What can I say...THANKYOU!!! ~ filled with GRATITUDE

November 21st, 2010
Gratitude is a deep word full of more than thanks...it is a sincere indescribable emotion that does not just last a fleeting moment but stays forever within that persons being. I am crying so hard it is so difficult to type..lol...I was so shocked and surprised when I went to upload a few pics to catch up and saw the Dedicated thread for me...how can I thank you enough...I slowly went down the entries and am astounded at the care and compassion offered in every one of them, such a heart touching, unexpected, response to my situation. It has blessed me so much ( I have goosebumps and tears still rolling) and filled me with hope again that there are so many amazing people out there in this world supporting me..I almost feel embarrassed as I'm sure there are others who are going through things just as rough or worse even. However I accept this special dedication with sincere gratitude that will stay with me forever, it has affected me so profoundly already and I can honestly say it's in the top 5 most amazing things that I have ever been blessed with. I hope you all who contributed get to read this message but I will post a pic for it as well tomorrow.

Dorrena ~ wow...you are a very special person to have done this for me and reading through the comments you have blessed not only me but others on 365 too by embracing the community aspect that it has, the friends you make can be oceans apart but forever in your heart through this project and that has just multiplied with your thread...they say God blesses you when you least expect it and need it most and this is certainly spot on in that category...my sincere heartfelt thanks to you and all involved. May you be blessed in return just as you have blessed me :)

Love SJ
Sarah Jane
November 21st, 2010
we love you- and you have blessed us with you strength of spirit! I pray for you and for you family each and everyday- and have learned to be more thankful for the time I spend with my family because of you. That thread is a small way for this community to show you that you are an inspiration to many :)
November 22nd, 2010
@sj I have tears just reading your above letter. I love the photos and words posted for you and it just shows how special you are and how special this project can be in so many different ways xxx
November 22nd, 2010
Sarah, I couldn't figure out how to post a photo on that thread or I would have, but I still continue to pray for you and your family daily. I am so glad this uplifted your spirits.
November 22nd, 2010
November 22nd, 2010
@digitalrn --- Rick. open your picture full size then copy the code in the share box, located under Details. Paste that code. After you hit reply the picture will show up.
November 22nd, 2010
@sj --- Sarah, I hope you continue to see others in your life come forward to help you through this difficult time. I've made lots of "friends" online. Friends I would not have ever gotten to know. Some I've been fortunate enough to meet in real life. Those meetings have made me feel like we've always been friends because of what we already know about each other. You may not ever meet me or any of these people here but do not think for one minute you have no friends here. We are here sharing this little spot. Let this spot be a source of peace and joy for you. ♥
November 22nd, 2010
What can I add to this wonderful outreach to you in words or pictures. Sarah you truly are an inspiration to all of us with your faith, strength, courage and love for your family. I hope this has uplifted you in more ways than one and that it will give you continues strength in the days to come. you are so courageous.
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