Stealing Images to Make your 365

December 31st, 2010
Hey all.... Just wondering what everyone's take on this is. I've found the 2nd member in a month that has images taken from other sites and tried to pass them off as her own. She is a teen. I included Ross in a thread to make him aware... But is that the right thing?? Struggling with this... Not want to be seen as a bully. Just want to help maintain the integrity of the site!

December 31st, 2010
Oh wow. That is just all kinds of wrong. I'm glad you let Ross know.
Is it possible that image on another site belongs to the 365 member?
December 31st, 2010
@jjsooner no...i try to give people the benefit of the doubt. but when different shots have such various types/styles of names, different extension, taken with different cameras, then i get suspicious. the shots are from all over flickr, deviantart, photoshop, stock image sites.... not trying to be the big bad wolf and "go after"'s just i think that we all have a duty to help maintain the integrity of the site.
December 31st, 2010
Just name and shame for a laugh, there's no reason to be coy about it. Stick a link up in this thread, perhaps, it can become the central hub for any photo stealing activity...
December 31st, 2010
I still like to give people the benefit of the doubt...I mean, just because I posted photos from my 365 on here, tumblr, flickr, deviantart and livejournal...

If it's really not theirs's just the sad news bears
December 31st, 2010
yeah letting Ross know is a definate must to maintain the integrity here! I for one would not continue to use this site if I didn't feel like the moderater was weeding photo thiefs out. This issue has come up a few times since I have been here, and Ross has handled things very quickly. I don't think it is bullying- I think it is simply trying to maintain the site for those of us who enjoy what is being done here. The issue of posting the profile for a public spanking is a totally different one- the curious side of me wants to know, but as long as I know that the person's profile will be eliminated I don't NEED to know. Have you tried running some of the photos through tineye?
December 31st, 2010
Totally wrong of them but not of you to point it out. It's been done before and thankfully when Ross finds out he removes them. Obviously he can't patrol every page 24/7 so it's up to us to help him out if we see something like this!
December 31st, 2010
@eyebrows I agree, name and shame. They need to be told. It's not like they're stupid enough not to know.
December 31st, 2010
It is theft and shouldn't be just condoned. I don't think it is wrong or bullying to point it out if you are sure it isn't their photo. Teens need to be held accountable. They are old enough to know better.
December 31st, 2010
Personally i think photo stealing is soo wrong! takin credit for others work is not right and shouldnt be on this site. And im pretty sure thats illegal. So i dont think your a bullie for pointing this out.
December 31st, 2010
I just think its stupid to steal someone's photo... someone is going to find out sooner or later :/ I totally agree with Jennifer ( @wellbride ) they need to be held accountable... it's not bullying.. just doing the right thing..

I recently.. (like 5 min ago..) saw a person on here steal....i guess.... someone else's shot.. i was going to tell him... but someone already did.... but again... its just stupid :/
December 31st, 2010
it'd only be acceptable if the purpose of their project was to post and share other people's work, giving due credit... but that doesn't seem to be the case!
December 31st, 2010
I feel like that is really wrong. I know I had used a photo in a collage that wasn't mine, but I backed it up with the right credit. I had two photos in the collage, the first was mine and the second was someone elses, but I ALWAYS credit people where it's needed.
I'm glad though that you bring this up, because it's something that should be addressed, and something that you should bring to Ross's attention.
Thank you.
December 31st, 2010
andie i too have suspected, well i guess you've seen it, but i have wondered about it myself a few weeks ago.

although, not that i'm stealing or anything, but when a photo of mine gets onto the popular page, i do take a screen shot and post on my facebook, just because its quite exciting to me to get onto the pop page, and i'm not passing anything off as mine .... BUT i have wondered if this is alright, now maybe i should/could find out :-/
ps i always screen shot when MY pic is large and all the other ones are small haha, so you can't really see anything anyways ... but now i'm kinda worried etc :(
December 31st, 2010
also, i'm so freekin honest about my photos, i even own up when i'm not the photographer, ie when bf or daughter has taken the pic etc lol, but its still my camera hehe ;)
December 31st, 2010
@taidster - I certainly wouldn't be worried about what you are doing Tadii - you aren't trying to pass others work off as your own.
December 31st, 2010
I have such a hard time understanding the motive for doing this. I have taken crappy shots, and this community is still supportive, and when people feel like giving up, everyone cheers them on to keep going. There just isn't a need to be stealing someone elses photos. We all take a lot of time and thought to comment on peoples pictures, and I would like to think that I'm commenting on their actual work. It's just very disappointing. This is a great place to learn. I'm amazed at what some of the more experienced photographers are willing to share. It's too bad that this person doesn't understand that.
December 31st, 2010
@eholle no. one of the shots she posted actually had someone else's watermark on it.

@rebcastillo77 yeah. i did four of them. that's how i verified my suspicions....
December 31st, 2010
@taidster no reason to worry from the sounds of it. am wondering if you saw the same one i saw....
December 31st, 2010
@eyebrows @vikdaddy They're kids though. No adult wants to humiliate a child. With that said, I don't think it's okay to pass off someone else's work as your own. Ever.

I pointed one out to Martin today too, actually. Perhaps I'm missing something - but an image showed up on the Latest page and it was OBVIOUSLY his from a few days back.
December 31st, 2010
@indiannie_jones If humiliation is what it takes to get them to learn, it's a fair cop (in this precise circumstance, not (necessarily) in general)
December 31st, 2010
I think you should let us know whom the culprits are so we can tell her/him/they/ or those just what we think. The only other thing on this site that bothers me is the occasional vulgarity. If I saw it more often I would have to say farewell.
Afterall, there are some younger people involved here as well. All in all it is a great sight. @indiannie_jones it is not about humilitating a child or anyone else, it is about letting the ones doing it know it shouldn't be done. I think the best thing Ross could do is delete their account when found out.
December 31st, 2010
@rrt It may not be our intention, but they're young and they're vulnerable; they could interpret it as people ganging up on them.

@eyebrows Hmm. I dunno.
December 31st, 2010
@indiannie_jones And then maybe they'll leave the internet for a bit, and everyone's better off. We're not talking some 8 year old kid that doesn't know the difference between internet and TV, in this case, it's someone who knows what they're doing. Disclosure's a non-issue.

Also aren't you GMT+abit? Heppy Naw Yaer!
December 31st, 2010
@eyebrows 1:30am here :)

Happy New Year, princess ^_^

And I should go to bed... I've aged.
{sigh} we're not twenty anymore, princess
December 31st, 2010
@indiannie_jones Some of us are a lot less twenty than others ._.
December 31st, 2010
@eyebrows Hahaha, dawwww :3
January 1st, 2011
I think the point of bringing their profile to everyone's attention really becomes a moot point once Ross gets wind of the situation since he deleates the offending accounts as soon as he verifies the offense is valid. As far as bullying a teenager- they should be so lucky that all they get is a stern tongue lashing from someone on this site and not a legal issue for copyright infringment, as it sounds like some of the offending pictures came from other sites.
January 1st, 2011
@indiannie_jones ---- kids or not, they should know that stealing or copying someone elses work is wrong. If not, now is the time to learn that lesson.
January 1st, 2011
it's a lot more serious than it just being a shame and a lesson someone needs to learn. It is illegal.

