
January 30th, 2011
OK I'll admit it... Last year I cheated a few times by posting a fill in photo that wasn't technically taken on the day I uploaded it to... as in it was a photo from the day (or perhaps a few days) before / after the date I uploaded it into. I only did it here and there... and hey, it's MY project right... so I can do as I please?

This year I wanted to cheat on one... it was taken on the 29th... but I want to post it as my 30th Jan photo... but the uploader won't let me change the date... is it blocking me because it knows it wasn't taken on the 29th?

Or am I just doing something wrong?
January 30th, 2011
Do you have something posted for the 30th already? Should be able to.
January 30th, 2011
@crappysailor no I don't... it won't even let me change the title... maybe I will try logging out and in again and see if that works.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I think I just clicked ('scuse the pun)... maybe I have 2010 as the date instead of 2011... hang on I will be back! ;)

Thanks for making me THINK! ;)
January 30th, 2011
Anne, I agree with Anthony. I have posted a couple pictures in last year (even though I just started at the beginning of this month) for a couple theme contests.
January 30th, 2011
ok that was weird... it let me this time??? strange but sorted... thanks!
January 30th, 2011
I don't that is cheat, everyone can see the real dates on the information about the photo
January 30th, 2011
The project is really whatever you want it to be @binxcat1. Some folks don't post for weeks and then put it all up at once. Others post every day but not necessarily something that they did that day. Others only post sporadically. WHat ever you do, just make it fun.
January 30th, 2011
Besides, the rules are more guidelines here. This project is for you, so do whatever works for you.
January 30th, 2011
as @emsabh said, it's what you want it to be. For me, it was a simply motivation to take more pictures. Most pro photographers will say that the best way to improve your photography is to take more pictures and I already understand why. I'm learning more about my camera by simply using it, though I have a long way to go!
January 30th, 2011
@bobtimmons so in agreement with your last sentence. I started with the project knowing the basics, comfortable with Aperture priority and Shutter priority. SInce then, I've learned mirror lockup, bracketing, practicing (and not perfecting, yet!) manual focus, how different lens length produce different images of the same scene. @binxcat1 it's also been a huge inspiration to try my (timid) hand at post production edits, by allowing me to receive really good feedback on my work.
January 30th, 2011
I have occasionally posted images taken one or more days before the fact. My philosophy is this: as long as you take a photo every day, that doesn't HAVE to be the one you upload. Just by practicing every day, you're fulfilling the project requirements.
January 30th, 2011
Personally I don't like posting pictures from different days, but everyone should handle their project the way they want.
January 30th, 2011
i cheat occasionally - due to limitations i am dealing with right now, there are some days i can't get out and about, so getting photos each day is a bit difficult. i try to, but if i can't make it out i don't. hopefully when i am on my feet again that will change and be easier. i am thinking of editing a few into a new image on those days if i feel up to it and that be fine, but its just day by day with if i can get up and out or not.
January 30th, 2011
I work mine in that i try to take a and post one every day , but if i cant take a photo, I post an older one, that I think everyone may like, as I see this site as a way to learn about other photographrs, try and improve my skills, see their work and learn about their lives and make friends. Your project your call.
January 30th, 2011
@proudrhrshipper Emily, that is exactly my personal philosophy too :-)
January 30th, 2011
@binxcat1 I certainly have "cheated" before and other times my uploads are actually taken correctly but I upload incorrectly when I start plugging in dates at 2am. I have about 50 things going on daily and I use 365 to get back to why I fell in love with photography in the first place. There are certainly days when I am in bed and realize I have not taken a photograph for the day. Sometimes I will get up and think of something to capture and other days I won't. You do the best you can and remember that this is an enjoyment in your life, not a task.
January 9th, 2012
these post were a lot of help to me since I am new. I was wondering if I could use older photos. I understand from the post that I can use older photos as long as they are pictures I have taken.. Great ....
January 9th, 2012
My latest photo (Day 9) was taken last night (Day 8). It's my first "cheat", only because I was so pleased with the way the photo had turned out, that I couldn't resist sharing it on here :)
January 9th, 2012
The only way I would see any of this as a cheat is if you used pictures that someone else took.
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