Considering buying a light meter

March 2nd, 2010
So I would like to buy a light meter but there are so many kinds out there and i was wondering what kind you guys use and what you like about them and which one would you guys advise me buying.
March 2nd, 2010
Absolutely! If you're lugging a metre around all day, you want it to be as slim and lightweight as possible!
March 2nd, 2010
That is the one thing I didn't think of and probably the most important. Thanks for the reminder.
March 2nd, 2010
rachel, is your camera digital ? can it display a histogram?? if so, do some research on how to ready your histogram. with digital cameras these days, it is like have a light meter built in really.
March 2nd, 2010
it does have one. probably dont absolutely need a meter. i just like having toys to play with. =)
March 3rd, 2010
well, if you're going to be doing work with flash.. ie a studio setup, then you may want to get a light meter :)
Some instructors i've had think that its not necessary and you go by the "feel" of the photo. Others are purists. One even mentioned a very good point.. the view that you see at the back of your camera is only an approximation of the photo... what you get when you download may be exposed different.
An example of this was in one workshop I had, the model looked too bright even though i was using the settings recommended by the instructor. I changed the aperture to make it darker so it looked better on my back screen but when I got home, the first ones were exposed perfectly and the latter too dark...
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