Notifications? Anyone?! Plz?! =)

March 4th, 2010
I was just wondering if I was the only one who was facing this tiny problem. I do come across a fair number of beautiful pictures each day, and sometimes I ask questions regarding how this or that was done. Unfortunately I can’t find a way to get notified that this person actually replied to my question unless I go back to that picture to check every once in a while.

Perhaps a simple “reply to” command under each post might be of a help, some sort of notification… =)

Many many thanks .
Cheers everyone!!
March 4th, 2010
hey harmony!

as of right now we don't have a notification to tell us when people have responded to our comments/questions...

i DID put in a suggestion to ross last week for this. he is travelling right now so i might not hear back for a little bit. but we're definitely brainstorming for it!!

my only thought is that there's really no way for the computer to tell if a person is responding to a specific question or just posting a regular comment - this might result in a crazy notification email influx for posters...

but i don't know another way to still get notified...

any ideas out there??
March 4th, 2010
agreed! I think there was a tread on this same topic and Sarah was going to talk to Ross (the owner) about it. I think Ross is a traveling right now so he is not on the computer much.

Hopefully this will happen.
March 4th, 2010
I would love to see this feature added! It is hard to keep track of everything!!!
March 4th, 2010
I share Sarah's concern about the notification influx. As much as I would love to get a notification on some posts I really don't want an email everytime someone comments on the same picture that I did. (Facebook does this and it drives me nuts.)
March 4th, 2010
Thanks for your replies guys! I actually meant a “reply to” command just after EACH post. So basically only the person concerned would get a notification.

Me : Oh X Great shot!!!! Please can you specify your ISO and shutter speed setting [“Reply to” command]
So basically all the other person needs to do is click on “reply to” that way only the person who originated the initial comment would get the notification.

PS: I’m beyond sorry, I find it slightly difficult to express my ideas in English, French being my mother tongue =)
March 5th, 2010
I think an optional "receive notifications" checkbox would suffice. Most websites employe something of this sort and it seems to work fine.
March 5th, 2010
since it might be a while before this sort of feature arrives, i find what works is to ask the person to answer any question i have on one of my photos (since i receive the comments on my photos in my inbox). works great!
March 5th, 2010
oh yes this would be awesome! Almost like facebook is set you guys know what I am talking about? It would be really helpful. I am glad I am not the only one with this problem. I just try to do my best to go back and reply to questions.... yes...notifications is a definite add in my book :)
March 5th, 2010
Or it could be more like LiveJournal, where someone can reply directly to your comment and only the person directly replied to gets an email notification. I kinda hate the way Facebook does it. I don't usually want to read 10 other people's comments, but I would like to know if the poster replies to me.
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