My yearlong "habit" has now reached the end

December 7th, 2010
The copy from my last post (nothing fancy)

Well, this is the last image I am posting on this project. While my # of photos does not say 365, I did post 365.

My start date was 12/7/09, under the name of "Just Chris". I closed that, and started new in July.

I started this project as a release. I found myself in the beginning stages of a divorce, and being alone in Florida, which I thought was a new beginning for my family. 6 months later in December of 2009, it ended up being a dead end of bad memories.

I survived somehow, and moved back to my home state of Ohio, of which I hadn't resided in since June of 1990. I had 5 months of "lack of employment", which will take me awhile to catch up with financially.

I have met a lovely lady, and she is my strength. When times seem hopeless, and I have felt that the past week for many reasons, I just see her and I feel renewed. She makes me laugh, and makes me happy.

As one of the many people that I have engaged with on this project, now friends to me, one said back in January "things happen for a reason" (Thank you, Colette). Well, I guess they do.

I can't possibly thank everybody, but I must especially thank Loni, Denise, Karen, Carla, Joe, Autumn, Brenda, Warren, KariLyn, Weng, Matt, and Allison. You are all very special to me.

Then there is Louise (my Mommers), Elizabeth (love you, wish I was in Ireland to see you), and Reverand Joel (thank you for always supporting me bro!)

Of course, Ross. You're a kook. That's what Visionaries are. Good idea brother.

There are so many, and I am grateful to have known all of you. If I didn't mention you, it wasn't because you were not important to me. I'm just typing fast and having a beer.

For those that want to keep up with me (trust me, I'm boring!) , you can find me here:



Website (still working on this, it's kinda new)

Today's music (the last one) The End, The Beatles

December 7th, 2010
Congrats on hitting your 365! Your comments always made me smile. We'll miss you here!
December 7th, 2010
"I said it once before, but it bears repeating..."

I'm really going to miss you!
December 7th, 2010
Awwww, you are so sweet and I will definitely be keeping in touch! I am sad to see you go but look forward to watching what happens next for you! Who knows...maybe you will start again under another name at another random date. "Habits" can be hard to break after all! ;)
December 7th, 2010
Congrats on your 365th! I told you I was sentimental, and I'm sitting here shedding a tear and having a sniffle. I will miss your pictures here. Love your last one. It's perfect. I'll catch up with you on facebook and stuff. So glad I met you.
December 7th, 2010
@autumnseden You might be right. It can be an egotistical crack pie, eh>

@justkariherself As I told you, I do not fade away

@melissapike The next time I am in NYC, we are gonna party. Hell, I may even get on a motorcycle!
December 7th, 2010
Suppose you'll come back?
December 7th, 2010
Godspeed Chris. You have had quite a journey this year and we were privileged to accompany you. We'll miss you self-deprecating wit and your sharp eye. Keep taking pictures and we'll look for you on that website you're working on.
December 7th, 2010
Good Luck Chris!
December 7th, 2010
Congrats on 365 pic that documented 365 days for you. Go well in your new life and stay safe.
December 7th, 2010
Well done Chris, i know it has not been easy for you. Hope to see you back here again!
December 7th, 2010
Well done Chris :)
December 7th, 2010
Congrats on making it to the end chris , i enjoyed ur pitures and stories so much. I loved ur passion for ur cats and i think of gabriel often. i Have u on facebook so will see u there from time to time mate. Thanx for showing the real You ..
December 7th, 2010
Congratulations. I hope that everything continues for you in the same positive way it seems to be doing at the moment. And good luck with your next project, whatever it may be. :-)
December 7th, 2010
Congratulations on making the year. I followed you early on with your emotional journey, the ceramics and Gabriel, where we all shed a tear. I'm so pleased life is looking up for you.....may your future hold everything you hope for. Love from the UK x
December 7th, 2010
thanks for the words chris... congrats on finishing the 365 mate! all the best for what this next year holds for you!
December 7th, 2010
Congrats on your project :D
December 7th, 2010
Oh Chris, it's tough to see you conclude the journey and step away from us like this, but I suspect there's change on the horizon for a lot of us. Your story has been so *real*, heartfelt, heart wrenching, caustic, funny, edgy and charming. You've been one of the stars of the show, but a sweet friend to so many of us. Maybe there'll be "a changing of the guard" as we move into a new year...I'll be surprised if the temptation to peek in from time to time doesn't overcome you periodically. Don't be a know where to find me, and I'm happy to be "Mommers" in your book... If you make your way to Chicago one day, maybe... All my best to you, Chris!
December 8th, 2010
"Time it was, and what a time it was..." And then, we just have to go on. We are supposed to. And that's a good thing.

And those were your words that you wrote to me early on in my project...and so it's time for you to go on. Good luck and congratulations....!
December 9th, 2010
Good luck for the future .. nice looking at your pictures
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