Queenslanders, Australia

January 11th, 2011
I just want ot say to all of you Queenslanders,I am thinking of you and praying that you are all safe.
January 11th, 2011
Just watching it all on tv, so devastating. i hope everyone is able to keep safe over the next few days
January 11th, 2011
Wishing safety for you all. My thoughts are with you...
January 11th, 2011
Thoughts with those affected by floods and fires in Australia.
We're thinking of you!
January 11th, 2011
thanks kirsty, my house is going to flood, and we're still deciding what to do at the moment, worst will be tomorrow night and thursday :((

January 11th, 2011
@taidster Just devastating Tadii, thinking of you and wishing you and your family all the best.Keep safe and do what you think is best for all.
January 11th, 2011
@taidster Crikey! I hope you get through it without too much of a cleanup needed afterwards (and also, safely).

We were so lucky in Townsville, with almost no flooding and only the highway cut north and south for a short time (and now of course, further south for a long time). Our only issue up here is groceries - some stocks just aren't there to buy, and others are really expensive. One of my colleagues is flying south to Emerald tomorrow to assist the police down there, and there is talk of more of us going this weekend to Brisbane, probably to do DVI work for a few days, depending on what happens in the next two days.
January 11th, 2011
@jinximages thanks jinx ... its getting a bit nasty down here, my bf, my daughter and her bf are going to a council depot close to us later tonight to volunteer filling sand bags, and to pick some up for us as well lol.

we were at the supermarkets around 4pm today and i got 2 of the last 10 loaves of bread that existed fgs. unbelievable, people have had major panic.
January 11th, 2011
Thanks Kirsty. What has happened and is happening is totally unbelievable. I am in Brisbane and thankfully live high on a hill so am not affected. I work in Fortitude Valley so it may be challenging to get to and from work in the next few days however that is nothing compared to the loss so many people have suffered and will still suffer - thoughts and prayers to all.

Tadil - I hope you will be okay.

Thoughts and prayers to those in Lake Clifton who are suffering from the fires.
January 11th, 2011
@taidster Ugh! Every time a cyclone comes close to us up here the shelves empty as though there's no tomorrow - you go to the shop for one loaf of bread and people are walking out with half a trolley full.

You and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers.
January 11th, 2011
yes, prayers to everyone that has been affected. Am in Queensland, but lucky enough so far nothing....but as they keep saying more rain is still to come. enough already!
January 11th, 2011
Thinking of all of you. xx
January 11th, 2011
My family and I will all be safe, but it is a very scary and truly unbelievable situation. I took some photos of the river today, but they really do not do it justice. Stay safe.
January 11th, 2011
Death toll has risen to 10 with 78 missing, hard to watch the footage on the news.
January 11th, 2011
I've just lit a candle for today's photo as a mark of respect for those who are suffering - anyone care to join me?
January 11th, 2011
If anyone is in Brisbane and needs help, I am only too happy to try and help out. We can provide accomodation if needed and are happy to help with any clean up. richard.
January 11th, 2011
Thinking of all my Aussie friends...Stay safe.
January 11th, 2011
Thanks Kirsty, it's a horrible time for this region - our family is fine but we have friends who are trapped out from their homes (others trapped in) and/or who face a very scary day or two ahead. Like Richard, we're available if anyone needs help.
January 11th, 2011
Really thinking of all fellow 365ers in Queensland. I have a friend in Annerly but there is no news from them or on the internet. @kirsty Thanks for starting such an important thread Kirsty. @swoop great idea, are you going to put a tag on it so our Australian friends can follow that. Stay safe and I will hope for those rains to stop.
January 11th, 2011
@taidster you & others in Queensland are in my prayers. i pray that you're all safe after this. i saw it in the news & it's all sad & devastating. thinking of you. you take care, ok?
January 12th, 2011
Its so scarey, that water is moving so fast.
Am up still watching the reports on it, who would have thought that Brisbane CBD would close down - WOW
Thoughts and best wishes to those affected.
God bless the volunteers and SES crews working so hard to keep our friends and families safe.
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