Here's a link for everyone interested:
January 1st, 2011
@amyhughes --- Yes, you are absolutely right. It is illegal!
January 1st, 2011
not sure if i saw the same thing as you andie, but there were specifically two pics i saw that, to me, just didn't seem possible or correct etc etc from the person and/or their equipment ... i did email ross about it, but immediately felt like a whinger and wished i hadn't done it lol.

at least the huge majority of us can feel good within ourselves knowing that we're not cheaters hey :)) however i do understand for the pro's on here it is a bit of a worry, although i've seen one comment that he doesn't post his "money" shots on here etc, seems sensible ;))
January 1st, 2011
@taidster - nope that doesn't make you a whinger. Either these individuals know what they're doing, in which case they should be reported, or they don't, in which case they need to be told.

Frankly, I can't see how anyone over the age of six could fail to know. But that's just me.
January 1st, 2011
i've struggled for hours on whether or not to post this girl's link or not. she is NOT the one that stole martin's pic and displayed it as her own...she's yet another one. am hoping that a public outing will shame her enough from doing this again. what made me suspicious was the quality of some of her shots in comparison to others. the style was totally off. most of has have our own general "style" that encompasses all of our photos. then i noticed they'd been taken with several different types of camera and had different types of extensions. i checked out all of the following shots with tineye and found them all from other blogs, deviantart, flickr, tumbler, etc. found on several sites. in the comments she actually states "It took almost 15 shots to get it perfect!" from deviantart and others

this one statesd that she took it with a telescope and her computer... date stamp 2007...haha... found on another site.

i could keep going but i won' hoping Ross will see this soon and delete her account. if you feel the need to comment to her, please remember she's a teen. i do feel sad that she has such a strong need for approval and acceptance that she'd resort to theft....

@eyebrows though i don't want everyone to light the torch and grab a pitchfork, i do think that a little chastising is rightfully in order. though i don't claim liability for anything that happens....

@petersonsheri isn't it shameful?? and she's still posting. (made myself a follower so i can track her... sound like a silly one, but oh well...)

@dmortega i agree...there's a lesson in everything...

@Scrinva hoping you can take care of this....thanks for all you do for us!
January 1st, 2011
Wow. That's just incredible. I do think in some cases, if not all, someone has to have some serious "issues" to do something like steal others photos for attention. Sad really. I hope she learns her lesson.
January 1st, 2011
@dmortega I totally agree! I just think nasty words said directly to her should be avoided, not that it seems to have happened but it could.
January 1st, 2011
Just wondering, what does being a teenager have to do with anything? Stealing pictures is still wrong no matter how old she is, and being a teen shouldn't excuse her action (or make sense of that action, as I'm sensing that vibe from some of these posts). I'm probably around the same age as that girl, so I feel a bit uncomfortable that adolescence is being associated with thievery. I assure you that not all teenagers are that naive.

Personally, I don't think exposing her in the discussions is a good idea. Reporting her is fine since getting caught will teach her a lesson and give her the proper consequences when her account gets deleted. But being publicly shamed would just be humiliating when already she seems very insecure, and will probably be embarrassed enough.

Just giving a teen's perspective. It's nice to see a site with a community so determined to maintain its integrity, though.
January 1st, 2011
Interesting. Whilst I think it's wrong to nick someone's photo regardless of what you want to use it for, it's kind of a completely pointless exericise for a Project 365 which is meant to be about recording your own life for a year as a photo journal. Still, each to their own.

I've haven't checked lately, but does this site have some Terms & Conditions? That's usually a good blanket way of dealing with situations like this as people can be booted off for breaching them.

Another system, which is more cumbersome, would be an extra page at the upload stage to confirm that you own the photograph. I think Facebook does this.

And putting an age limit (say no-one under 16) can help too. But that's usually if the problem reaches epidemic levels.
January 1st, 2011
I am not a fan of finding out that someone is claiming credit for someone elses work. Give credit where credit is due! Something should be done to be sure that does not happen in the future. Not sure what can be done though.
January 1st, 2011
@cindyisboring no offense to you or any of the other wonderful teenagers that help to give this project a young perspective. when I say "these teens" i'm more referring to the 3 latest that have used stolen images in their projects. i could have just as well stated "these girls"....wasn't calling out all the teens on here... am big fans of 2 very talented ones: lauren dahlhauser and kelly webster
January 1st, 2011
@electricwriter am hoping that Ross ( @Scrivna ) will take care of this soon... her new post today.. also stolen from ugh..
January 1st, 2011
Wow, I am so glad that this has been pointed out. I have also seen a few of this girls photos prior and thought "no way!"

The moon photo though was the one who made me doubt her the most.

I hope Ross deletes this girls account
January 1st, 2011
@andiejaye how did you find out this picture was taken from
January 1st, 2011
Having been in I.T. work for 24 years I've seen more than my share of copyright violations, both U.S., and International. A typical policy would be to let the person in apparent violation know it appears they have violated usage and distribution clauses of the copyright law in our countries and corrective action is required. Also, a pleasantly worded note that they can be held criminally liable for reusing images without permission, so if they have any questions about avoiding violations in the future please feel free to ask. There are so many, both adults and children, that are still feeling if it can be downloaded or captured on the internet they can do what they want with it and for whatever reason don't recognize it as theft.
Many image producters are microencoding their photos so that the copyright doesn't show up except under magnification. A micro-watermark and properties coding could help if you wish to trace your own images.
January 1st, 2011
I am coming late to this discussion. I just looked at all of the photos and most of them are just normal every day teen life. But there are some obvious exceptions, especially the one made in 2007. Perhaps she could be warned about the ethics and danger of stealing other's photos. She knows it is wrong and needs to be corrected. Maybe she will learn from these (I won't say mistakes) errors.
January 1st, 2011

Seems like Miranda Bolick's surname is suitable, as some of 'her' photos are bollocks! She does say in her profile that she is "not a normal person" and that she has "flaws"... well, stealing photos is one of them! @superiorkoolaid, cut it out!
January 1st, 2011
Sadly, if she put as much time into taking her own photos as she does in looking for ones to copy and post, she would probably like her photos better.

When this post first came up, though, I thought it was going to be about another person's photos that also have me thinking, "really?"
January 1st, 2011
Wow! She is young and dumb--I mean naive--Maybe she doesn't know?
Hopefully she understands now that you can never steal anybody's photos.
You did the right thing,
January 1st, 2011

@singer good insight....thanks so much!

