Geocaching -- :) Great way to get the "get up and go"

January 31st, 2011

If you know "Signal" then I know you are a "geocacher". Just wondering how many "geocachers" are on Project 365.

If you aren't too busy already doing 365 , here's another pass time my family enjoys.
It's a great way to see different places and things you didn't even know existed wherever you go geocaching. MY CAMERA COMES ALONG EVERY TIME!
I've posted the link above, there's an information video explaining what it is.
It is a world wide game and fun to say the least!

January 31st, 2011
In related news the genius guy behind XKCD started a thing called GeoHashing!
January 31st, 2011
@eyebrows hahaha.. love your new "name and profile pic"
January 31st, 2011
My family loves to geocache,but we haven't had a chance since I got my camera. I've found parks and cool places right in my community that I didn't even know existed. There's also the surprise element like when you find one that's been very cleverly hidden in plain sight. It definitely complements photography.
January 31st, 2011
I've done some geocaching in the past...the concept of hidden 'treasure' and secrets all around us is just so alluring. It can certainly require a sharp eye though, and an intrepid partner who has patience and doesn't mind being seen poking around a dumpster (caches show up in the oddest places).
January 31st, 2011
January 31st, 2011
Me and my husband are geocachers too! But in the winter it's not so much fun, he always complains about the cold when he's outdoors for a minute, so it's a bit seasonal... I took several shots in this project when I was out hunting for a cache, it brings you to places you otherwise would never have thought about.
Some shots made during caching:
January 31st, 2011
My hubby and I love to geocache! I even blogged about it!
January 31st, 2011
@eyebrows first off what the hell is with the teddy bear... second... I have geo hashed before, alas no one showed up!!!
January 31st, 2011
@lisjam1 @cstewart @byrdlip @geertje @mrsharkleroad
Awesome love the shots Geertje!!!!!! my latest black and white photo was from geocaching as well :)
and if you are still a member of the geocaching community our family go as "tahclep-clan" .. we don't have as many as some in the found cache department ( I think we only have about 140 and one hidden )
you may add me as a friend if you wish.. it's always fun to do it with competition too! lol.. been at it only since 2009.

and you's?
January 31st, 2011
We are known as "Kuijpertjes" and we are active since June 2008. We found 354 caches and that number will be going up soon... ;-)
We still haven't hide a cache, but thinking about it.
My dad and sister each have their own team, it's great fun.
January 31st, 2011
@icywarm I'm impressed! And the name was a result of the London meet over the weekend and @rebcastillo77 commenting on this that I looked like one ._.
January 31st, 2011
I've been geocaching for almost ten years. I enjoy it, take many pictures while I'm caching. I also have a blog devoted to the use of the GPS.
January 31st, 2011
@webfoot wow 3741 caches found that is simply amazing!!!!!!! Love your blog!
January 31st, 2011
We love Geocaching, I am constantly amazed by the places it brings us. Although digging through the snow for them is not so fun, so we are on hold until the spring.
January 31st, 2011
@rddaisy no kidding can't wait for spring!
January 31st, 2011
I am a geocacher and have been for a few years now. Love doing it. My find amount is very low and my travel bug has gone missing, but I love exploring areas when I travel.
January 31st, 2011
I've been geocaching a few times. I know where a lot of sites are in my immediate city and surroundings. I love it, although it can be frustrating at times when you can't find what you're looking for! :)
January 31st, 2011
I am also a geocacher, been doing it since July 2006. I particularly love to go to camping events and meeting up with my caching friends from all over the country. I have found 784 and hidden around 22 I think. When I first started there were only three in a 16 mile radius of this area, and hardly any to the east at all for about 50 miles. Now there are 13 pages within a ten mile radius. I always take my camera and have been to some amazing places. Any other UK cachers here?
January 31st, 2011
@webfoot WOW one of the originals then. It has changed so much since I started, so am sure you must have seen many yourself. Is webfoot yur caching name?

I am The Red Kite if anyone is interested.
February 1st, 2011
@redkite Yep. I go by Webfoot just about everywhere. In Southern California, the cache density is very thick, but when I started, the nearest cache to me was 7 miles away and a half mile hike on top of that. It's changed a lot in the last ten years.
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