Digital Photo Frames

November 13th, 2010
As I begin to think of Christmas presents for family members, I am drawn to the idea of loading family photos onto a digital photo frame. Does anyone have experience with brands that work or don't work or tips on how best to approach this idea. Thank you!
November 13th, 2010
@pinktornado39 I recommend shopping for the frame on black friday (Friday after Thanksgiving) or online on Cyber Monday (MOnday after Thanksgiving) - this is when you will get the best deals. Insignia is the brand that I have and that I gave to my family 2 Christmases ago. We both love ours. It comes with a remote and works great, even plays video and music as well. (Not sure what is on the market now, but they are probably even cooler than they were 2 yrs ago) I uploaded a bunch of pictures on to a 2G zip drive (flash drive, jump drive,etc) and it plugs right in. I think it's a great gift for any occasion! :)
November 13th, 2010
I got one for my husband 2 yrs ago and its still in the box, he said it's too small. so if you afford it, I would get something that's fairly big.. Not sue of the brand. and we have them at work too, the kids love to see themselves move from pic to pic. again not sure of the brand , but the ones we have at work have a large screen .
November 13th, 2010
i think there are also more than one kind--meaning there are some that you can insert a memory card to display them (and leave it), and some that you can upload the photos to (without keeping the card in the frame). not sure of brands, but i wouldn't want to have my memory card unavailable. you may want to keep that in mind as you compare.
November 13th, 2010
Might want to consider one that is wifi-enabled. I was talking to a friend at work and he got one for his parents. It's setup to fetch photos from a Picassa album daily and he said all his siblings can email photos to the Picassa album. This keeps the photos fresh. Only downside is his parents always expect new photos to appear daily :).
November 13th, 2010
I have a Toshiba one that has USB so I can plug my external harddrive with all my bajillions of pics that didn't make it on to 365 and remember that they actually exist XD
November 13th, 2010
I really like the idea of the wi-fi enabled one, as a gadget lover I will check this out :). I got a digital frame from my colleagues before I moved to Australia and I love it. I would definitely agree that a larger size is better - mine is 25cm diagonally and I wouldn't want to go much smaller. I bought a separate SD card to use in my digital frame and loaded it with my favourite photos. I hope this helps.
November 13th, 2010
@lintbrush Wow, that sounds amazing! What a neat idea/cool invention! Could it be connected to 365 as well or does it only work with certain online albums?
November 13th, 2010
@christifitz - thanks for the info. it's good to hear you & the fam like it and for letting me know the brand you chose and some of its features.
@nikkers - thanks for the tip about going for a decently sized one. i am showinfg self-restraint here and making no bad jokes. ;-p.
@bcurrie - lol ... i had no idea there were so many options. thanks for telling about that.
@lintbrush - ok, now that is way cool. thanks for the info.
@madmazda86 - thank you for telling me the brand you have and a bit about how you use it.
@suzyf - thanks for the info about your frame and the size recommendation.
November 13th, 2010
ah go for it. the bigger the better I say..
November 14th, 2010
@nikkers - lol ... i'm thinking of a photo tribute to you. i'll let you ponder that ....
November 18th, 2010
I have an AlbumLife photo album which I love to bits. It's a leather covered photo album with a decent battery in it and it will allow you to bring your photos with you and pass them around like you'd do with any regular dead tree (paper) photo album, but it's digital :-)
I have about 2000 photos in albums on it, and it's not even half way full. Importing photos is as easy as connecting it to your computer and drag and drop, or insert an SD and it will copy it all by itself into a fresh album.
Navigation is so easy, even my 85 year old grandmother has no issues browsing photos on it :-) I often visit so she can see the latest 365 photos on it.

Oh, and if you plug in the power, it'll do a very decent job of just being a digital photoframe as well :-)

@lintbrush those connected frames are really awesome as well, I really love how you set one up for your parents to which all of you can email photos! I'll keep that in mind if I ever need to think up of a good present for my parents.
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