, here, etc... it's Google and it's on the web - you can't make it private when you post it online for all to see.
November 12th, 2010
Yeah, I discovered that the 365 comments were on Google a while back, so I changed my username not to include my last name anymore. It does help. So if you're concerned about privacy, I would suggest changing your username to something a bit more anonymous. If I google "Delia" - the most prominent thing that comes up is a store that sells clothes for tweens. Yup, that's me - a tween!!
November 12th, 2010
I found my name on it also..also some pictures when I posted on clouds 365 community. 2 of the 7 pictures are actually interesting I might say. then the site got so busy that I gave up and switch to our project here.
November 12th, 2010
I'm surprised that people are surprised that this is the case!
Everyone knows that the site is public to the world (how did you find the site?) So is it really a shock that google also took a look?

Personally I want my name to show up in Google. I want someone to go, yeah that guy Ross i met, i wonder what he does? then be able to find my work on the net, Google my name and my website comes up #1 that isn't by chance, I've tried hard to get it there.

I understand this isn't what everybody wants, and in todays world people are far more aware of their impact on the world, each and every one of us has a choice to share as much or as little as we like. It's in your hands.
November 12th, 2010
HA! HA! HA! so i am a curious person and i have googled my name before, just for the heck of it and came up with not much of anything.. Apparently adding 365 project afterwards doesn't make me very much more interesting. ROFL!
November 12th, 2010
I'm if glad 365 comes up when my name is googled, I have an unusual surname and I hate it if anyone confuses me with the only other Michelle Sheils in the UK - who lives in the same city and seems to just come up on Poker websites!! :-) !
November 12th, 2010
Wow. When I typed in "Allegresse," all I found was the definition of the word (which I had already seen when I chose my user name). But, when I typed in "Allegresse 365," I got about 15 of my uploads! I didn't see any of my comments though.

Then, I typed in my real name and didn't find anything 365 related, but I did find a "press kit" PDF for the short film I worked on 2 years ago -- was the Production Designer. Ha! Didn't know that was on there! =)
November 12th, 2010
Not to be offensive here, but this isn't my real name. For good reason. I don't know what to tell you about that. That way you have to know my real name to find stuff about me in google. I know I try to not be searchable on the internet but as always it's not 100 percent
November 12th, 2010
hmm...tried this out and saw a few of mine. my display name wasn't my full real name, but have been thinking of changing it for a while, nonetheless. of course my project name is still andiejaye, but display is different! gotta do what you gotta do to throw 'em off! but that is why i do not talk about what city i live in, provide my children's real names or even show all of their faces (save one shot). just things for concerned parents/people to think about.
November 12th, 2010
@andiejaye I agree 100%. My husband is so paranoid about our (future) childrens' safety, that he doesn't even want to post pictures of them on facebook! The world is scary, and the internet pretty much brings the world to your doorstep. You have to keep some things locked up -- for your own safety!
November 16th, 2010
I wish I had known that this was going to searchable. It wasn't when I signed on, and I started to feel freer to post pictures in relative anonymity - with my name fully out there. Is there a way to opt out? @Scrivna

I don't want future employers / relatives / lovers, etc. to judge me or my skills based on the crappy workmanship of some of my daily photos because they don't fully understand the purpose of my project (or think they can choose the purpose for me) or get angry at any opinions I have which don't jive with theirs.

Right now, the only thing I can think to do, since my name is searchable, is to delete this project and start over with a new name, and I would prefer not to do that.
November 16th, 2010
I want a horse :)
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