365'S First Pajama Party

November 25th, 2010
There have been a number of people bed ridden of late. due to illness,surgery or progression of disease. I propose that we have the first 365 pajama party, so that they can see that we are thinking of them..
If you want to join the party, put on your P.J's and snap away.
You can tag it "p.j-party"
Bring a friend if you want, or a favorite pet, but come on, get comfy and have some fun......

November 25th, 2010
Neat idea. I'll have to snap a pic later on.
November 25th, 2010
I will have a hot coco waiting for you..
November 25th, 2010
Cool idea. Will be interesting to see what appears.
November 25th, 2010
lol. I just want to see you in ya P.J's.. (wink, wink, nudge,nudge)
November 25th, 2010
@nikkers Can not shot what I do not have!!
November 25th, 2010
@farmboy9155 , yeah yeah yeah, you are such a tease!!!!
November 25th, 2010
i don't wear PJs,Nikki..haha:)..no seriously.!!.anyway,are you kinda sick.?.My arms,wrist ,back,neck,shoulder are killing me intensely..too.Went 3 days in a row to my chiro and have also physical therapy yesterday..still..feeling like hell..i will try to find a "sarong." here to wrap myself up so i can join this pj's.Feel better and happy Thanksgiving to u all !!..
November 25th, 2010
lol I thought about that... that A LOT of people dont wear P.J's . oh well, they can still join in.
And as for me being well... I have chronic pain and fatigue, If I over do physical activity on one day.. it will take me 3 days to get over it. This cold weather we have been having up here is very very painful to me, other than just being cold... I was on the sofa today with a heat pack, 2 blankets and hat and gloves, and it felt like I was outside in the snow. Ed and Avery were walking round in short sleeves... lol
By lunch time I felt a bit more human. lol
Aside from that Im fine. I take a wonderful drug that helps me get through the day, just sometimes have some break through days.. and it looks like the cold is the trigger...."
Where does your pain come from.? over doing it or a disease?
November 25th, 2010
Haha, cute idea.
November 25th, 2010
I'm too ugly right now, but I'm with you in spirit! I'm in my bathrobe and my neck is all out of whack.
November 25th, 2010
Nikki,we`re in the 21st century now.We`re not into silly "kid-games"... So let the NUDIST party begin! ...... :D
November 25th, 2010
My fave jammies went into the wash today so I might do it tomorrow lol
November 25th, 2010
@spaceman ,Well the problem with nudity Martin is that this time of year for people over this side of the world is cold and most of us have lost our tans.. and I for one do not want to see pasty white saggy bits... its bad enough that I have to see my own when I shower.... and yes I shower.. once a year whether I NEED to or not!!!! lol
November 25th, 2010
.... I need to learn to shut up :-/ ....
November 25th, 2010
@ssmiley6017 nikki is in chronic pain, so she is allowed to speak on behalf of those who are injured. If it were perfectly healthy person starting this discussion I would see your point.
November 25th, 2010
@ssmiley6017 If we're all mortal and decaying anyway, then why distinguish between the injured and abled-bodied? No one said you couldn't have an opinion. I can have mine too.
November 25th, 2010
this is awesome. I'll even take a pic of my little one in his buzz pjs. He's cuter than me...but I'll still take a pic of me for fun ;) ;)
November 25th, 2010
@moonpig @ssmiley6017 @nikkers I think we all have different ways of showing respect and support. As a person with a disabling neuromuscular disease, one that has stripped me of so much, and given me chronic and often severe pain, I find this "pj party" idea quite sweet and inclusive, and not one bit disrespectful. I've never met nikki, but i adore her, and look forward to her witty, wacky, and sometimes demented posts and comments.
November 25th, 2010
@ssmiley6017 Stephen I am one of those people that at least 3 to 4 times a month I am BED RIDDEN, at times I can barely look after my 5 year old son. He is a sweet boy that has more energy than 3 kids put together, and I CAN BARELY stand to hold his hand while I HAVE to take him to school, I respect your opinion, and I am not offended by what you have spoken, as you may have some one in your life that is worse of than me. This Feb I had back surgery to fuse S/5 - L1. I spent 5 weeks in bed. and now I am seeing Pt twice a week to "fix" my shoulder that is frozen , I can not move my left arm above my head, and they are looking into surgery to sort that out. When I have my "pain days" as we call them here. I can not hold my son. play with him. cook for him. or even listen to his prattle. If I had one even bone of disrespect for any of my fellow 365 in the same condition or worse or even lesser situation than I, I would certainly shrug of your comment, I but I feel that I am in the right position to post this.
If someone is offended, then I say dont read, or post.
Personally I feel my doll series of photos if more offensive then this one..
each to is own I guess.

For over 20 years I have cared for people with special needs. both physically and with ID, and if that has taught me one thing, is that they do not want my pity but my respect.
I would rather be bed ridden every day, with what is wrong with me. Than fully able bodied and not have a clue.
We deal with the hand that we are dealt with.
November 25th, 2010
@moonpig , Thank you Andrea for your support, It means a lot..

