Photoshop-ish Program?

December 27th, 2010
Hey, guys!
I was just wondering if anyone had a link/name of some sort of editing program that I could download for free. A Photoshop-type thing? Right now I use Picnik, and I like it, but I want to do more.... I just don't have much spare cash for Photoshop. :/
Any suggestions/links would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
December 28th, 2010
Photoscape is kinda fun and it's free.
December 28th, 2010
Gimp. I think it's EXACTLY what you need. It's basically the equivalent of photoshop, and it's free! You can use it on both Mac and PC. You can download it at
December 28th, 2010
When I get on my laptop I will send you a link to two that I use.. they are great.. pos pro and photfiltre. both free and both really good to use!! lots of photshop like tools ..
December 28th, 2010
Gimp is a free program that I often use. It is often compared to photoshop.
December 28th, 2010
I know a few marketing pros that use Gimp.
December 28th, 2010
Thanks everyone! Right now I'm downloading gimp and I'll try that.
December 28th, 2010
@kelseyyx23 there is a variation of GIMP that is laid out like Photoshop, called GIMPShop. If you're used to the look and feel of PS, I think it will be more to your liking, as GIMP can be confusing in its layout sometimes. :D you can download it from
December 28th, 2010

Phototscape is pretty awesome,but still simple. I love the cinematic effects you can add with it, you know,to make a photo look vintage or different.
Look up PHOTOSCAPE,its freeeeeeeeeee.
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