January 1st, 2011
@vikdaddy yep...there you go..another site it could have came from... this girl....
January 1st, 2011
Wow... I'm just shocked.
January 1st, 2011
For shame, young thief. Not cool.
January 1st, 2011
You're not being a bully--but it's too bad you cannot contact the parents too. That said, my daughters are 9 years and 11 years old and both know better than to steal somebody else's photo. In fact, stealing in any form is something MOST kids learn from the time they're quite small!! Very bizarre.
January 1st, 2011
NOT fair! That's plain stealing and deals with copyright issues ... Out them and ban them all!

This project is taking your own pix and if it's not you who's taken it then it should be of you with your camera taken be remorte or [other] ...
January 1st, 2011
I hate to say this--but several (more) of that particular person's photos are coming up on TinEye.
I would say getting attention would be the thing here. Unfortunately, an important lesson learned is probably coming her way.
January 1st, 2011
Well now that she knows we're talking about her, the photos in question appear to have been removed. Let's hope she has learned her lesson.
January 1st, 2011
We've had this happen a couple times in the past, and I'm sure once Ross hears about it, he will delete the account like he did with previous members who did this.
January 1st, 2011
I just noticed like Ashley @ashleyjwilson that in the past 20 minutes her photos in question have been removed...Hmmm. Shady stuff!
January 1st, 2011
i know a girl that did that too, unfortunely.
my other friend reported her to ross too.
she just decided to cancel her account because everybody knew she was copying photos.
like we literally found the photos on the internet.
ive also known another person that took photos form photobucket.

i dont think its fair that she takes credit for pictures that she didnt take.
so i guess its the right thing to report her.
January 2nd, 2011
This is such an interesting topic for me. As a teacher, I have had many, many problems and difficulties with students who copy someone else's essay, homework, book report, assignment, and simply take it as his or her own work. Why is this happening so freely now? I have thought that maybe it's because our world is just so easy to copy and take that it's done without a thought. Students want that easy way out, so to speak. I also wonder if...just a thought...that some young people are not given enough attention and do this to get attention. What is the answer? I know that I don't expect you or anyone to solve this problem, but what do I as a teacher to help young people learn this lesson. Advice and ideas are always welcome! Sorry for rambling...but this just got my attention today.
January 2nd, 2011
@clarissajohal oh yes! i looked up most of them... i would say that over half of "her" shots are wish we could contact the parents...
January 2nd, 2011
@hilafriman that girl that's name started with an A... yeah...i reported her too....
January 2nd, 2011
I think if you're spending time at and uploading photos that AREN'T yours... clearly, you're missing the point of this website. It's about the appreciation of your own art. And it's about making yourself a better photographer... crafting and honing your skills and putting them to tests in the real world.

Right-click / save-as - does absolutely nothing to help you with your photography skills.

Oh, and pawning off someone else's hard work as your own is not only REALLY lame but it's illegal... i.e., copyright violation. =)

my two pennies.
January 2nd, 2011
And this is why you watermark your pictures :) I may not the worlds best photographer, but if I saw someone else taking credit for MY work, I would be livid.
January 2nd, 2011
@amorton1437 agreed....i do it too
January 2nd, 2011
Yeah, I've noticed that too.
The saddest thing, for me, is that she (Miranda Bolick) is actually one of my friends in real life. She got into 365 via myself and another one of my friends. I don't know whether she was actually wanting to make people think that those were her photos, or if she just didn't understand what 365 was about. Because she is honestly one of the sweetest people I know.
January 2nd, 2011
@crazyrandomcool hmm...not sure...on of of her "fake" photos she stated that it took her 15 shots to get it. another she stated how she got the shot. she put backstories into several of them, so i believe she knew exactly what she was doing. i understand being a teen and needing to feel acceptance and approval from people. when that's not recieved at school or home, i could see turning to the internet to create an illusion...just hope that she's learned her lesson. we all need to cherish and appreciate ourselves for who we are. God doesn't make mistakes....
January 2nd, 2011
@mrssmith I wonder whether copying the work of others is actually on the increase, or just easier to pick up? The behaviour of copyright theft is as old as mankind, but it's becoming easier, both to do and to catch.

I've been wondering whether we teach our children the discipline of crediting the work of others in an open, effective way. I had a discussion with my son about this recently when he was doing an essay, and I asked why he did not put a quote from his source material into the work. He told me that they had been told that not a single sentence may be repeated from the source. I found that a very limiting restriction, because sometimes others have said it perfectly, and why not give them the exposure by repeating their beautiful work ... but with the proper accreditation.

I like the principles of "Creative Commons" and the "repeat my work, but give me credit" philosophy. So maybe our 365 member who wants to post other people's pictures needs to find a different forum where she can start of gallery of "great pics I have found and want to share with the world". The ability to set up a gallery is an art form in itself, and comes with specific disciplines. Let's teach those too.
January 2nd, 2011
as a seventeen year-old i'd just like to point how pointless age restrictions are so i wouldn't consider them for this site. among other things, i've had an ebay and paypal account for nearly 4 years despite the fact you have to be 18 to have one (and ive only got one negative rating in 100 buys/sells despite my age).
it is ridiculously simple to lie about your age on the internet
January 2nd, 2011
@crazyrandomcool @andiejaye I think she understood what she's doing on here... for instance, the moon photo that she posted. She made a reply to one of her commentors that she used a telescope to obtain such clarity of the moon. How should we interpret that otherwise?

I think she's building a make-believe world where she can be accepted and praised but I comment no further. I just hope her parents notice this and guide her through to avoid such behavior.
January 2nd, 2011
@eleanor indeed... along with the advent of the Search engine... it's fairly easy to pick up on fraudsters using a few snippets of their prose or indeed image data... et voilá.
January 2nd, 2011
i looked her up & found that the photos described here were no longer posted in her account.

I don't think, however, that that changes anything at all. the mere fact that she posted those photos & claimed them as her own were both way above me. & i seriously believe that being a teenager has nothing to do with her inability to respect others' rights to intellectual property.

i hope she continues with her project though, if ever she was actually serious about doing it in the first place. but, this time, she may have to expect that people will be more vigilant of her posts what with her new found fame.

i also think that Ross will have to either talk to her about this; him being the site's admin, or i don't know what he'll have to do really. i just still wish her all the best in whatever she plans to do after this discovery. she's got good friends here in 365 & they even said that she's a sweet girl. with everything said & done, i think something will still have to give & something will still have to be taken.
January 2nd, 2011
I don't think she can expect anybody to make comments on her photos, unfortunately. A public apology would be nice. I see that she is still on 365, in spite of those photos being removed. Accountability--she stole, flat out and no excuses (age or otherwise). If it were either one of my daughters--I would demand that they make a public apology to their Followers and also to the people whose photos they stole. But that's me as a parent....parenting.
January 2nd, 2011
@mrssmith I'm going to get on my soapbox here because plagiarism is a sore spot with me as a writer. My opinion is that public schools (with pressure from the parents) are so wrapped up in the "rights" of kids that they no longer can hold kids accountable for their actions. There is no recourse for plagiarism or anything else for that matter. Personally, I would make the offender stand in front of the classroom and explain why they plagiarized to their fellow students. Yes, it's humiliating, and yes, it will destroy their reputation for awhile, but it's one of those teaching moments and hopefully a lesson learned. Once they get out into the adult world, they will no longer get a slap on the wrist for stuff like that.
January 2nd, 2011
@eleanor Thank you for your comments. We tell our students that a single phrase should not be repeated. So, it could just be the use of two words or so. I like this idea of "Creative Commons."