November 25th, 2010
@pixelchix , Heather, we all have our troubles don't we.. and thank you for your support. Hope you are doing well...
November 25th, 2010
@spaceman Martin, No need to shut up. If I thought I could get away with it, I would have done a Toga party, lol but seeing I have to be respectful (hard for me believe it or not) I thought p.j's would be the way to go . lmao!!!
November 25th, 2010
I have a day off work on Friday, so I may very well plant myself in bed and partake in some pj goodness. My only concern is that I did a self portrait today...would two days of my head be a bit too much? I could wear a mask perhaps?
November 25th, 2010
@craigdtull I can handle your face two days in a row.... bless you....
November 25th, 2010
But can you handle my pj's?!
November 25th, 2010
@craigdtull , now thats something I didnt think of... lol ok holding breath, tell me when to open my eyes....
November 25th, 2010
@nikkers It's ok, they're quite inoffensive. Just as long as I slip out of the fly :s
November 25th, 2010
@nikkers I think it's a fine idea. BTW I had frozen shoulder last year, which lasted about a year. Could not lift arms either! But it has just miraculously went away, despite PT which only made things worse. They were threatening surgery for me too. I hope you hang in there!
November 25th, 2010
Oooh...that was supposed to say ‘as long as I DON'T slip out of the fly'. My bad.
November 25th, 2010
I think this is a lovely idea and very supportive. Is it wrong for people to show solidarity for chemo patients by shaving their heads also, so the cancer patient doesn't feel so alone in being hairless? Are they poking fun, or being disrespectful? Absolutely not. And I have the right to bring it up because I have been treated for cancer. And I can tell you that when the chemo kept me in bed, or the surgery kept me resting, I would have greatly appreciated this kind of show of support. Bless you Nikki for doing this. I think it is tremendously sweet and thoughful. And it sounds like you oughta know whats needed and helpful. If I can work up my nerve I will join you in your Pj party. :)
November 26th, 2010
@craigdtull lol sure , just a typo I know.. lol (wink , I wont tell)
November 26th, 2010
@justkariherself , Thanks KariLyn. My father died of brain tumors and lung cancer 10 years ago, and my grandfather of skin cancer two years before my dad.. my mother was treated for throat cancer last Christmas, and a good friend in Australia is now on her 4th chemo treatment for Breast cancer... so I support you and am so very glad you are here.

Aside from my "pain days" I also have diabetes and an auto immune disease, which bring about a whole other load of symptoms that have me laid up. So If you put all my troubles together Im a bit of a mess lmao. But I HAVE to keep getting up and going.... life is up and down, good and bad.. happy and sad. And for all the bad days I have, I think they are evened out with all the amazing days I have ... :))
xoxoxxox to all of you on 365..
November 26th, 2010
365's PJ Party 2010 commences...
November 26th, 2010


YOU LADIES ROCK...... and look at those babies you have , and that snoopy cup is way to cool!!!!
Thank you for coming, turn up the music and lets party......xoxoxoxo
November 26th, 2010
@nikkers Woo hoo! And while I loves me some Snoopy, whom I can totally see him now that you mention it, that mug is actually Wonder Woman! (Apparently, I should work on my photo skills!)
Big hugs!
November 26th, 2010
@aikiuser . so I need glasses now!!! great something else is wrong with me. lmao... oh lord love a duck.... Im getting old!! take it easy ladies..
hugs back at ya!
November 26th, 2010
@craigdtull xD

This is less about interpretation and more about intention and I believe that this is a thoughtful idea.
November 26th, 2010
Monkey & me in our PJ's...

November 26th, 2010
@craigdtull ,, Graig .. you and your monkey are wonderful. Thank you for coming.
Oops sorry I dont have any bananas for your friend. would he like a hot rum instead?? lol
Truly wonderful and thank you Graig..
November 26th, 2010
@nikkers you're very welcome! Thanks for the invite :) Monkey doesn't really do fruit...but he'd sure love a bottle of rum and a turn with one of your whores :)
November 26th, 2010
@craigdtull . spewed my drink all over the desk when I read that..... so funny.. I will see what I CAN do for him..
November 26th, 2010
@nikkers oops, sorry! I'll get him to clean it up sharpish!
November 26th, 2010
@craigdtull thats ok why you think I have my slave um er I mean Avery.? He very good at cleaning up after hi,.. hic up!
November 26th, 2010
@nikkers :D he's a good lad. One day he'll earn that ticket out of the basement closet :)
November 26th, 2010
This photo if from Becky In Seattle, her whole family got into the party groove and she even brought some music along. Thanks Becky and welcome. come on in and make yourself at home.

