
November 15th, 2010
Hey there!
16 days ago I started the 365 project, because a group of kids were doing it at my school. They think its to take a self-portrait of yourself everyday, but to me thats not very fun, but i think they add a little bit of emphasis to photos if your in them. Should I continue to do self-portraits? Please take a look at my photos, and let me know if I should! Thanks(:
November 15th, 2010
Here at 365, its up to you how you do the project, the main thing I take from this site is a photographic journal of a year in YOUR life, so if you want to do just self portraits, then do so, but most people do everything and anything. I have done all kinds of shots, from selfies to my son sleeping. And as beautiful as I am I dont thing people want to see my face everyday!!! lol I'm already following you, and you have a great eye, your pepper photo it really good. So enjoy, explore and up load what you want. You can even add photos from years before, the only thing you shouldn't be uploading is photos of other peoples work. Unless they know and you say its not yours....
Most people have a shot here and there , where a friend took the shot, but they still wanted to share it, so they will say that in their discription..
Hope this has helped Aisleen.
November 15th, 2010
You do whatever makes you happy. This is your project, therefore you set the rules. I think it's fun to have a mix of everything. I have a set day for self-portraits (Fridays), but that doesn't mean I don't take any on other days. The project will be the most fun for you if you do it however you want to.
November 15th, 2010
@nikkers Thanks! That actually really helped :D and lol yes you are beautiful!
@kidatheart Thats actually a really good idea...a set place for self portraits(:
November 15th, 2010
Hi :) just to add to what Nikki and Krissy have said, you need to know that a year is kind of a long time to commit to one way of doing things if you're not really happy or sure, so you're likely to reach a point where you get fed up and want to walk away... so don't be too hard on yourself and play it by ear to see what you enjoy and what you'd like to gain from it.
November 15th, 2010
I think that taking just one kind of shots is the "easy way" do this project.
You would be surprise of how it feels to break out of your comfort zone and try adding variety.Personally,I don`t think it`s that exciting/interesting to just look at yourself for a year,but this website has no rules,but to shoot away and upload one each day.
Whatever your decission/choice is,have fun! Just make sure its YOUR choice,and not to impress others!
November 15th, 2010
Well I think everyone has given you good advice, now just continue on and see where this project takes you. I had a quick look at your photos and they are good and they are quite a lot more interesting than some I have seen that do self-portraits each day, you are being creative and have some great editing too. I am going to follow you :D

Personally I take a photo each day off something that is happening in my life or something that reflects a special day that is happening eg. remembrance day, christmas day etc. I am looking forward to looking back on what happened in my year. But the thing that makes 365 interesting is that everyone has their own rules, their own style and a whole heap of different interests which is what makes this project a lot of fun!!
November 15th, 2010
I know the goal of my 365 project IS to take a self-portrait every day.
But that's what I decided on. I felt it would make me a better photographer to know how to set up a shot properly, and to know what my models go through when I take their photo.

But like everyone else has been saying, you don't have to make a commitment to take all self portraits or all landscapes or all bug shots. You do things the way you want to! :)
November 15th, 2010
I like the idea of a 365 project of only self portraits, it is a great document to see how you change throughout an entire year! It's not currently what I'm doing, self-portraits arn't really my thing, however I do a weekly self-portrait every Monday, I call it my "Monday Me"
November 15th, 2010
Welcome Aisleen!

Ditto what everyone has already said. I just want to add; this is the place to grow as a photographer. You have the perfect opportunity to explore all aspects of photography and have people to share that with, in this site. There are weekly themes to give you some focus, ongoing projects that people are working on like getting those selfies in, and many other sources for ideas as you will learn over time. If you allow yourself to be creative and give yourself a chance to develop your creativity I think you will be happy doing this project. There is a lot to learn and a lot people are willing to teach what they know. So, take pictures and just enjoy your time here.
November 16th, 2010
Thank you guys a LOT!!
Being pretty young..and wanting to be photographer is pretty fun :) For a couple days, i think I am going to stick to self-portraits...because its kind of creative to do self a different way everyday :D
For those of you following me...thanks!!!
..and I will start documenting important events in my life...but just being in the 8th grade...nothing interesting really happens...but i will continue photography.
Thank you so much for all your advice!!!
Thanks to:
@dmortega @velasco @sampayne @jo365 @spaceman @indiannie_jones
November 16th, 2010
first of all, you have a very creative eye...and you are gorgeous! i personally love self portraits, but i think i would have a hard time coming up with 365 different ways to take photos of myself. i already have a hard time just taking a photo of anything every single day of the year :) this is a fabulous project to tackle and you will learn SO much just from following other people and studying their work. i have been taking a photography class this semester, but i honestly have learned a LOT more from the people on this site than i have from my class when it comes to perspective and creativity.

good luck!!!!!!
November 16th, 2010
@alisongbradshaw Thank you!!
i like your pictures!!!
November 16th, 2010
Hi Aisleen,

Welcome to 365! Your photos are very nice! I admire people who can do great self portraits. I can't ever seem to get a shot of myself that I'm happy with.

And like everyone said, it's your project so you get to decide. If I could take my own photo I think I would do it on a set day of the week and still take other photos.

Have fun, that's the main thing!
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