Who isn't busy?

March 2nd, 2010
I'm pretty busy throughout my day.
Aren't you?
How do you manage taking a picture everyday, then uploading them on to your computer???
March 2nd, 2010
I have found that bringing my camera with me throughout my day makes taking the picture each day easier. I try to take a walk during lunch or shoot something in the building I work in (I admit that this can feel odd sometimes). Sometimes you just have to squeeze the shot in, like today I ended up taking my photo at 11:30pm. I also don't upload everyday. I tend to upload in batches of 3-4 days.
March 2nd, 2010
I make photography a part of my busy day.

In the 42 days I've been doing this project, I've found I'm probably spending on average maybe 20-25mins on the shot and the same on the processing/uploading/comments. I don't want to go crazy and spend hours and hours on this (though I easily could), I want it to fit in my life.
March 2nd, 2010
i agree! i think if you just make it part of your lifestyle, like going to the gym, it's a lot easier! some days are definitely hard for me but i take my camera everywhere! that seems to help...
sometimes i don't have time to edit and upload on the same day - but that's ok because i took the pic on the right day, then i just upload in the morning :)
March 2nd, 2010
I upload every few days, but i find it difficult to take a photo every day. If I've got things on like parties, holidays etc it's heaps easier because I take photo's at those events, but on the days I work 12hr shifts or spend the day at home cleaning I really struggle.
Do others keep lists of ideas, in case they find the day unspiring to take a photo of?
March 2nd, 2010
I go out every day on my lunch hour, it beats sitting in the lunch room being overwhelmed with the smell of microwaved Lean Cuisines.
March 2nd, 2010
I just keep a point and click in my pocket all the time and carry my SLR when I know I'm going out to shoot. Then if all else fails there's my phone camera. Still, sometimes I come up with nothing...
March 2nd, 2010
I haven't really used this yet, but I came across it the other day and put a printout in my camera bag. 365 ideas for a project 365
March 2nd, 2010
Sometimes I just take a quick snapshot of something around my house. It's not always a huge production. And actually, the longer I've been doing this project, the easier it gets to find things to take pictures of. I've started to see the world around me in frames to shoot. ;)
March 2nd, 2010
having your camera with you at all times makes it way easier, when I was taking my camera to work I was getting 3-4 photos worthy of posting each day now that I stopped taking it again I struggle daily to get it done but somehow I just do it. I need to get back into taking my camera with me but this alphabet project is making it tougher.
March 2nd, 2010
That's a great resource Daniel. Thanks for sharing.

I have my camera with me at work but don't often take a photo during the day. I try to make it one of the first things I do when I get home though before I get caught up in domestic things (like cooking dinner). I do spend some time during the day thinking about what I might take a photo of though, particularly as I'm doing the alphabet challenge at the moment.

Once that is over though I'm going to have to start keeping an ideas journal. I found it really easy to just go and find inspiration at the start but I'm starting to exhaust the easy possibilities in my local area now ;-)
March 2nd, 2010
Yes - what a great list - seems like a fun thing to have a go at ticking them all off at some point (maybe over several years though!).

I don't so much struggle with the taking of pics - my problem is finding time to process and upload - but as people say, get into the habit of doing this every 2-3 days at most and it's easier.
March 2nd, 2010
totally agree with what everyone was saying. I used to take my point and shoot with me to work every day and found that there were just so many opportunities. The thing is it gets you to open your eyes to whats around you. Most of what i'm taking photos of, i'd walk past every day of my life and not realise it but now i'm like.. wow i didnt realise that was there!

Now, i end up taking my SLR to work with me every day. I'm kind of lucky that i arranged everything in my kit to focus on travel photography so it is quite easy. I do try to upload EVERY day though as i just find that i dont want to be in front of the computer for hours on end once a week. Also, i want to do it as soon as i can so i still have the emotions / feelings on the day.
March 2nd, 2010
One or other camera is never more than a few inches from my hand - sometimes both are with me so there's always a chance to take a quick photo. Uploading is quick and I use e-mail to send the picture through to 365. Sometimes it is good to take a little pause in a day....just a few minutes of reflection time. I find that taking photographs does that for me.
March 2nd, 2010
Oh...and I upload at least once every day....
March 2nd, 2010
I think it is mostly priority, what is important to you. Being busy is better than not being able to be busy. I can't think of who said it but I read one time this "Give a busy man something to do and he will get it done" I do know that my worst enemy is procrastination.
March 2nd, 2010
I'm super busy. I work a fulltime job, plus go to school, plus go to the gym, and I'm also in the process of fixing up my house. But I find that if I just carry my camera (just a simple point and shoot) around in my pocket all day...then I'm always ready when a photo opportunity presents itself.
March 2nd, 2010
small camera & a large bag,,,
March 2nd, 2010
Thanks for the article Daniel! Now I need to get to a printer to print that out for myself
March 2nd, 2010
Yep, carrying a little camera everywhere and shooting once a day. No problem. Deciding which photo looks best, adding some imaginative editing and then uploading it ...Yikes! That has defintely become the time-stealer (notice I didn't say "waster") for me. Used to be easy, but I wasn't as picky OR CREATIVE when I started. Ha!:-)
March 2nd, 2010
OH good I'm not the only one :)
Yes I run in into the exact same problem : not having a lot of time.
But I make it a REQUIREMENT to take, upload, and edit a photo everyday...not only because I can look back and realize "wow I did it!", but also because I REALLY REALLY enjoy doing it. This is officially my favorite site. I love to share my photography with everybody, but also look at others. It is so awesome...It is a good way to document your life, or just show your creative side. I look at it this way: If I wouldnt have started this project...I wouldnt have some of the pictures I have uploaded in the last month.