November 26th, 2010
@craigdtull , Well I don't know about that.. I sort of like having a crazy relative in the closet.... lmao !!
November 27th, 2010
I got a great idea! We could all have Scooby-do Waffles for breakfast! Take a gander at my November 10th picture and tell me what you think?
November 28th, 2010
FUn IDea, nikki..... alas, I am not one for jammies.... undies or nothing at all... hahahahahahahaha
November 28th, 2010
ah thats ok, its the thought that counts.. come on in anyway and enjoy a cup of coco , and some cookies.. or hot milk..
November 28th, 2010
Jennifer360 and Happy Ball just walked in the door! Great to see you guys! Love the jammies!
November 28th, 2010
Classic!! Been sick for a week and I am sitting in jammies now, will photograph it, nah!! I am told it is contagious!
November 28th, 2010
@nikkers sorry to hear you suffer so badly ... my PJ's are like the bums on Birdie ... thread bare so wouldn't like to shock the lovelies here ... maybe I can find an old one when in a shop I put on a grannie nightie and slippers .... on a hard drive somewhere. Any way I can get it here without it being a pic for a day?

Cheers all. my private PJ party happening soon ... it's 11pm. nighty night all.
November 28th, 2010
@misschuff . lol You can wear sweats if you want.. a lot of people do... and no it does not have to be photo of the day..... You are more then welcome to come to the party anytime!!!
Look forward to seeing you there... cheers
November 28th, 2010
There is no way Happy Ball is going to miss this party!!!
November 28th, 2010
November 28th, 2010
@jennifer360 , @wamstreet , Happy Ball looks like he is going to jump on Jennifer and have a pillow fight!!!!

Let the features fly!!!!
November 28th, 2010
@wamstreet scooby doo pan cakes it is. !! I will bring some ice cream..
November 29th, 2010
@wamstreet LOL--love this!
November 29th, 2010
@aikiuser Happy Ball sure is a charmer aint he??
November 29th, 2010
Bella is sleeping on my pajama pants. I kind of want them but she is just too comfortable!
November 29th, 2010
@jennalcp Welcome to the party pretty Bella.. Hope you enjoy yourself... there are some bones on the coffee table, and kibble and bits in a bowl somewhere....
Welcome also to Jenna for bringing Bella.. come on in and mingle.. we dont bit here.. although not sure about Happy Ball....
Thanks for coming!!!
November 29th, 2010
What a fun thread!! Not so many photos yet, but reading everyone's comments made me laugh! Great idea, Nikki! I'll see what I'll come up with ;-)
November 30th, 2010
I'm all over this!

November 30th, 2010
@amyhughes . Oh my, you and the love of your life are fantastic... come on in and have some milk and cookies..there are some cars and trains, and coloring books to play with.. and there is Bella the dog and Happy Ball.. enjoy yourselves and thanks for coming....
You guys ROCK!!!!!
November 30th, 2010
It's nearly 12:30pm here and I'm still in my jammies, might try to get one before I get off my bum to get dressed lol
November 30th, 2010
@amz87 ..hehee we had a jammy day yesterday... watched movies and ate our own body weight in chocolate all day... lol was a good day...
November 30th, 2010
Ooh it's does sound like a good day! I love jammy days, I think we all need to have more of them lol. Okie doke, off to try and get a decent photo of myself hehe
November 30th, 2010

While the cats away.

So I went to work today, and when I got home, I took some photos of Avery, when I went to upload them,, I found this picture... I think I can see the camera remote in the camera guys hand....
I may have to start taking these guys to work to stop all these horse play!!!
December 1st, 2010
Not sure what the stupid look on my face is but here's mine. lol
December 1st, 2010
@amz87 Amy, welcome and to your little friends too... lol the look on your face is priceless. You know you have done something very naughty...lol
Come on in.. drinks and nibbles on the side table. Dont let Happy Ball see Elmo. it may be more than he can bare..
Thanks for coming enjoy yourself...
December 1st, 2010
@nikkers Thanks Nikki!! Maybe I did, maybe I didn't!! hehe Happy Ball has major competition, not only is he a big Elmo, he's a big TALKING Elmo!
December 2nd, 2010
Here's to everyone not feeling well ... Rocco and I hope we can give you a chuckle and lighten your heart for just a moment.

December 3rd, 2010
Get the Party Started

So the idea of the pajama party led to the photo of Rocco and me which led to me thinking of Pink's song "Get the Party Started".

Come on, let's get everyone rocking through the hard times. My health is good today, but I had breast cancer and a double mastectomy almost five years ago. I'm here to encourage anyone suffering from anything to hang in there. Life is hard at times, but I'll take the hard times above ground any day over missing out on my son growing up.

The holidays are here, so "Get the Party Started"!

Peace out yo!


December 3rd, 2010
@pinktornado39 . You and Rocco, totally like rock dude... Thanks for coming.. lol, make sure your ash dont melt your mellows...

Lots of us here now.. the sofa is getting full. but I can get some cushions and blankets, to sit on...
Hope Rocco and Bella hit it off.. we my end up with little Bellrocks in a few months..
December 3rd, 2010
@pinktornado39 . Hey Laura..
Thanks for rocking the place.. I love that song.. and I really like Pink...
I have not had cancer, but have other medical problems that keep me down sometimes. and I feel the same way.... if it meant missing out on one day with my son.. then keep me in bed....

We could also party like it's 1999....
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