Anybody lose motivation when you're toward the end?

November 18th, 2010
I'm nearing the end of my project: T-42 days. And I am losing motivation in a big way. I've enjoyed it very much; I'm not a great photographer, but I've definitely pushed my skills and even took a class. But...I'm starting to look forward to not thinking about what I'm going to take today, and feeling the (slight) stress as the day nears its end and I still haven't taken a picture.

It seems counterintuitive...near the end, gear up for the big push to the finish! But there are days that I think..."oh no...what am I going to take today?" And I find myself thinking of the same 'ol's my life in repetition.

Maybe the last month will bring a second wind. Anyone else feel this way?

November 18th, 2010
I don't know that I lack motivation, more that I feel that I have taken several pictures that I just can't do better than those, so what else is there. I have decided to have fun, rather than trying to get the 'masterpiece" photo.

Its silly picture time.
November 19th, 2010
I feel that way now--and I'm only on Photo #198! All the insects have gone for the fall/winter and I know the fall colours will be hot on their heels. Getting out and about sometimes isn't practical because I have a ton of work to do which means I'm attached to my computer. So yes!
Kudos to you for being so close--hang in there. It's okay "just" to take photos of your day. PinkTornado inspired me the other day--she posted a photo of her messy kitchen. I thought it was brilliant because, 1) she had the courage to do that! and, 2) it marked a moment in her day which I could identify with. It really made me stop and think about how I approach this Project. I'm definitely going to be cutting myself some slack.
November 19th, 2010
All I can say is that I hope you do complete the project and enjoy it too if possible. I'm never sure what I'm doing but I can say I'm always finding new things to try out and whether they're good or bad I suppose it keeps me going. Good luck with your last 7 weeks!
November 19th, 2010
I have been doing a daily gratitude for almost a year. My final post will be this Sunday if I don't miss a day. I have to say that I never felt uninspired. If anything I felt panic because I still have so much I want to post. So, I started writing a few things down that I really want to get into this project. This is something I have not done until this week. Maybe there are some things that you really want to remember in your project. Focus on those as you come to the end. Try writing down what you would like to see years from now. What do you want to remember? And then go out and photograph it.
November 19th, 2010
My problem is not having the time to go out and take pictures. I have a long commute and by the time I get home, it's late and it's dark. I find myself trying to compose everything I see on my way to work but can't pull over. So frustrating! So my 365 project is not a picture of the day for me because it's just not possible so to relieve myself from stressing over it...I take pictures on the weekends or when I find time and post the pictures I like best. I'm looking forward to the holiday season when there's plenty of lights and decorations.
Hang in will be an great accomplishment once you're done.
November 19th, 2010
Thanks, everyone for your feedback and encouragement. @rich57 ...oh, I will definitely finish, I have no doubt. But I guess because the end is so close, that I actually look forward to it. Now... I bet that I'll miss it, too. And I think it will change the way I approach things my first instinct might be to capture the "little things" that my children do that I wouldn't have ordinarily taken photos of.
@dmortega ...did I read that correctly? Your final post will be this Sunday? I'm confused b/c you're at ...231 (?)'re absolutely right on focusing on the things that I want to remember; and that's just how I've approached this whole project. So I think the entire year will be very cool to look back on.
@eileenmabalot That is tricky. Could you also take photos at work or your lunch break? I'm looking forward to the holiday season, too...exactly for the reasons you said. And I'm hoping it snows here...beautiful photo opportunities then. thing I really like is how the seasons have unfolded in photos throughout my year. It's really special!
November 19th, 2010
Hi Christine, I'm 12 days from my final photo and I can definitely relate to you. It was really bad when I hit the one-month-left mark, as I had no motivation - all I could think of was, "I can't wait until I don't have to do this anymore." My husband gave me a reality check and told me there's no point in finishing if I'm not going to do so joyfully - what's the point in me completing my project if I hate it by the end? It's not good enough just to finish something (speaking about life in broad terms here) - we need to finish well. It was the kick in the pants that I needed to rediscover the joys I've had in doing this project and to enjoy the final days rather than resenting them. I will miss this project, but I'll happily enjoy not "having to" upload every day :)
November 19th, 2010
The day we forget the joy of doing it............

I have fought this from early on. I have to remind myself from time to time. I own the joy of picture taking. The burden of doing so has no role.

If I do not enjoy, I dont post.

It allows me alot of freedom.
November 19th, 2010
Yes! Yes! Me! Me! I used to work so hard at finding a great photo to take and post, now that I'm only 44 shots from the end I find myself just throwing any old thing up there...unfortunate, but true. :(
November 19th, 2010
yeah........ me too!!!! lack of creativity too .....
November 19th, 2010
lol, I only just realised yesterday that there's quite a finite number of photos left to take this year. I was a bit shocked, how am I going to complete all the creative things I have in mind with the little time I have during this last 1 1/2 month.

I'm guessing I need to gear up for a 365 project 2.0, for 2011. :-)
November 19th, 2010
*puts hand up*

I've said before, the project is sapping the fun out of photography - I feel I have to take a photo every day of something interesting ... Come Jan 1st I will be picking and choosing when I go out and take photos and uploading infrequently. I want to enjoy looking through a lens once more.
November 19th, 2010
I totally agree. I have been losing A LOT of motivation lately. With winter and it getting dark so quickly and being almost done, I figure some days "eeeeeeh, I'll just quit doing the picture a day thing, I've already shown I can go for over 300 days, so does it matter?" But then I find something and take a picture. It doesn't have to be a great picture, but I know the feeling: kinda falls like you are letting yourself down for not trying harder. I am glad I am not the only one!
November 19th, 2010
I really feel the lack of motivation as well. Primarily because we just moved and I'm so busy. And I really struggle with whether to post just some random picture every day, of crappy quality, or wait until I have time to really take a decent picture. I've tended to opt for the quality over quantity, which is not the point of this site, but feels better for me. I have so few free minutes in my day that I look at photography as a real treat, and love it when I have the time to really focus and take a great picture and then have fun processing it. The project loses interest for me when I'm just taking pictures just to take them. So I hear you!
November 19th, 2010
Well, it's "nice" to know that I'm not the only one. Interesting to hear other people's perspective, too...that it's sapping the fun out of photography. @edpartridge I was thinking a little bit of the same thing...that I'd like to keep a photo journal or something when this is over but not get too caught up in getting the "perfect" shot, b/c I will take many many shots of one thing before I decide on one.
@raymond I was going to suggest to keep right on going until I read that you said that! For me, this project has been about life unfolding and capturing that, so while it's not mutually exclusive from creativity (theoretically!), I can see where just letting creativity flow could be neverending.
@deliag ...I know that feeling...we moved twice during my project...first to a temporary apartment while we looked for a house, then into the new house. There was so much energy that went into those processes...but b/c I was doing it to catch life unfolding, I was okay with getting the "day" a pile of boxes, the moving men, or whatever. I look back on those photos and they are *not good*. But they also remind of this stress I felt at that time. I love your photos...that you see it as a real treat comes across!
@kimbitner 12 days away...WOW!!! I've really enjoyed your photos!! @luxvivens @jennylee well, just want to tell you both that I've LOVED your photos!! So, let's hang in the home stretch!!
And to everyone else...I really am glad to know that I'm not the only one. Your photos are great and if it helps, you're bringing me motivation to the finish.... :-)
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