Start in January?

March 2nd, 2010
Hi, I just came across this site and thot it was pretty cool so I joined as a member. But urm, is it OK if we were to start like now? We don't have to start at the beginning of the year, am I right?

(now that I have typed my query, I feel kinda dumb!hahaha)

but yea, help me out here?=)

Am planning to use my lomo cams for this porject once I start!=)
March 2nd, 2010
Hi Huda and welcome to 365 Project!

You definitely don't have to start in January. I think a lot of us do as Jan 1 is usually a good reminder to get on doing the things we promised ourselves we'd do "one day". I didn't start until a couple of weeks into this year. The whole idea is to take 1 photo a day for 365 days, whether that be 1 Jan to 31 Dec or 2 March to 1 March or whatever!

I hope you have fun doing your project and I'll try to remember to check out your photos when you get started :-)
March 2nd, 2010
Hi Huda,

Welcome to 365! I didn't start until January 10th and so far I haven't been arrested. =)

Just go for it and have fun! I look forward to seeing your pictures.

March 2nd, 2010
Welcome Huda! I started a couple of weeks ago. Don't worry about when you should start :) Have fun! Looking forward to your photos
March 2nd, 2010
Hi all, thanks so much for all your welcome messages!;p
I have posted my first pic! Yaba da ba doooooooooooo!!! ^_^

Lisa: yup, do visit my album when it has more pics!

April: Thank God! hee, looks like the fun is just starting for the both of us!=)

Karen: I am gonna look thru urs too!=)
March 2nd, 2010
welcome Huda! absolutely, start whenever you want. there's no 365 police and the point of the project is to just take photos to get better and hopefully capture your year in photos :)
Good luck!
March 2nd, 2010
You can start any time....but if you want to fill up the missing slots all you have to do is put the earlier date when you edit.....
March 2nd, 2010
Huda, not to worry - I started mine in the middle of July ... I thought if I waited until the New Year I might now ever do it!
March 2nd, 2010
Welcome Huda, I started on the first of February, so March 2nd is fine, love your wind chimes.
March 2nd, 2010
Welcome! I'm looking forward to seeing your photos! And you can start whenever you want, I think!
March 2nd, 2010
WT: yes, everyone is so accomodating here!=) thanks guys!

Liz: Thank You! that's a very good do you know I was thinking bout it?heehee..;p

Laura: my sentiments exactly! I just hope to last throughout the whole 365 days!!=)

Sue: Thanks Sue, we got it in Thailand and when the wind blows, the chime reminds me of some fairytale movie!eheheh..

Poliana: yes! me too! love some of ur pics too!;p
March 3rd, 2010
I started mine last July 27th. You definitely don't need to wait until January or try to back date it. I just started it when I felt inspired to join. Have fun and welcome!
March 3rd, 2010
January 19th was my project start date, I was (and still am) just posting my pics to a photo blog..... I didn't find this site until Feb 4th.

Out of interest, how long has this site been running for?
March 3rd, 2010
welcome to the site huda :) :)

you can start anytime!! just jump on in!

look forward to seeing your project!
March 4th, 2010
=) Welcome! I can't wait to see your photos. Lomo is great to view!
March 4th, 2010
Sure, start anytime! I started in November actually. ;)
March 4th, 2010
I started TODAY! o.O :]
March 4th, 2010
Welcome welcome!

You can start it wheenver! Most people (myself included) start in January because it's an easier time line (well..I started it then because it was easier:P)

Looking forward to seeing your photos :)
March 4th, 2010
I just started as well.
March 5th, 2010
Amairani & Amanda: yayyy! we are the newbies!ehehehe...

Christy: yes! I am waiting for my second Lomo cam, a Holga 135BC!! woohoooo!!

Chris: yep! am starting to get addicted already!hee..;p

Sarah: thanks, dear!=)
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