@clarissajohal Thank your for your comments. Would you believe that our administration no longer will handle these issues. He has said that it's not an administrative issue but rather a classroom issue. So, this means that we as teachers have to fight this alone and the administration will not support us. It is a slap on the wrist. This is teaching the students that it's okay to plagiarism and that there are not consequences. Yet, colleges teach a whole different idea. I truly like the humiliation approach, but that would never happen in my school. Like you have said, it's all about the rights of kids.

I am so glad that I am not alone in this lesson that I want to teach. I was starting to think that it was a battle not worth fighting. After looking at these comments, I see that it is still important for me somehow, someway to teach these lessons.
January 2nd, 2011
@mrssmith My heart goes out to you--I know being a teacher is a tough job. And not necessarily because of the lesson planning and behavioral issues of the kids (and the parents!) but because of the administration issues. I was one semester away from having a teaching license added to my degree and I ended up pulling out of the program. I started to feel like it wasn't about the kids and teaching them--but more about a lot of red tape and silliness. I'll stick with writing--then I just have my own silliness to deal with, lol
January 2nd, 2011
@bugik i totally thoughts exactly.
January 2nd, 2011
@clarissajohal well stated...just sweeping the offense under the rug isn't enough. i clicked to follow her to monitor her. why i did this? i don't know. just wonder where her parents are while she's doing this.... there's a whole world of trouble to get into on the internet.
January 2nd, 2011
@andiejaye I absolutely think it is the right thing to do. Not bullying at all, and she will probably be thankful in the long run. Integrity is hard to 'teach', but modeling integrity is a great start. Thank you for making this tough decision!
January 2nd, 2011
I am a library media teacher at a middle school and I don't think that it is bullying at all to report teenagers who are posting photos that are not their own. While some children may be under the impression that it is only plagiarism if you steal words, the vast majority know that what they are doing is wrong and will continue unless they are called on it. I don't know if deleting the account entirely for a first offense would be the best approach if teaching/modeling correct behavior is the goal. The administrator contacting her to let her know that it's been noticed and a slew of people following her would be a good way to start in my mind. However, I'm sure that there are those who disagree.
It heartens me that this whole discussion is taking place - a community policing itself. As a teacher, this is a great teachable example of what happens in the "real world" when you plagiarize (people do notice and your reputation is affected).
January 2nd, 2011


These look kinda familiar :/
January 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones Good grief (and that is NOT directed at you)!
{shakes head in disbelief}
January 2nd, 2011
@jjsooner I know, right?
January 2nd, 2011
"In adults, various parts of the brain work together to evaluate choices, make decisions and act accordingly in each situation. The teenage brain doesn't appear to work like this. For comparison's sake, think of the teenage brain as an entertainment center that hasn't been fully hooked up. There are loose wires, so that the speaker system isn't working with the DVD player, which in turn hasn't been formatted to work with the television yet. And to top it all off, the remote control hasn't even arrived!

The brain's remote control is the prefrontal cortex, a section of the brain that weighs outcomes, forms judgments and controls impulses and emotions. This section of the brain also helps people understand one another. If you were to walk into a sports bar full of Lakers fans wearing a Celtics jersey, your prefrontal cortex would immediately begin firing in warning; those teams are bitter enemies, and it might serve you to change your behavior (and your clothes). The prefrontal cortex communicates with the other sections of the brain through connections called synapses. These are like the wires of the entertainment system.

An area of the teenager's brain that is fairly well-developed early on, though, is the nucleus accumbens, or the area of the brain that seeks pleasure and reward. In imaging studies that compared brain activity when the subject received a small, medium or large reward, teenagers exhibited exaggerated responses to medium and large rewards compared to children and adults [source: Powell]. When presented with a small reward, the teenagers' brains hardly fired at all in comparison to adults and children."

Edmonds, Molly. "Are teenage brains really different from adult brains?" 26 August 2008. 02 January 2011.

"The Teen Brain: It's Just Not Grown Up Yet

Jensen says scientists used to think human brain development was pretty complete by age 10. Or as she puts it, that "a teenage brain is just an adult brain with fewer miles on it."

But it's not. To begin with, she says, a crucial part of the brain — the frontal lobes — are not fully connected. Really.

"It's the part of the brain that says: 'Is this a good idea? What is the consequence of this action?' " Jensen says. "It's not that they don't have a frontal lobe. And they can use it. But they're going to access it more slowly."

That's because the nerve cells that connect teenagers' frontal lobes with the rest of their brains are sluggish. Teenagers don't have as much of the fatty coating called myelin, or "white matter," that adults have in this area.

Think of it as insulation on an electrical wire. Nerves need myelin for nerve signals to flow freely. Spotty or thin myelin leads to inefficient communication between one part of the brain and another."

January 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones Holy cow--another one? His all come up on TinEye too--what the heck??!!
January 2nd, 2011
@clarissajohal If memory serves, they're generic Windows XP shots. Or Vista? I'm on Windows 7 so I dunno off the top of my head.
January 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones You're right, and it just hit me. They are Windows images. Geez, what a dork.
January 2nd, 2011
@clarissajohal This is getting a pinch frustrating. That's what - three cases in under a week?
January 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones You are definitely right, those are all in the samples folder on my desktop...came with the computer...crazy stuff.
January 2nd, 2011
@clarissajohal @indiannie_jones That's barking mad! It's got to be a joke.
January 2nd, 2011
Just been thinking about this. A very good tool to adopt on sharing websites is a "Report" button, much like those used on community forums. This means that if a photo is suspicious or offensive it can be flagged instantly by any user for further investigation.
January 2nd, 2011
@gill I reckon its Bill Gates making a statement against the iPhone. lol
January 2nd, 2011
@andiejaye - is it also possible to show Ross this member?
I believe these are photos from Windows
January 2nd, 2011
iv had 5 or 6 ideas stolen then saw them on fav ....when mine didnt get chosen...wasnt happy....but what can you do?
January 2nd, 2011
Here's what the worst part of this is, for me. I started this mess by starting a discussion to put some focus on Miranda, because I thought she was really creative for such a young girl. I am inexperienced enough to have not been able to catch on that she was stealing. Now I find myself questioning the sincerity of so many people. That really stinks.

