Anyone else have a hard time choosing just one picture?

January 3rd, 2011
Hi everyone! My name is Wendy and I am a newbie to the 365 Project. So far I am LOVING it but I have to admit it's hard choosing just one picture per day to post! LOL! Anyone else having a tough time too?
January 3rd, 2011
Some people will ask friends /loved ones to vote on one, and Some people will do a collage.
If I dont have any good clear shots or I want to show the whole story rather than just one scene I will do a collage.
January 3rd, 2011
Heh, some days you will have heaps and other days you have to force yourself to have one! When I have a few I like, they tend to be similar anyway so I take my favorite :)
January 3rd, 2011
I usually have a friend pic for me if I can't. I narrow it down and email them to her.
it's nice to have a different perspective.
Welcome to 365!
January 3rd, 2011
Yes and no. You could spend $20.00 and buy 2 more albums. so you have 3 to choose from. I have an album called nature at its best and another one for sunset and sunrise pictures. now the nature one I often post pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with nature but there are days where I can't decide which one to post so I just post the other one in this album. you find the albums under ace in the row underneath the persons picture and name. having an ace album has a few more perks as well.
January 3rd, 2011
It's only been a three days but I've been asking my 5 year old which one he likes best.
January 3rd, 2011
Yesterday I had two pictures I really liked. I couldn't decide. I am tempted to make an album of my 365 Project rejects.
January 3rd, 2011
I have actually been asking my 7 year old son if I am unsure.
January 3rd, 2011
Yes! It is so hard but I think it's a good challenge :)
January 3rd, 2011
@bruni haha...the only problem with starting another album, is that I would feel pressured to do a 365 project on each album....just the way I am....LOL!
January 3rd, 2011
@positronicmommy Wendy, I'm with IS difficult to pick just one. And then there are days when inspiration just doesn't come. But isn't is a good feeling to have taken more than one great photo that you want to share with others?!?
January 3rd, 2011
yes, that's why I chose to become an Ace member. So I can have more albums!
January 3rd, 2011
Yes I do all the time, asked for advice as well on here :) Best thing is I get my biggest critic to choose for the day if one doesn't stand out .. even then I ask his advice on it.
January 3rd, 2011
@houry That's adorable, and I would love to get a child's opinion like that. They have some surprising insight. :)
January 3rd, 2011
I use a Point and Shoot, so most of mine turn out blurry. To remedy, I take a ton of shots from different angles and stick to the one with the best features.
January 3rd, 2011
It`s sometimes hard,so I decided to have a baby with someone,so I`ll have help,in the future. Any volunteers,ladies? ...... :)
January 3rd, 2011
Yeah some days too many and other days hard to get one but if you're still enjoying and having a hard time with one you could consider ace membership which gives you up to three albums. I went about 6 months before taking the plunge but I've noticed several people take it up from the start. Good luck with your project!
January 4th, 2011
I'm with everyone else.. I've been asking my daughter to help me pick ... I like the collage idea too ... and if I did go for the album idea I think I would still have the same problem ... I'm tooooo much of a perfectionist and I can never decide on anything!! LOL =) Best Wishes to everyone on 365!! I just LOVE this site!! =)
January 4th, 2011
There's always the tried and true "eeny meeny miney mo" method!
January 4th, 2011
I've been asking other people as well, but when I disagree with their choices, I find that there's always that one shot I wanted to use all along.
January 4th, 2011
lol...yes. I initially spent the $20 to support the site...but those other two albums are might nice for now. I know that soon the newness will wear off...and I'll struggle to take a pic let alone post one. :)
January 4th, 2011
I'm new as well, and it has been difficult just picking one some days. But I've already had a lazy day where I hardly had anything.
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