Who to follow?

January 31st, 2011
Hello All,

I'm here just shy of a month and really enjoying this site and the project!

Recently I started following Vikdaddy and I love the comments he adds. I'm here to learn and I find the info he includes very helpful.

So the question is, who do you follow that inspires you not only visually but also with the technique oriented comments they include?


(and thanks Vikdaddy!)
January 31st, 2011
@vikdaddy - so he sees this :)

Everyone I follow, including Vik, inspires me. And plenty I don't follow; I seldom follow just for one's work - I like to build relationships here :)
January 31st, 2011
I love all I follow but I particularly love following two incredible ladies; @tiggymooshoo and @jembelina. They are both amazing people! :-)
January 31st, 2011
hmm I have many but there are a few that stick out the most .. Vikdaddy, momeraths, Jinx, Lee Gordon and that is just naming a few of the many that inspire me. I've been here just a month and thought I would struggle with inspiration but am surprised to say that with all the talent here I am never at too much of a struggle - other than lack of equipment
January 31st, 2011
i recent saw @ddantic give instructions on how to format your photo in to a rubics cube. :)
January 31st, 2011
if you're not already following @mattyb, i highly recommend him. he has such a vast range of talent (which shows in his photos) and i love his step-by-step tutorials for his set up shots.
January 31st, 2011
definitely Rebbecca Castillo http://365project.org/rebcastillo77/profile. She has such beautiful imagery and her composition and execution is first rate.

and also Tiffany Tregenza http://365project.org/tiggymooshoo/profile Her work is just outstanding and very powerful

January 31st, 2011
http://365project.org/raralauz/365 because of her incredible fighting spirit
http://365project.org/tiggymooshoo/profile because she is a fabulous mother to the beautiful Ivy
http://365project.org/craigdtull/profile because he makes me laugh
http://365project.org/robinwarner/profile because she is the bestest photographer
January 31st, 2011
Me - definitely!
January 31st, 2011
Sometimes it pays not to follow any one too good. It makes you feel totally inadequate. I try to follow photographers with a varied experience.
January 31st, 2011
@topaz so true! I initially thought I'd follow only the really amazing photographers but then realized that just made me feel bad about my own work. So follow anyone whose project looks interesting and inspiring to you. Just my 2 cents...
January 31st, 2011
I follow people whose work appeals to me. Some of them are outstanding technical photographers with DSLR's and some only make snapshots with a P&S. I value originality and creativity over technical skills.
January 31st, 2011
@vaderkip wow Paul I am totally flattered! Thank you so much my friend :D
January 31st, 2011
Many of the people that I follow closely inspire me in some way, either by there photographs, their kind words, or their wealth of knowledge.
Amy Hughes @amyhughes has lovely photos: http://365project.org/amyhughes/365

These gentleman always have kind words for me that put a smile on my face everday :
@cirasj (even went through the trouble as to create a video tutorial for me)
January 31st, 2011
I make it a habit to follow everyone that follows me, and then I trim off those that show no activity. It does require quite a bit of time, but I enjoy looking at the wide variety of talent and approaches to this style of art. There is so much to learn. I think you definitely need to find how it will best work for you, and I think you need to remember you are doing this for you. It's a way to capture your year. It is great getting feedback, and it makes you feel good. It is also nice to have your photo pop up on the popular page, but truthfully, I frequently do not check out the popular page, but occasionally someone will mention that my photo appeared there. Some live to have their work appear on the popular page and to have it appear in the top 20, but I think that takes away from the real purpose, and it makes it more of a competition. I guess if you are very talented and professional, that is why you have that drive, but I enjoy the sense of friendship, the relationships that this project has promoted. It is a special group of people on here. It serves many purposes. You need to find that reason for you.
January 31st, 2011
I follow 13 people because I like their style..
But I can`t recommend a few of them,or I would offend the ones I leave out :)
January 31st, 2011
oh my there are loads i follow that i really like the work of ! cant name just a few :S
January 31st, 2011
Wow, I appreciate the kudos! Thanks guys and gals :) x x x x x
January 31st, 2011
@topaz @digitalrn Well said!