Of course there are the people that I have been following for months that I am very comfortable with, but now that a whole new crop of 365ers have come along, I am really leery. It put a big black eye on something that up until this point had been nothing short of amazing. So sad.
January 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones Oh my! I have those in my pc. I hope Ross will act on it soon. Thanks for being vigilant and skeptic at the right place and time. You have a great eye.
January 3rd, 2011
the person should be ashamed....that is so lame...not to mention stealing.
January 3rd, 2011
@gill You are right Gill, and I am very certain that these negative feelings will pass. I have never felt such a great sense of community and kinship as I have on 365. It's been a truly amazing experience. And, it is kind of cool that everyone came together to stop something that is completely out of line. I guess that if they can't play fair, they can't play at all. :) On with 2011.
January 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones're right...they're all stolen... what's the deal with people. hopefully ross @Scrivna will delete this account too....
January 3rd, 2011
@electricwriter what a great idea! i report button... sure it would take some work on Ross's part though...
January 3rd, 2011
@deforauls53 tagged Ross's name in an above statement. sure he'll check it out....
January 3rd, 2011
I think it is terrible to cheat or try to take credit for other people's work. But how could the cheater feel good about what they are doing?
January 3rd, 2011
Using a photo, other than one's own, violates copyright as specified in the Terms of Service here. Those doing so should have their accounts cancelled and removed. What don't they understand?????
January 3rd, 2011
I'm disappointed. Although my photos are just capturing my day-to-day life as a photo journal for myself, many of the 365ers I've met here are excellent photographers and work hard at perfecting their craft. I find myself stealing moments at work to check out who has posted what - because I appreciate the photos.
The thought of people stealing photos and passing them off as their own is just disgusting and of course not legal. I agree with the idea of some sort of direct line to Ross to let him now things.
January 3rd, 2011
why am I here? I came aross this, and thought it would be fun. on the main page it states: Why?

* Improve your photography skills
* Capture otherwise forgotten moments in your life
* Easier than writing a diary or blog
* Only takes a few minutes each day
* Facebook App to make sharing easy
no where do i read grab others photos, claim them. i have been reading thru the comments and there seems to be some discussion based on age of thief. my thought is simple - who cares what the age is, there is no excuse. a lot of the photos i will be posting here will probably come from a cell phone, so i doubt many would want to steal them and claim them. i have had to deal with someone stealing a photograph i have made and was not happy about it. the persons age was never a consideration in that. i consider this site to be a chance to keep myself motivated about photography, and hope that i don't have to see a lot of image theft. if the theft violates the terms of service, question the person, there could easily be a chance that an images looks similar, but is actually a different image. if it turns out it is not theirs, boot the person. seems simple. just my take on it. i am a newbie here - my limited number of posts show that, but i have taken a photo or two in the past.
January 3rd, 2011
So...I just saw two different pics posted from new people that are simply something they found off a google image search. I wish there was a button we could click that would reach through the computer and slap these people.
January 3rd, 2011
@cchambers if you read the entire thread you'll see that the focus isn't on the individual's age. it is simply brought up that the past 3 365ers that have used stolen images have been teenagers.
January 3rd, 2011
F.Y.I to all: the individual who's profile started all of this has been deleted. Thanks Ross!
January 3rd, 2011
@petersonsheri don't feel that you started a "mess." i knew the can of worms i was opening when starting this thread. just wanted to get other 365ers opinions and make everyone aware that this does happen. and when we find these types of things they need to be reported.
January 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones 4560 results on TinEye. LOL!
January 3rd, 2011
@jinximages Not surprising - considering it's a Windows XP default image!
January 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones I'm wondering if and are bored kids with nothing better to do. They can't possibly be that thick, can they? Why hasn't Ross deleted their accounts, I wonder? It's making me very leery about following new people and I hate feeling like that. I'm finding myself using TinEye when I check out my new Followers photos. Ugh.
January 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones Hahahaha! I never would have known that. First thing I do on any Windows install is delete all the "demo" stuff and put my own in there. That's priceless.

I do find it disturbing, however, that people actually get a kick out of going through all the trouble to create an account so they can do that kind of thing. It's a lame joke at best, and taking up resource space on Ross' server which is probably just about melting right now as it is. Seems like the internet equivalent of a prank telephone call to a stranger.
January 3rd, 2011
Too bad you can't TinEye the whole, freaking 365 site, lol. @eyebrows We need your expertise!!!
January 3rd, 2011
@clarissajohal Do they *actually* think they can post something that OBVIOUS in a community like this? It's ridiculous when you're trying to dig to find new gems and you keep stumbling on this nonsense.
January 3rd, 2011
@jinximages Oh, for sure. It's hard enough to get on here with the influx of new people and all the photos - we don't need this.
January 3rd, 2011
I can't believe people would do this! The rest of us are, at times, busting our butts to get a new photo (of our own) every day. Isn't this the whole point of this challenge? Keep it honest!
January 3rd, 2011
i would never use someone else's photo as my own because it's stealing for one and i wouldn't want someone doing it to me. that's just wrong. if you do post a photo you didn't take you should give credit to the photographer at least. i mean if i saw something i wanted to try or get an idea about how to recreate i would post it as a thread and ask you guys to help but to claim another persons creativity and work as your own is really not right.....
January 3rd, 2011
I love your little copyright infringement posts @clarissajohal that's just awesome :D

As far as making a TinEye thing goes... well... it's certainly possible, but TinEye's so damn slow at the best of times, and I've got so much to do right now (like drink my Venti Iced Caramel Latte) that I can't see me getting around to it I'm afraid :(