And I probably shouldnt...but I put this site BEFORE my hw and chores. I know that's bad...but that's how much I love it!! :D
March 2nd, 2010
Taking the pictures every day isn't the problem; it's that I want to look at all your (everyone's) pictures each day. Taking a picture every day has become easier since I got a smaller point and shoot camera that I can carry everywhere with me. Usually I don't have that many good photos to choose from, so that isn't very time consuming and I try not to edit--saves time and makes me be more selective of my shots.
March 2nd, 2010
I swifted my old SLR for a point-and-shoot (if only for the sake of this project). I normally carry the camera with me, so I can take pictures of cool stuff if I happen to bump into some. It's working fine up to now, even though I can't just take all the pics I want (safety reasons, or lack of a more professional equipment for difficult shots, such as night pictures).
The main problem for me is to upload the pics the same day (which has become a nuisance especially now with the alphabet project) , as I don't carry my laptop with me all the times.
March 2nd, 2010
I'm always thinking what kind of photos I want to take for that day (i.e. while driving, while in the shower, etc), but the process of taking a photo and uploading only takes me a good 20 minutes of my time. Although I can't upload everyday, I still make sure I've taken my photo for that day before going to bed at night. Then I can upload 2 or 3 batches if I don't have the chance to upload a picture for that day. I take my camera with me everywhere... lucky for me, I don't have to lug a humongous dslr everywhere because I only use my digital camera and/or my camera phone.
March 2nd, 2010
i carry my panasonic TZ4 in my purse and my SLR when i can. like justin said (2nd comment) i snap shots when i'm walking.

yesterday i was walking down the steps and was like, hey i could make a shot out of this lol. then i started to wonder what our security camera caught, lol.

today i was taking an upward angle shot of a tree in that same stairwell...somone on that floor happend to come out, i must admit i felt a little silly but decided, eh just roll with it. so i went back to take the shot, the guy leaned into me trying to see what i was taking a picture of. i laughed and told him it was part of a 365project, take a picture everyday. he was like, oh cool. just smiled.
you can also use your cell phone, most of them have a camera. and if you can't upload that day, do a few in one day or once a week. you just hve to remember which photo you took on what day :c)
March 2nd, 2010
I'm finding it's taken over my life...all day with the camera round my neck, every evening glued to the screen!
although i'm getting better as the weeks go by.
March 2nd, 2010
I too am really busy, but for some reason...I need to do this activity each day. I actually look forward to taking my picture, posting it, and chatting with the others about their pictures. I've met some wonderful, kind people. I can't say enough about this site...and I'm so glad that I have found it. Thank you all for making it what it is!
March 3rd, 2010
I give myself options. I work on a computer ALL day at work, and rarely want to then get on the computer at home to upload my photo. So about half my project is taken with my iPhone. I like to play with different photo apps, like Hipstamatic, and such to keep it interesting. But the reason this really works for my busy day is because I can email the photo from my iPhone and finish the description on the internet from my phone. The other half of my project I do actually shoot with my DSLR and upload from my computer.
March 3rd, 2010
I definitely /try/ to take my camera with me but sometimes I find it hard to take pictures at work (that sounds like such an excuse I know).
March 3rd, 2010
like everybody else, i take my camera with me wherever i go and take pictures whenever i see something catches my eyes, somedays i only have to take one, some days i might have more time. I think time is not really the issue (although i make excuse for myself some days too :) I'm so enjoy doing this that I don't see this as a project or a task or anything that's pressure any more, i take it as part of my day, It really changes your perspective. you are doing this for fun, for yourself, you will find time to do it. and more: you will love it! Of course, i think sometimes it's ok to "cheat" a little bit, you CAN post photos some days that is not actually taken that day, i personally think it's totally ok, as long as it's your own photos. bottom line, don't let that become a burden. if you feel so, it will be the time to stop.
March 3rd, 2010
THANKS EVERYONE!!! I thought I'd be the only one.
March 3rd, 2010
I carry a camera around all the time too but sometimes see a great shot but Im then suddenly too shy to take it. Downloadings a bit harder here as the internet speed is often just too slow or intermittent because of the variable speed of the electricity so I often have to try at different times during the night or early morning. Ive even had to go to a cafe and download but then we're used to that now with homework too. I do tend to take a lot of pictures- sometimes a lot of the same thing from slightly different angles etc- as dust, light and movement (esp traffic shots;)can play havoc with clarity.
March 3rd, 2010
In today's digital world, you don't necessarily have to wait and compose for a 1/2 hour like ya used to with medium formats. I dont think it is a matter of being busy. Just maybe not looking for the shot. I have seen many "award winning" images on this site, that most people would just walk by and not think a thing about it.

Everyone's life has different priorities. But, I cannot tell you how many friends I have that say the classic cliche "I'm too busy, don't have the time), and they sit on Facebook for hours, taking inane quizzes and sending the world pictures of what is on their dinner plate.

Nowadays, to compose a good picture, it takes maybe 5 minutes tops. That's 35 minutes per week.

All depends how you manage it. Daniel is spot on.
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