Choosing pics

January 23rd, 2011
Does anyone else have heaps of trouble choosing what pic they are going to put up? I have 3 beautiful children and am only on to day 3 and already having trouble deciding what photo i want to add :)
January 23rd, 2011
yes me ! all the time :S ...... i have 3 sons and my fella & they all choose different favorites every time argghhh ! lol
January 23rd, 2011
hehe yup! I have a couple of extras put in the 2008/2009 calendars because I wanted to share more than one photo for whatever reason :)
January 23rd, 2011
As I have just started, yes. Hopefully I will be more decisive in the future!
January 23rd, 2011
Yes! And I still have a lot of spares for a day without inspiration, but I almost evry day make a new picture, so they still are waiting. Somehow I think it's the challenge to pick just one every day, learns us to make decisions...
January 23rd, 2011
yes me all the time, its one of the reasons I paid for an ace account. I get the family to pick its so much easier.. I sort out the ones I like the most then they choose
January 23rd, 2011
Almost every day! Argh! I'm too enthusiastic about the project that I've taken like 100 shots every day... there are always 3 or 4 that I love.
January 23rd, 2011
I usually ask whoever is sitting next to me to choose and then I put links to the other ones in the caption! I'm saving all my runners up and planning to do a mass upload to flickr at some point...
January 23rd, 2011
I take about 100 shots each day. It is challenging to select one photo to upload to the 365 project. On some days, the selection is easy. On most days, it is not easy. About every third day, I put up a selection and let my husband choose. He has a really good eye for good compositions, but takes very few photos of his own.
January 23rd, 2011
Actually editing my pictures is the hardest part for me....take today's photo (Jan 23rd), there were others more eye catching and more in line with what seems to be my thing buildings etc., but you just can't go past other things and especially a strange message!

So I choose what I think is interesting, unusual or maybe crowd pleasing....If it marks something significant in your day or year even then put that in?

This is both a liberating free experience or a task...I am considering writing a query on whether it puts us under photographic pressure...but know the answer is yes and no.
January 23rd, 2011
Some days when I take a ton there are usually 3 or 4 I am torn between, then there are days I am just stumped so i take a pic or 2 just to have something to post.
January 23rd, 2011
I hate choosing, I would rather someone did it for me, lol. Sometimes it's easy but most of the time it's so difficult.
January 24th, 2011
@davidgeer I agree it can be both. I want mine to reflect the good memories of our year not so much the best photograph. I am not editing my pics as I dont have the time with 3 young children. I think at the end of my 365 days it will just be nice to look back on the things we have done.
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