In what'll start out as mildly more exciting, but then turn into mildly disappointing, news: I was going to make a little slideshow gallery thing so you could sit there and have all your images flick by, but given how much strain the site's already under with the influx of noobs I don't want to add to Ross' woes (for once)! :(
January 3rd, 2011
Also, sometimes it can be an innocent mistake, like my homeboy Neal right here, which amuses the hell out of me. But with this imposter "Steve" it's clearly a case of massive blingwaddery
January 3rd, 2011
@eyebrows Haha--totally understandable. But aren't you flattered that you are the first computer genius we think of in times of trouble? lol
January 3rd, 2011
@clarissajohal massively so! :D *blushmode engaged*
January 3rd, 2011
@gill yes several practicaly identical to mine ..none like it till i put mine would be flattering if they commented and said wow nice pick might use that like i do but to copy exact and say nothing then they end up on fav page been told wow thats amazing makes me mad...dont know why ppl dont just take own pics there is always something to imagination end of
January 3rd, 2011
@gill I would love to see them try this on Flickr.
January 3rd, 2011
hmm maybe this should be its own thread, but its got me thinking, does anybody know much about PicMarkr for creating a watermark? or have a better program suggestion?
January 3rd, 2011
Isn't that beside the point of this project? It's supposed to be personal - a way to express yourself and develop your skills. Stealing others photos is the equivalent of doing a paint-by-number of the Mona Lisa. What's the point?
January 3rd, 2011
I think that's just sad and misses the point of this project!
January 3rd, 2011
ps what a bummer. thanks everybody (else!) for your integrity and skills
January 3rd, 2011
I'm beginning to wonder if some of these people are trolls, and are just *hoping* to piss us off. Then again, if that were the case, you'd think they'd be a little more vocal. Sigh. Idiots.
January 3rd, 2011
wow. if someone is going to use a pic that's not theirs then they need to give photo credit on who took the pic or where they found it. sounds like everyone needs to watermark their images.
January 3rd, 2011
@andiejaye yes.. it did start with an a... haha
January 3rd, 2011
Please, everyone watermark your images. It only take a few moments.
January 3rd, 2011
Really I think it boils down to why people take on a project like this one. It's kind of counterproductive... I mean, really, who but me cares if I follow through with it or not? Who exactly are these "thieves" trying to fool?
January 3rd, 2011
How about stealing images for the weekly theme? My understanding of the theme contests is that it should be your own, original art. Not just something you find when you do a google image search on the theme.
January 3rd, 2011
@scooper the caption on this one clearly says it's not this person's own picture, so I don't think this really belongs in this discussion
January 3rd, 2011
@flore I'm not sure the caption read that way when I first found it. But regardless, it has been tagged #theme-blue, meaning they're submitting it as part of the weekly theme. Is that valid?
January 3rd, 2011
I think that is awful, this is suppose to be about uploading photo's a day as a project, and to excel at our skills, and learn tips and tricks and other styles. Some people seriously are missing the point.
January 3rd, 2011
@scooper I don't think she stole the photo. She clearly stated on the caption that she received it via e-mail and would just like to share it on here. Now with the tagging for the week's theme, anybody can tag any photo be it red, blue or whatever. To some, it is also a way for other people to view their photos when they search or would like to view pictures via theme-tags. As to why she tagged it, that I don't know and I don't want to ask why cause that is not a concern. Whether her photo will be chosen for the top 5, of course we are certain that it will not be. The rules are clearly stated by Ross as to this regard.
January 3rd, 2011
@bugik @flore Great - thanks for your clarifications, both of you!
January 3rd, 2011
@hilafriman You go to school with her, right? Has she mentioned anything about the theft or site?

Your comments on her shots made me laugh - "how many Canons do you have?" haha!

@gill I agree about them watching the thread - almost 2,000 views. Funny...
January 3rd, 2011
No, it's not all right to take someone else's creativity and claim it as your own. I teach computer classes to 6th, 7th, & 8th graders and am constantly stressing the importance of copyright. Unfortunately they just plain don't care.
January 3rd, 2011
haha yes, she deleted my comments ._.
and yeah i go to school with her. she hasnt said anything.
but on facebook she claimed all the pictures as her own, and deleted all the comments that we posted, that gave away hints to people that they were copywrited.
.. shame.
January 3rd, 2011
@hilafriman I know! I saw some before she got to them and then when I went back they were gone. That's sad, really... you can only carry on for so long before implications catch up with you, ya know? She's only fooling herself in the end :)
January 3rd, 2011
Simply put. It is stealing. That's a problem she has to deal with.
January 3rd, 2011
@meshinka Not sure how to watermark, it is just putting the text in Picasa 3? Thanks for any help on this, i am not sure i have anything worth taking but still worried.
January 3rd, 2011
@shenay - While I don't like that people are posting other people's images as their own, there is absolutely nothing wrong with people using your ideas. If anything, you should take it as a compliment that they thing your work is good enough to try to emulate. I've done it before, but I try to acknowledge it in the caption. Generally though, be proud if someone wants to borrow your ideas to try them out. I totally understand why you'd be frustrated if they get better results though.
January 4th, 2011
Can anyone tell me how to watermark my photos in PSE 8.0?
January 4th, 2011
@meshinka I would like to know how to watermark photos. SO new to all of this. Thanks ahead of time...
January 4th, 2011
I'd also really like to know how to watermark photos, I don't have any fancy photo software so is there an easy way of doing it?
January 4th, 2011
@nzgeekgirl watermark with text in most software... just click add text and type something like (c) Gene 2011
January 4th, 2011
January 4th, 2011
@kmrtn6 But she stated in her caption where she took it from; she wasn't claiming ownership.
January 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones i know but its still 'lifting images to make your project'
January 4th, 2011
@kmrtn6 Yeah, but I think she means well.
January 4th, 2011
My wife is part of a pregnancy forum and a baby wearing forum that covers all the issues that come with both topics. Would you believe there are people on there that will not only steal a whole heap of other children's photo's and pass them off as theirs, but they also go onto create massive stories about dramatic illnesses and even the death of these children.
It goes way beyond right clicking and copying a photo when you create a whole "this is how I took it" story.
January 4th, 2011
@wormentude i would be flatterd if they had said something in comments and stuff but when they just pinch its not nice if i see an idea i say how much i like it and say you have given me an idea...simples
January 4th, 2011
@mrjuggles thats sick....i was on another site a few months ago and i had another wasnt me but it was my photo of me lol
January 4th, 2011
@mrjuggles i've heard of that being done with ultraasound shots too...that's why i think it's so imperative to be careful of what you post....
January 4th, 2011
was browsing blue theme, not sure what to think?
January 4th, 2011
January 4th, 2011
You did the right thing. I use to work in a photo lab and one of the most important things we did was keep/preserve copyright laws. Legally any picture taken by anyone has an unwritten copyright. I can't tell you how many angry people we sent away because their pictures look professional but there "best friend" took them. Well, then your BF needs come down here and sign a release or make a release and give it to you.
January 4th, 2011
@ccenecua He commented that he didn't take that one.
January 4th, 2011
My two cents worth is,,,,she is only hurting herself. She will not learn that way how to do the work herself. Trust me,,,I am at the bottom of the barrel working my way up a little at a time.
January 4th, 2011
Photography is also a medium of art, so stealing of ART is obviously a crime. It would be great if the Mod's here can come up with some ways to track such things and warn the default!

If the person's not restricting himself/herself better to block such person!

No Hard Feelings! :)

January 4th, 2011
Wow, I'm surprised that so many people care. Really!? You are not the one who has to feel guilty about it, why waste time and emotion caring?? If they are winning contests with it that is another thing but otherwise wtfc. I bet there are a lot of people in this thread alone that have uploaded pictures taken with their camera but not by them. Heck, there are plenty of photoshopped pictures on here that bare little to no resemblance of the original. Unless of course your calling in life is to police people, then by all means, have at it ; )
January 4th, 2011
It's Plagiarism plain and simple - Plagiarism sucks and so do the people who partake in the activity. Sorry but I am a digital artist and must defend the rights of all artists across all mediums of their own work.
January 4th, 2011
@shenay While I understand your frustration at not even being acknowledged, unless they nicked your photo that you took there's nothing wrong with them recreating it without credit. Even if they go to the exact same spot at the exact same time of day, and get the exact same subjects, and recreate it down to the minutest detail, if they're the ones who take the picture it is every much their picture as the one you took is yours. Obnoxious, frustrating, and shady? Yes. Can you report them for it? No.

