newbie! almost feeling overwhelmed!

January 1st, 2011
Hi there! I'm jenn. I am married to scott and we have 7 kids. We live in delaware.

I am a stay at home mom and photographer.

I had thought about doing this 365 project thing a year or 2 ago, but just never started.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a photography only kind, personal kind, or a mix of both kind of project.

I think I wil go with a mix up.

I do find myself feeling a bit overwhelmed though.... what if I miss a day? What if I'm not creative? What if I suck?


I do look forward to trying this out though! I hope to meet some awesome friends and better myself as a photographer!

January 1st, 2011
Hi Jenn :D welcome! Don't worry about it - it'll become habit. You won't wanna leave :D
January 1st, 2011
Don't stress. If you miss a day, you miss a day and pick up again on the next. Or the next after that. Just have fun with it.
Welcome to 365!
January 1st, 2011
I'm new too and feeling much the same - so let's just hang in there together. Shall we? I am hoping not to miss a day but realize that it might happen. I'm pretty certain my photos will suck, at least initially.

Let's do this! We'll be fine. :)
January 1st, 2011
Welcome to 365. I have only been doing 365 for a month but is a lot of fun. Just go with the flow and don't stress. There are some amazing photos on here but most of us are just people who enjoy taking pictures. Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2011
Welcome to 365- your first hurdle in this project is going to be not letting it stress you out! This community is very welcoming and helpful. If you miss a day (or two, or three) step back in when you can. 7 kiddos can keep anyone busy LOL! Good luck to you as you start your journey here.
January 1st, 2011
Haha, I am with you. Don't post everyday, as far as I know there are no 365 police that come by and close your account if you don't post each day. I try and post each day, but sometimes, life takes over and I post every other day, or sometimes I get the friendly reminder from 365 that it has been three days. No big deal, just keep going, that is the important thing. Do your best and just keep shooting, but I have to tell you, when you mentioned you have 7 kids I became a bit overwhelmed for you. Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with, as for sucking, doubtful, even those that say they suck, do not. I do think that there are varying degrees of photographers here, but I have never seen one that sucks.
January 1st, 2011
My philosophy on's MY project. I use it as sort of a journal of my year. I chronicle what's happening, or new techniques I'm learning and I don't sweat the rest. If I don't feel creative, if I use a pic from another day, if i have empty spots, and if i don't have time to comment on everyone's photos, I don't apologize or explain. I'm the only one I'm responsible to. If you make it less stressful, you'll enjoy it more. Trust me, after a few months you'll be able to look back at the pics and remember the days you took them. That's soooooo fun. There WILL be times you just don't want to pick up the camera, and there will also be times you just can't stop taking pics.
As far as communities, I can't imagine a better one than this. There's some great support, and alot of talent floating around here. Welcome!!
January 1st, 2011
Thank you everyone for your replies! I think I am gonna enjoy this! and it seems like a lovely community!

Kyla, one of my thoughts behind it was the sort of a journal of the year as well. I have tried blogging, and I just forget about it, and feel like I have nothing interesting to put out there. I am a visual person, so doing a journal with pictures.... totally more me! And it would be fun to go back and LOOK at the stuff, rather than read long blog posts of me ranting. HA!

I think after I get the hang of it, I am gonna devote 7 weeks to my children, one week for each at the begining of the year, and then maybe 7 more weeks towards the end.
January 1st, 2011
Jenn, I'm right there with you. I'm no great photographer but I like the idea of looking back on the year and in the process improve any photographer skills in me.
January 1st, 2011
In the same boat as you. I've always enjoyed just taking photos for the fun of it and seeing how much my kids grow over this next year. I took one semester of photography back in the late 80's and don't really remember much of it, so it will be fun and challenging to see what I can remember. Looking forward to doing this.
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