feet- wasting time on the computer ;D

November 13th, 2010
So the question posed by Barry titled "question for the girls" got me to thinking how many feet shots are out there on this website I came up with 3136 photos. I wonder how many more feet shots are out there that aren't tagged. =D
November 13th, 2010
More than 3,000?? Are you serious?
November 13th, 2010
Oh wow, 131 pages of feet
November 13th, 2010
hahaha that's awesome.
November 13th, 2010
Lots of foot fetishes! lol. Or... like in my case, not knowing what to photograph that day!
November 13th, 2010
Who photographs their feet?! Seriously...?
November 13th, 2010
@blightygal probably so. =D
November 13th, 2010
oh and btw i meant that i was wasting my time on the computer not the pictures its amazing the things one comes across when one is doing absolutely nothing. =D
November 14th, 2010
lol! guilty as charged! :P
November 14th, 2010
Yep. Just posted my feet. Looks like I'm guilty :)
November 14th, 2010
November 14th, 2010
my hubby has quite the opposite of a foot fetish....so i will *never* be posting pics of my piggies!
November 14th, 2010
just to bug @barrymikhal ... I was at the massive family reunion and I had to stop myself taking a pic of the ugly old feet I was sitting with there were about 20 pairs of old and young, should have seen the horrible gnarly toe nails. @barrymikhal I was thinking of your foot fetish but decided to NOT go down that path!
November 14th, 2010
@manek43509 me. guilty, too. I really didn't know what to shoot that day. :D http://365project.org/wellbride/365/2010-08-13
@misschuff Wish you would have...sounds like a great generational photo, esp. of immigrants. Where those feet have traveled.
November 14th, 2010
suddenly i so want to take a picture of my feet!
November 14th, 2010
I have one (or actually a collage of three) of my feet showcasing my funky socks that I didn't tag feet. So yeah guilty as charged :) wow 3000+ !!
November 14th, 2010
haha...well it would be kind of funny now for me to use my next planned shot of my feet in the hospitals water feature/fountain thingy...I was going to say how nice and simply refreshing it is but with all this chatter I'd be super embarrassed.. lol...
November 14th, 2010

Feet are all over my album for a couple reasons. One, I like to take some pictures of everyday things from the angle I actually see them because it really captures what I see when the camera isn't around. Like the shot i took on the swing, when I swing that is what i see, feet in front of me going up and down. Feet are expressive too. The picture of my family's feet speaks to our personalities, dad in tennis shoes reay for action all the time, Me in prissy fashionable boots, and mom in her warm wool socks being comfy and inviting like she is. The picture of my best friend and my feet is a snapshot of a moment in time that was both painful and magical. I don't like to talk about my deep feelings so while I was telling her all the things I was freaking out about that day I had my head down twisting on the swing set staring at my feet not wanting to meet her kind eyes with my teary ones. I snapped the picture out of nervous energy not having much to do with my hands. When I edited the pictures later I found that picture captured those feelings from that moment with my friend perfectly.

Of course it isn't always that deep, I also love shoes and if I have cute ones on or a great pedicure, there will be pics taken on my feet. They may not get posted because the meaning isn't there behind them but I have them. =)
November 14th, 2010
Well rest assured I won't be posting any photos of my ugly feet lol!
November 14th, 2010
@sj by all means use it. =D
November 15th, 2010
MOGoodness I HAVE done feet! Aaaahhhh I have to take everything back now!



November 15th, 2010
LOL Those are all great feet shots. Love the escalator ones especially.
November 17th, 2010
lol thats funny. I never really noticed that people took so many shots of their feet. Maybe I'm not following people who like to do that (which is funny because I follow nearly 200 people)
November 17th, 2010
I'm not a girl but I just tagged this
November 17th, 2010
I think I have two, but it could be two hundred for all I remember at this point. Lol.

This one I posted yesterday and thought it was about the boots, but now I am wondering if subconsciously it means more than that. ... Hmmmmm...

November 18th, 2010
@rich57 lol actually i wanted to see how many of feet pictures were taken by guys which was why i looked up the tag but going thru all 3000 and some odd photos was a little daunting for my lazy self ;D
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