I follow some people I want to be like and others that I like their photos. I follow some who edit every picture and some who don't. I also enjoy all of the help those in this community give. Don't take it too seriously, do what works the best for you. Use it as a tool and community, but don't lose sight of why you joined in the first place. :)
January 31st, 2011
Anyone on my "following" list is worth the time to look into. They all bring an experienced and unique perspective to my time here. I love their work and personalities. They are all really great people to get to know. :-)
January 31st, 2011
@kjarn thanks Kathy..wondering why i got so many followers this AM
January 31st, 2011
My brother @chewyteeth his pics are great and he's very dedicated to 365 and always gives really useful comments and tips, even though he pretends to know nothing about photography, hes a big help!

And definitely @oblateal his photos are incredible!! and he leaves great comments.
Everyones great on here though, you'll find the majority of people you follow will be a massive help and are massively talented :)
January 31st, 2011
@jasonbarnette describes some of his techniques and I find that helpful.

January 31st, 2011
In no particular order: @eyebrows , @kjarn , @petersonsheri , @noynek , @mwest , @flamez , @lilithcherry , @dawnie , @lynnmwatson , @peterauliciems , and to any others I have missed out, I am sorry!

I always get such fantastic comments, and these guys never fail to disappoint, especially @mwest .. @eyebrows used to keep everyone entertained with his witty banter and amusing puns.. but he's been rather slack recently :P it's nice to know that people are looking, even if they just write a couple of words it is a lovely feeling to know that you all look at my photos :)

Personally, I am terrible at writing comments.. and although I try, I often feel like I am writing the same thing over and over.. Wow, fab pic.. Awesome shot.. etc. because there are so many fantastic photos on here! So thanks everyone :)

January 31st, 2011
@katiegc24 ~ oh wow thanku :) big smile here :)

@annm ~ deffo check out kate Marsden too @katiegc24 her duck greg is ace , and her writing to describe his picture & his day is always fantastic :)
January 31st, 2011

Wow, thanks everyone for all the replies!

Posting this question really worked!!  Many thanks to all who took the time.

I appreciate the fact that there are many reasons to follow someone: talent, community, inspiration, friendship, etc... I follow some folks for each of the above attributes. This post was not meant to imply that other reasons for following folks are not important, meaningful or even better.

I started this project inspired by my friend Steven,   http://365project.org/meerimage/365 , in hopes of improving my photography skills. Now that I'm here, it's been my unexpected pleasure to get to know other members as well. All good!

My specific reason for the tread was to find individual community numbers who post technique orientated comments with their photos. After following Vikdaddy for a few days and then looking at loads of his past posts, I really appreciated reading his comments and thought, how could I find a few more photographers like him who focus their comments on technique? 

I will now go take a look at the many, many suggestions!

Any more suggestions for community members who inspire you with their technique orientated comments?

Ann :-)
January 31st, 2011

I am not looking to find someone who will post comments on MY pictures, I mean folks who, on their OWN pictures, comment on the shot they took with technical/helpful info about their shot!

Sorry if I was not clear, now I think I understand some of the reply posts....although of course it's always nice to get sweet comments!

January 31st, 2011
Woops, it seems we all got a bit off track doesn't it . Now I realise you wanted links to people who write technical info on their shots so here are two who I follow who do that.
http://365project.org/jinximages/profile http://365project.org/misschuff/profile
January 31st, 2011
There are too many too name for me. I like a wide range of images and they all inspire me in some way or another. There are a lot of names mentioned here who I thought I was following but I'm not so sorry about that and I'm following you now because your work is totally awesome.

This is a great place to be and I'm so glad I joined up, all the advice I'm getting is helping a great deal too.
February 2nd, 2011
@kirsty1975 thanks for the kind words!

And to everyone for posting, I've found a bunch of great new peeps to follow! There is so much talent on this site.
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