Can you please help?

March 4th, 2010
Okay, I have been using an old school desktop monitor and my husband just came home with a nice flat screen to surprise me. Okay, now ALL my pictures look WAY brighter then they did on the other computer and I don't know if this new monitor is all bright and wrong (like even looking at the screen right now is killing my eyes) or if my old one was wrong and all along what I was seeing was not what everyone else was seeing. Most of my pictures (the way I edited them on the old computer monitor) were pretty dark. I just looked back because my black and white photo I just posted is WAY brighter and has no depth and definment like it did before, and my snowy waterfall picture I made is HORRIBLE. Before I could see all this detail and seperation and now the snow looks all blown out. Can you please tell me what you see so I can figure out if this monitor needs to be returned or if all along my pictures have looked like this and I didn't know. Ugh.

March 4th, 2010
I wouldn't say return the new monitor, just play with the settings. Every monitor is going to be different. My laptop monitor is way brighter than my home desktop and the computers my school uses. To me all your photos that you have posted look amazing.

So my suggestion is just play with the brightness and contrast and all those tech things on your monitor until you find what looks right to you. I hope I was help and not just rambling! x.x
March 4th, 2010
If you like the monitor, you can always have it calibrated as well.
Then you know what you are seeing is EXACTLY what you have.

Most cities have someplace that does the calibration, or you can buy a kit for as little as $69.
Due to the companies (and media that we create), I have all of the monitors calibrated at least once a year
March 4th, 2010
Your photos look great to me. Try hopping onto . Go to the camera database and find your camera. Under in depth review, there should be a color white to black scale that they posted from a calibrated monitor. Adjust your monitor to it. There are directions. Hope this helps.
March 4th, 2010
Hello there!

I noticed similar things when I switch from editing photos from my PC to MAC...the MAC always looks brighter for some reason.

Like Kevin said earlier, I think the monitor just needs to be calibrated a bit...

However that being said, I think your photos are amazing (especially the iguana ^^)
March 4th, 2010
Have a look might find it helpful!
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