This might be a little vain

March 5th, 2010
I know I am relatively new here still (only at 8%), but what are people doing to get so many followers/comments on their pictures. Sarah doesn't count as she is so active on this site :). But for the rest of you.... do you do anything or is it just your pictures that result in the following?

I hope this comes off correctly as I am just curious.
March 5th, 2010
comment! i find that the more people i comment on the more people that start following me. and my pictures aren't even very good. i flip through the browse section for the day and try to comment at least once a day.
March 5th, 2010
I find that if you give regular feedback you tend to get feedback back, if someone new comments on my shots I always go and check theirs out and follow them if I like their photos.
March 5th, 2010
posting topics helps a lot. but most of my followers are from people that I gave feedback too.
March 5th, 2010
oh and follow a lot of people. they usually follow back and see your photos more often.
March 5th, 2010
i also would suggest that you comment on other's photos and follow other people.

i'm honestly not here to have the most followers or to feel bad if i am not most followed or in the popular browse section, but instead, this place is to keep me on track with my 365 this year. i fell short last year - so this for me, is all about a way to stay focused on my 365.

but i have to admit i have loved getting input and seeing the work of others each and every single day! it is way nicer here than on flickr (but i still use flickr too). people on here are all here for the same reason, to learn and share their photos daily with kindness and devotion - something i was not expecting to find... it has been a wonderful surprise! i look forward to seeing everyones photos and sharing mine with them. it has become a photography home for me personally. :o)
March 5th, 2010
Michele You are so right about people showing kindness and devotion. What a truly generous community this is! The comments are so affirming but if you truly want to be critiqued, people will make useful non-judgmental suggestions. I confess I spend more time here than on FB or twitter.

March 5th, 2010
Allison - me too! i've become a 365 junkie ;-) i've almost all but forgotten about FB and twitter.
March 5th, 2010
I was quite surprised to get people just randomly commenting on my pictures - I was just sticking my pictures up as somewhere to host and then I realised there was a whole community here. It's really nice! I am a bit rubbish at commenting but if I'm following you then I'm definitely looking at your pictures - some of the things that come up on my homepage are really fantastic from you guys :D
March 5th, 2010
Thanks everyone.

@Michele, i was not looking for a popularity contest, just looking for more feedback as I grow more by receiving it, good and bad. I will still shoot the way I want to and I know not everyone will get what I am going for each and every shot.

I will say I agree, this place is VERY friendly and very willing to help out.

Thanks again.
March 6th, 2010
I get most of mine from comment but one week I posted a series of kinda unique photos and gained something like 20+ followers in that time. I know Peter Allen has gained a few followers cause of his animal ABC project (myself included) so photos will have some affect on your followers.

BTW I love your Jack photo, you sir have a new follower :)
March 6th, 2010
Jeff O - i hope my post did not come across as your thinking i thought you were here for a popularity contest - i do not think that at all. i was only speaking for myself and why this place is perfect for me personally and the reasons why i am not here. i hope that makes sense! :o)
March 6th, 2010
NOT AT ALL.... I just wanted to clarify my point of view as well. I did not take it negatively at all.
March 6th, 2010
March 6th, 2010
What they said, and enter the weekly theme, tag your images, have interesting titles or explanations. I dont often tag, but that is my recipe.
March 6th, 2010
I visit others and take the time to comment. When I really like a shot, I "fav" it. I do the themed competitions as much as I can, add people to my "following" list -- in other words, I try to be as neighborly as possible in the community.
March 6th, 2010
I basically just scan through photos. For instance, you started this topic so I looked at your photos. I liked them (especially the explanations) so I started following you. Simple as that.
March 7th, 2010
I started it out purely for fun and i have no photography experience whatsoever, i do spend lots of time browsing other people's photo and making comments if i see the ones i like, I'm really hooked with 365 and I practically "abandoned" Facebook :) Anyway, I wasn't particularly tracking how many people i follow and how many are following me, but one day when i realized that i have more than 100 people following me I actually got a little scared...I don't think i'm that good so it does put some pressure on me :) most of the people here are so nice and friendly, I feel like making new friends all the time. BTW, I like your photos :)
March 7th, 2010
I agree. I started following people and commenting on their photos. I try to participate in themes and such. I "Fav" photos that I really love. And I usually follow back people that follow me. I started my project last July. It took a little while to gain followers, but they come in time if you are active on commenting and such. Sarah is a great example. She joined after me, started off by following almost everyone, commented (nicely and helpfully) on lots of peoples' photos, and posted really good quality interesting photos. So naturally people followed her back. Also, posting threads isn't such a bad idea either, as I am now following you. I went and checked out your work, and I like it!
March 7th, 2010
Thanks to everyone, and a lot of the nice kind words. I am looking forward to the next..... uggggghhhh 330+ days most of you will be in my life :)
March 7th, 2010
Hey Jeff, I hear you man.. I dont get many comments either.... maybe we're just not that pretty? ;)

keep plugging away mate!
March 8th, 2010
I browse pretty regularly and comment on what I find interesting. I don't think I do anything overly special, I just take part in the process and let the rest take care of itself

(agreed though 100%..... I'm spending much more time here than on fb and twitter.... and after 3 days on holiday without ANY internet I have A LOT of photos to go through!)
March 8th, 2010
Yea I see your point, I do make comments etc but still don't get followers back and even follow people too. Not that I expect for them to follow me but the more followers you have the more your pics will appears on someones Homepage to therefore receive comments. Its nice to know people enjoy your work and even better when you receive comments/criticism.
March 8th, 2010
I can't help you there. I've been here awhile and am not getting many comments. I think the better you are at photography and the more time you spend here, the more you will receive, Also, how many people you watch. That's my take on it. It's hard, I know, not to receive comments. I came here for help in my photography,and have twice felt I would just have to leave bc I cannot seem to 'catch on' here at all.
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