What is the "PP"??

January 3rd, 2011
I was just browsing the message boards and I see PP often.... what is it?

I used to be pretty busy on parenting message boards, but this is a new one?? Im pretty sure its not post partum, or previous poster. ha ha

Jenn - Mommy to 7
January 3rd, 2011
It means Popular Page :)
January 3rd, 2011
Hehe on this site 99.9999% of the time it means post processing (or what you do to a picture after you take it).
January 3rd, 2011
And what Rebbecca said LOL
January 3rd, 2011
Ok, so I was wrong LOL- on this site PP means BOTH post processing and popular page.. Thanks @fluffy for point out yet another duhhhh moment :D
January 3rd, 2011
hmmm popular page?? How do you get on that?? Lots of friends and some hot person pics? ha ha

What sort of rules are there for post processing? I figured I would try to do nothing but defog and crop like I would a normal photo. I wanna be hands off in the editting for this I think? unless the mood hits. LOL
January 3rd, 2011
Post Popular Processing Page
January 3rd, 2011
@drewbears about the popular page, no one knows exactly how it works, but it's with a mathematical formula, considering views, comments, favs, nb of followers (I think).

About processing, it's your project, you do what you want it it!
January 3rd, 2011
@spaceman , LOL!
January 3rd, 2011
@spaceman Haha!
January 3rd, 2011
It's a euphemism for urine.
January 3rd, 2011
It's completely beyond your control, so try not to worry about it, lol
January 3rd, 2011
@tolpol Hahahahahahahaha that amused me far more than it should have :D
January 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones As long as you didn't wet yourself, all is good.
January 3rd, 2011
@tolpol A lady doesn't tell.
January 3rd, 2011
haha! I like FaerieMoon's comment after Paul Kelly's. great synch.
January 3rd, 2011
Omg!! I'm laughing so hard I think I may have peed a little!! Seriously I needed a good laugh for today!

January 4th, 2011
@tolpol Hahahaha that made me laugh too.. Oh dear :/ immature moment there
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