Feeling bad D:

December 20th, 2010
I am feeling really bad, I really want to upload pictures but it seems that I'm failing. So I thought that I could just upload whenever I feel like it if nobody minds. It would be a lot less stressful for me.
December 20th, 2010
Don`t worry about it,Rowan.Just take it easy.
December 20th, 2010
It's all up to you how you do your project. No stress, we'll be here when you are!
December 20th, 2010
First of all, photography shouldn't be about stress. It should be something you love. So if you're having trouble getting a photo a day don't worry about it and just do what you need to do.

I've just come back to my project after a break for a few months and am finding it hard to get into the rhythm of taking a photo a day again so please do not feel like you are alone in this regard. We all have times where life gets in the way and makes taking photos hard. I'm sure you have some great shots from previous days we haven't seen yet.

Good luck and Happy Holidays :-)
December 21st, 2010
I love all of your responses to Rowan. 365ers are the best! I agree that 365 Project should be enjoyable, and everyone should enjoy it their way, with no stress, and no guilt.
December 21st, 2010
I know that I clicked on your profile picture every day to see if you were back with a picture. no one is rushing you.even if you only get one per week up for us to see and enjoy. this site is not that strict and most of us do our own thing anyway. so please feel free to upload one when ever you feel like and you know that you can back date it to follow the last one in your album. say you have one in there from Dec. 3 and today is Dec. 19 it doesn't matter you just change the date to Dec.4 before hitting to the upload button and it will show up in your album under Dec.4
you might just tell us that it's a filler. no problem
December 21st, 2010
Less stress is a good thing! Especially this time of year. I find that there is often a period of great creativity following those periods of "failure" so hang in there buddy.
December 23rd, 2010
Thank you for all your responses, I really appreciate it. :D
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