Should I stop?

December 10th, 2010
Hey guys...

Uhm..I really do enjoy doing the 365 project...but right now I dont think i have the time to do this anymore.
We're currently in the busy couple of weeks of semester exams and reviewing and there's so much homework. Imagine 60 question packets for 7 classes. AND band recitals, athletics, track practice, babysitting, friends, family and all this is really frustrating.

Should I quit? Or take a pause for a while?

Help :/
December 10th, 2010
dont quit just take a break ... u say u love it and u will miss it if ur not doing it . And i say if ur going to miss it u will come bacak stronger and better then ever. U have so much on right now so this is he best time to take a break.

my thoughts :)
December 10th, 2010
I think you should either do what Brenda said or maybe just upload pictures on Fridays or Saturdays or whenever you don't have much going on! I think I'll have to start doing that.
December 10th, 2010
Am I the only person who never did anything after school? Haha. (apart from homework and anything directly linked to actual schoolwork)

I certainly don't think you should quit, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. As you progress in this project, you expect more from yourself (as is expected; you're learning new things every day) but when all is said and done, you need to be able to say you enjoyed the ride, rather than just having an album of generic photos you took because you had to.
December 10th, 2010
My advice is don't quit!! Take that break, things happen in life but it is something you can come back to when you are ready. No-one here will be horrified if you use some fillers later on in the days you have missed, but it is so nice when people don't make their account disappear. If you happen to take some shots on those days you can fill them in when you do have some time. Plus I have been enjoying your creative photos!!!! Sometimes life can just get a bit busy, especially around this time of year!! Good luck with your school work and have a happy and safe Christmas!!!
December 10th, 2010
What Annie said could not be truer. This is your project and if you need a break, take one. If you feel the need to stop completely, then who are we to make you continue something that you cannot. Your choice, so you choose.
December 10th, 2010
What Ann said x2. No worries
December 10th, 2010
That is a lot of activities--I don't blame you for feeling overwhelmed! Of course, do what feels right to you. I might be in the minority though: thinking the busier you are, what better way of remembering this whirlwind time than taking a pic a day? Just my 2 cents (o:
December 11th, 2010
@aisleenmenezes I just finished my finals so I know how you feel. During exam weeks I don't post pictures. I will go back later and fill the spots in because I don't like empty spots but taking a break while you study for exams and do homework is perfectly acceptable.
December 11th, 2010
I agree with everyone else. Take a break and post only when you can. The photo police won't take you into custody so relax and enjoy your hobby.
December 11th, 2010
@liipgloss @allie912 @kimmistephens @somerandomchick @barrymikhal @dmortega @jo365 @indiannie_jones @kelseyyx23

Thanks guys!!! I'm still going to try to upload. but I will study!! promise :)
Thanks for all the compliments too :D
December 11th, 2010
The amount of "stuff" that kids do after school now is crazy, Im like Annie. got home and sort of did homework and then was a slug... or hung out with friends.. no wonder I didnt graduate.. lol.
But anyway, you cant add more pressure to your already busy life. so like the others have said, take a break with the idea of posting when you can. This time of year you will find a lot of people not having time for this project, some will stop and others will take that break and be back..
SO what ever you decide, I wish you well, I have been enjoying your project, and look forward to your next post. when ever that will be.. :)
December 11th, 2010
@nikkers thanks nikki :)
December 11th, 2010
I had to take a break a few weeks back when my semester got insane. I just took a week off so that I could catch my breath in a sense. Don't quit though, just take as much time as is needed =)
December 11th, 2010
keep doing it. let taking photos be your release from all that stress. ten minutes a day couldn't hurt, even if you just take a photo during one of those things.
December 11th, 2010
@lilyyy thanks :)
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