Also, it is always possible that it is a coincidence. Sometimes some people come up with almost the EXACT same idea--I saw it all the time in my photography class. There was even one shot where you could see another student taking pictures in the background of one student's photograph. It was hilarious.
January 4th, 2011
Your certainly handeling this alot better than most. No, I dont think your a bully. Because of copyright laws, if YOU took the picture, it's automatically copywrited as yours unless otherwise specified in some funny contract you might have.
Editing someone elses photo (It hink you brought that up) does NOT make it your own, and is pretty rude if you don't keep it for just yourself without permission. Some laws on these things are so strict that you need Written permission.
:) good topic, and it is good to talk about these things. Nice work.
January 4th, 2011
I think that if you start a 365 project that you should not be aloud to use anyone elses images. now the point of the project is to have your own pictures over the course of the entire year, taken on each day by yourself, So they are just failing themselves by "cheating" . it all comes back to them, they aren't actually doing the project at that point. there just posting pictures. its your own integrity and you shouldn't cheat yourself in life anyways. im a photographer and i am doing this for myself to get better in the photography world. It would be nice if there were suggestions for cool tricks with photo shop on here too, to give people new ideas to help them progress in the photography world.
January 4th, 2011
I think a good point is, in the synopsis on the front page before you are a member it says

Take a photo with your digital camera
Upload via the Web or E-Mail
Share with your friends and peers

there is no scope for misinterpretation as it says 'take a photo with your digital camera' It's easy to get angry and that doesn't achieve much, what would be more effective if we link to the origonal photo or just pasted the sites ethos as a commment.

"Great photo Mr X,

the guidelines are

'Take a photo with your digital camera'

did you say this wasn't yours? That sort of isn't in the spirit of things.
I love the photo you've took from someone else and really hope it will be inspiration for the future, but ultimately my praise is for the person who took it rather than the person that reposted it"
January 4th, 2011
@individuality_a thanks so much... it's just plain frustrating...trying to make sure other's are aware but at the same time keep the pitchforks and torches to a minumum :)
January 4th, 2011
Steal others' photos defeats the essence of having this 365 project...

Now I realized the importance of watermarks.
January 5th, 2011
ohhh... a kiddo!
January 5th, 2011
When I started this project, I went into it with the idea that I was TAKING a picture every day, posting it that day for a year. Not posting pictures I took before this project and passing them off as ones I took now, or even worse, posting a picture I didn't even someone emailed me or I found on the web, even if I altered it or edited it to my style. That's not what this project least to the best of my understanding.

One of the pictures in the "most popular" is a picture of a diver with a humpback whale. The person even states that they didn't take the picture...sure it's a cool picture...BUT THEY DIDN'T TAKE IT!!! (and this was not a teenager)

I'm thinking there either needs to be specific guidelines on the home page or when people sign up, and if they violate the rule they have their project banned.

I will post mine with a watermark, and keep the file size small enough that no one can do much with it.
January 5th, 2011
@travelingbabe The whale picture is mentioned earlier in this thread. I think part of the reason that it's on the popular page is because we helped put it there by talking about it here! Funny how that works, huh?

January 5th, 2011
@ashleyjwilson my thoughts exactly!
January 5th, 2011
c'mon people! photography is about CREATIVITY! if you steal someone's pictures, your creativity goes down the tube. that's just really sad.
that's why I use watermarks in my photos. so no one can do this. everyone should do the same!
January 5th, 2011
i have been reading this thread each day, with not much to say, well nothing actually. i am amazed it is still going, but then when i read everything i see that some person is just playing with people by joining back up again and posting the same pics they've stolen as the account did that was deleted, the one andie was talking about.

anyhoo, i still don't have anything "new" to say here about it, everything i think about it has been covered off by you ALL in many ways. i do now add a watermark to my photos, knowing full well that its one of the easiest things to remove anyways, but will continue to do so.

however, @shenay i have read what you've had to say about people stealing ideas, and i do have something to say about this. i think it would be rare for a legitimate 365 user to steal an idea. i believe the word is inspiration, however i do not know which of your photo/s you refer to when you say they've been copied. i have posted my own photos that i've seen duplicated, in a sense, and really don't have any issue with it. if its a downright copy, and it gets to the popular page, or even in the weekly top 5 for the theme, then obviously they did a better job of it than me (lol). even though it would feel weird lol. shenay, i have looked through every photo in your album, and even i can see that you could even be talking about me, OMG i hope you're not, truly i do. but you have many photos that some of my photos represent, eg animal shots and spider shots, and some of them are at similar angles etc, but in no way are a copy, especially as i've never seen yours before today.

in any circumstance, right clicking and saving someone else's photo is wrong, and of course we shouldn't tolerate it .... and that's what this discussion is/was about.

to everyone else, on the topic of "copying" ideas ... for anyone who's still reading (LOL) ...

i don't believe there are many truly original ideas, when we put effort into a photo, its usually coming from somewhere in the backs of our minds ... we form a mental image and then develop it into our own photo.

for eg, i have seen many macro type photos with the focus halfway along the line, and recreating this effect is exactly what was in my head when i took this photo last night but i've not copied anyone's photo.

again with this photo, i saw a similar photo online and used the "idea" to create my own version, it is quite different, in MANY ways, and the idea changed as i went along in the process as well, but i am not going to go through my net history to credit the person's photo i happened to see at some point in my life, no way, not happening.

if we go along the lines of "he/she stole my idea" then we need to take a serious look at what happened leading up to Christmas and the gazillions of Christmas tree light "bokeh" shots that were posted, i even did one myself, but i did not steal it, its my own unique way of showing something that was cool to me and including it into the weekly theme.

i would be completely horrified if someone was thinking that i'd stolen their idea, i couldn't do that and continue to be an active part of this site, i'd be too ashamed of myself. BUT in my and everyone's defence, we browse, we look at popular pages, suggestions pages, new posts pages, and that stuff just sticks in your head. sorry, but i don't analyse every idea, in fact i had an idea in my head and saw today that a young girl had actually done it, SHE STOLE MY IDEA, and i hadn't even acted on it yet. kudos to her 'cause she did an awesome job, better than mine would have been lol :D

hmm so if i DO the photo now, does that mean i'm copying her??? *sniggers*

lastly, OMG i shudder to think what the new people on this site could be thinking with all this discussion, but can understand some of it needs to be said.

*stepping down* .... soapbox has now been disintegrated !

:P and :)
January 5th, 2011
@kmrtn6 go back there and check my comments. just found that pick on internet. type in buggati veyron. (thats the car.)
January 5th, 2011
@fix_me.... sad p*&^%.
January 5th, 2011
January 5th, 2011
@taidster - if we're not allowed to copy ideas, I might as well leave the 365 project this very minute.

