
January 16th, 2011
I keep getting lint IN my camera and it's driving me insane. I have an arctic butterfly and I also have swabs to use. I can do the mirror lock-up and get all the lint, and then put the lens back on and it's fine...until the next time I go to use it and the lint is back and I never took the lens off?

It's getting really frustrating!!!
January 16th, 2011
This might be a stupid question, but are you cleaning your lens too? The lint may be trapped in the camera side of your lens.
January 16th, 2011
There could be a number of causes, however I will offer one nifty trick that may (or may not, depending on your cause) help - those "charity bracelets" you can buy, made of elasticized plastic, fit really well over the lens mount on most DSLR cameras and lenses. You can put it on your lens and push it down to where it connects with the body, and it makes a great secondary weather seal to keep out dust and rain. It isn't guaranteed of course, but I personally have found it very effective when shooting unsealed lenses in dusty / rainy environments (lenses like my 85mm f/1.2 L II which has no lens-mount-end gasket like my other L lenses).

Also, try a Rocket blower, with your camera tilted down, to try to blow any errant dust out of the inside of the body and using gravity to ensure it falls away instead of into your camera.
January 16th, 2011
Yup, I am cleaning the lens too :)

Jinx - Are you talking like the "Live Strong" bracelets? That thicker rubber kind? I'll give that a shot! I tried the Rocket blower a little while back and didn't see that it helped but I'll do it again. I was taught to never hold the body of the camera "up" to where it's facing me when changing out lenses - I always point it down so it makes sense that I should blow it out that way too.

I will say this, the lint appears to be the same "material" as what's in my camera bag, though my camera bag doesn't seem to shed to me. And I do put my camera away in my bag when I'm done using it.
January 16th, 2011
@cholbert Strange that it comes back so quick, any time I've shot Holi (colour festival involving huge amounts of flying powdered paint) I've put small, thin rubber bands around the connections as an extra seal, I find using a small one helps as it'll pull itself in to the join.
January 16th, 2011
@cholbert Yes - exactly that kind. :)
January 16th, 2011
Yeah, Adam, that's what's bothering me is that it comes back almost right away. It's to the point where I'm about to send it into Nikon for a professional cleaning in the hopes that a. I can go without it that long and b. they clear up the problem so I can stop having a headache about it!

Thanks again Jinx!
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