using older photo's?

January 2nd, 2011
Hello all; I'm another newcomer and very excited about having started this project yesterday!
To establish correct protocol, I was wondering.....failing to capture an image for the day, is it considered unfavourable to use an older image to fill that gap?
Guidance from the regulars would be most welcome. :0)
Many Thanks and look forward to viewing other works throughout the year
January 2nd, 2011
Welcome! I've done it and nobody shot me! If it's your own work and it only happens once in a while, I think it's ok.
January 2nd, 2011
thanks for that guys; in times of necessity, I'll just keep an eye out for the 365 police :0)
January 2nd, 2011
Hey there, Welcome! it's your project, so your rules. Do what pleases you. Nobody will reprimand you if you post older photos to fill in dates that you haven"t taken a picture. I do that at times when duty calls for priorities to be attended to first. Don't stress out yourself, there's no 365 police patrol either. :-) Enjoy!
January 2nd, 2011
I used to be really anal about only using shots I took on that day. Then life got in my way and now it isn't important in the grand scheme of things. I have used fillers on occasion and will probably fill in some of my empty days with fillers in the future. I don't like having those blank spots.
January 2nd, 2011
Welcome! Like others have said, the "rules" of this project are entirely up to you. Personally, I set a goal to shoot every day, and I haven't missed a day yet. Of course, that doesn't mean I'll end up with 365 good photos... there was one day that I took a shot of my chocolate milk (and believe me, it's far from artistic) because I just plain ran out of time and ideas for the day. But there's nothing wrong with using one of your older images to fill a gap if you miss a day as it's very common here. The most important thing with this project is to have fun!
January 2nd, 2011
I'm like Karen...can't stand those blank spots! I used filler photos every once in a while, but they were usually from a day or two before or after the date being filled in. My purpose of my 365 was a photo journal of my family's life, so it would pertain to that day's events. Your 365, your rules! :)
January 2nd, 2011
Hi, welcome to 365! i'm only 2 months in and made myself a promise that i won't use fillers...I broke the rule about 5 weeks in when my camera battery went flat one day!!! it's your album and it's your choice. personally I want to try and use a daily photo to document each day but it does become more difficult the busier you get...and i should imagine that as my skills get better i'm going to be more reluctant to use "any old snapshot" to fill the space! go with what's right for you and your lifestyle! Enjoy!!
January 2nd, 2011
There really isn't any rules for doing this project.
Do it how you want, even if you want to use filters.

Nobody is going to hate you for it.
Just make sure, it's your photos you are using, and you'll be fine! :)
January 2nd, 2011
@9gpie welcome and have a great time with your project.

The ONLY time when the date of your picture is an issue is when you enter the weekly themes. Then the picture must have been taken within the week stipulated by the theme.

If you haven't found the theme yet, it's usually at the bottom of the right-hand column, and a great way to get ideas for the week (because believe me, you'll end up needing them!)
January 2nd, 2011
Welcome!! Your Project--your rules. Do what makes you happy.
January 2nd, 2011
You may do as you wish :)
January 2nd, 2011
thanks guys! roll on tomorrow :0.
January 2nd, 2011
yep welcome too, your project your rules, I try to be true to a pic a day, but life doesn't always allow this, so like most I don't like the gaps and at the end of the day there my photo's
January 2nd, 2011
Welcome. I seldom put a shot up from my day, it is usually the from the day before as I upload on my breakfast break. I also have a small file of standby shots incase everything I have taken is rubbish and I have put up special ones for special days that mean alot to me that are 5 years old. I usually admit to adding a filler or old shot however.
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