While I would not EVER use anyone else's photo and claim it to be mine, I don't think I've ever had a completely original idea in my life. I've taken photos of flowers, a bee, bottles of perfume and piles of ironing. And I'm as sure as it's possible to be that none of those ideas originated with me.
January 5th, 2011
@jools lol, exactly my point. now i'm gonna go check you out ... see if you copied me hahaha ;-))
January 5th, 2011
If you have posted any photos of colleagues, of your feet or of food, then I probably have :-)
January 5th, 2011
@taidster Just want to say, well said. I read it all and you have put into words alot of what I have been thinking as I have read this thread.
January 5th, 2011
I think that it is plagiarism, but perhaps the younger generation don't see the harm in it, or realise how it offends. That said I'd be shocked if I saw my work being taken as someone else's, but what can you do? It's simple I guess - just don't post your property on the internet if you value it that much. I suppose all you could do is watermark it, although that does sort of deplete the object of sharing an image as it takes the feel of it away.
January 5th, 2011
@fix_me - it's still lifting!
January 5th, 2011
@maceugenio - thanks mac - lifting of any sort is not what the project is about and is not acceptable
January 5th, 2011
@taidster Very well said! An idea is an inspiration. It's not stealing. In my opinion, if you give credit or mention the source of your inspiration, that would be fine. But if not, that's no big deal.

If you dig into the tips and tricks thread... members of this community share links of inspirational photos. At times, for the week's theme, the admin includes links where you can get possible ideas or inspiration to make one of your own.

January 5th, 2011
There is a website you can go to where you can save an image you suspect as being stolen then upload it to the site for reference and they crawl the internet and see where else it comes up (eg, where the original was stolen from). Like an image-pattern search engine.

But if it's the case people on this site are admitting that they steal pictures but still doing it, that's really sad. Can't this site remove the images as copyright theft?
January 5th, 2011
@taidster I too have been following this thread and share many of your thoughts. However I am a scrapbooker and participate in many layout challenges and post to the net. We in that forum say "The biggest compliment is when someone copies your layout or idea."

As a newbie I discovered only hours after posting my first picture, quite a few simular shot of the same content. Did someone "steal" my idea? I like to think folks were inspired my shot and wanted to try their own version. Was it an original idea, not likely.

As for actually taking someone work and post as your own. Sad.
January 5th, 2011
I think reporting people for using photos that are not theirs is just fine. Tracking this is too big a job for just one person and many could go without notice. Those of us who take our photography seriously need to stick together to maintain the integrity of our art, and of this great site for sharing and getting feedback. I agree that anyone posting photos they have copied (Stolen!) should lose the privilege of posting on this site.
January 5th, 2011
@taidster not the animal ones those are random but one i made of objects shadows things i had to do wre i removed mine why all my new pics are animals fed up with this now its boring
January 5th, 2011
I do post older pictures, but they are my photos and I took them. Some days, It is difficult to take a photo. I thought the whole idea was just to post a photo of your own each day?
January 5th, 2011
@mrjacob Regardless of how much editing is done to a picture, it is still the property of the photographer; that's hardly the same thing as taking another person's work and claiming it as your own.

We care because the rest of us put a lot of heart, effort and time into our own projects - we share our lives and stories with one another and to have this sort of thing happening this frequently disrupts the community we've established.
January 5th, 2011
Copying someone works is called Plagiarism.
January 5th, 2011
@suzanathema yep!
January 5th, 2011
oh. it's pathetic. & are two RELATIVELY new accounts. these are fake accounts that were only created JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. im very pissed that there are no restrictions to this site at all. there MUST be a REPORT button we can click somewhere & a box under it for description or incident detail.

has @scrivna read this yet??
January 5th, 2011
@rafaelseno isn't it horrible. but am sure Ross has. the problem is that i'm sure that button and the reports it will create take up room on the server and take time for Ross to go through = more time and money on his part...
January 5th, 2011
I can remove accounts when people let me know by email, i cant go through every account every day. I have removed the 2 you mentioned. @rafaelseno @andiejaye
January 5th, 2011
@Scrivna im sorry if i may have come on so strong about this. i apologize for being so. i was just having a bad day today then i saw those posts. i hope you understand. i go to your website everyday as it helps me de-stress & connect with other people of the same interest/s. & a lot of people are making big efforts to be fair with everyone else. i know you know this already. thank you Ross. you have a great day.
January 5th, 2011
@Scrivna awesome--of course you couldn't manage it all each day...especially with all the new accounts after the new year. totally understandable. didn't want to be redundant. will email you in the future! thanks so much!
January 5th, 2011
@Scrivna - thanks ross - i have reported one to you by e-mail
January 9th, 2011
@eyebrows @clarissajohal @scrivna not very technie, dont know what this tineye thing is, but this i saw this image on the popular page- its absolutely amazing looking, just seems a little weird with the previous photo having a watermark unrelated to the persons username, no watermark on the others, no info on the photos, and computer imaging on the previous one. ? :(
January 9th, 2011
@ccenecua No results on TinEye for any of them, but they are rather lovely, even by some of the folks on here's standards, and yeah I can't help but be a little suspicious...
January 9th, 2011
@eyebrows @ccenecua so weird!! i tineyed these last night too! that shot with the boy is incredible as far as quality...
January 9th, 2011
@eyebrows @andiejaye @ccenecua

Look at the bottom comments. BUSTED!

What's the deelio with the tineye thing? How does it work?
January 9th, 2011
@amz87 if you go to you can enter an image file (say one of your own) or a web address (say a page from 365) and tineye will search for that image. if a match is found, it will tell you all the pages on the internet the picture shows up on. it's usually good for helping to "out" the skinks on this site. i also search some of my more popular images sometimes...
January 9th, 2011
@amz87 Nice :D
January 9th, 2011
@andiejaye Oh ok cool, thanks! I like being in the loop lol

@eyebrows It pays to be a sticky beak :-p
January 9th, 2011
well i dont like feeling like a hall monitor on what is usually such a great community we have here, but well done team lol
January 9th, 2011
Well, I haven't read any of the other replies but I will say this: A photo is technically copy written upon creation. That means that if anyone copies it, uses it, tries to pass it off as their own, etc. it qualifies as plagiarism.
Doing the right thing and bringing attention to it when it happens does not make you a bully, just an honest human being. If someone was using my photo without my permission, I would want them caught.
January 9th, 2011
@ravenwolf423 thanks!!
January 9th, 2011
An interesting thing here. Maybe one day each person's camera will have their own digital signature that stays with the image forever.

January 11th, 2011
@amz87 @amz87 @ccenecua that account we were talking about is deleted :)
January 11th, 2011
Good to know!! Too many people were faving that photo and commenting on it saying how good it was. That's why I like to read through the comments first.
Go team!! haha
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