What do you do with your project when it's done?

January 31st, 2011
Is there a away to print it or save it? I recently bought a new Mac with Aperature on it, and I just discovered it has an option to make a book. I think I'm going to follow along and create a book I can print at the end. I know it might be a wee bit pricey but memories are priceless, right?

What do most people do?
January 31st, 2011
I'm not sure about pulling info directly out of the 365 site, but I plan to make a coffee table type book when I'm finished. I think it will be well-worth any cost to have all our dedication and photos nicely presented. I also have a Mac, but have found the book option there to be a bit pricey (most books start with 20 pages & then you have to pay additional $ per page). I found http://www.blurb.com/ and love it. I'm currently using it for a gift photo-book for someone & it's really user friendly with lots of great templates. It also pulls easily from iPhoto.

Also, don't know if these will help, but I know this topic has been discussed a few times on 365 - here are two I found:
January 31st, 2011
A book would be a GREAT Idea. I was thinking about this too. I 'tag' all of mine with a specific name. Lisabell> tag yours with your name - '@Lisabell' or just 'Lisabelle'. They will all go into a file of their own. I'm not sure if that will make it easier to save at the end of the project, but if you click that tag you will see all your pics. Thanks Danielle for the two topic suggestions.
January 31st, 2011
i had been considering a book also :)

but last night my fella told me he would be chosing some at the end of the year to enlarge , frame & display in our home :)
January 31st, 2011
I haven't really thought about what to do at the end. I too like the idea of a book. So many options on what to do. One thing I would like to try and do though is to get a way to keep all the lovely and wonderful comments I've received.
January 31st, 2011
I want to make a kind of diary of it. I try to take a photo of something special about every day. At the end of the year I want to print all the pictures to make a photo-diary-book of it.
January 31st, 2011
@danimarie You've been immensely helpful! I have never heard of blurb.com, but they are almost half the price of the Aperature book.
@karenr I never thought about tagging my photos with my name. Thanks for the tip!
@flamez You have a nice fella! My pictures aren't worthy of being enlarged and displayed yet!
January 31st, 2011
Definitely I 'll make more than one book.
January 31st, 2011
I was wondering whether there'd be enough photos to make it into one of those photomosaics, that would be nice too. Pick your best picture for the large combo-image.
January 31st, 2011
Wouldn't it be cool, if there was an option to upload your project 365 to one of the sites that makes books. So many people have asked about it. I am not sure the name of the guy that started it (I could probably find out), but it would be a great Idea to make it happen this year, and im sure he can get some kind of kick back for it. Im just throwing it out there. It also be great if you could incorporate entries as well as pictures.
January 31st, 2011
I was disappointed just before Christmas when my Dad, who never really comments on my photos, told me that he would have gone through all of them and chosen the best from each month to make into a calendar for me. Maybe next year when I'm 3/4 of the way through year 2...
January 31st, 2011
@staciehighland I was thinking the same thing.
January 31st, 2011
@flamez I've already ordered one enormous canvas of one of my pictures :) I dread to think how many will be in our living room by the time I'm done!

I've said all along that my treat to myself should I finish this project will be a photobook of all my photos - maybe with some of the nicest comments about them :)
January 31st, 2011
I am making a book. I am going through Shutterfly, as they are the cheapest that I have seen thus far, and pretty simple to make. I would love to make the coffee table book, of the years that I have done this project, just as a way to look back. Leather bound book through Shutterfly is running under $50~!
January 31st, 2011
It would take forever, for sure, but I know I want a book of my year, and I know I want it to include my captions as well as the comments I may have received. I was just going to manually load all of that to whatever site I choose (blurb, shutterfly, whatever) to create my book... but it would be HORRIBLY time consuming. Oh, I would pay a premium fee to both 365 and the book publisher if there was a way to link this up automatically...
January 31st, 2011
@erikadee I think I’m going to post my pictures in a book every week. I think Shutterfly holds onto projects forever. I still have a video I made a couple of years ago in my account.
February 1st, 2011
I'm thinking about turning it into a coffee table book. Three to four images per page, with the better ones on a page all to themselves.
February 1st, 2011
book is a good idea
February 1st, 2011
Another thought is to also upload your photos to a site called shuttercal.com and use their nifty print service. You can get polaroid style prints of each month, and put them in a neat shoebox that is designed to perfectly hold the 12 months. I'm uploading my daily pix to both places (here and there) in anticipation of getting the prints.

I may still do a book as well, as there is just something special about holding a hardbound book with your pictures in it. I have used blurb a few times and have been very pleased with the results.
February 2nd, 2011
@fallingwaters I just checked out shuttercal.com. What a great idea! I love that the day and the commentary are included on the back of the photo, and it all goes into a neat shoebox by month. Now I’m going to have to make a tough choice!
March 23rd, 2011
I keep an album for each month is Aperture.
But I like the idea of a book...shouldn't be too bad...not for 365 pictures..only 12 pages!!
Aperture books are really cool.
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