Everyone has taken this photo.

February 1st, 2011

Everyone has taken this photo, if you haven't, you will at some point :D Every1 upload your version of this photo!!! :)
February 1st, 2011
February 1st, 2011
well I haven't.....but this might be the day!
February 1st, 2011
Iv never done it, but i gotta say, amazing as always tom :)
February 1st, 2011
I'll have to give it a go some day... Maybe today's the day?
February 1st, 2011
im planning ... hehe
February 1st, 2011
i took one but never used it on here as mine was rubbish :( yours are fab tho !!
February 1st, 2011
I haven`t and I probably never will.It`s such a cliche,I kind of liked it when I first seen it (this type of photo),but now I`m just zzzzzzz.
February 1st, 2011
I haven't yet, but I've done the ring-in-book thing. Haha! I might try this someday.
February 1st, 2011
I haven't taken it on here yet but I did practice:

February 1st, 2011
Yep, I have, and not too long ago. Here is mine:

February 1st, 2011
Makes me wonder who started this. Haven't tried something like this. Will do since it's February. Hearts, month! :)
February 1st, 2011
Just as overdone and boring. I groan whenever I see this. :)
February 1st, 2011
@lintbrush so do i! and it's not just the rings, sometimes people use lenscaps, filters and other stuff to create the shadows :)
February 1st, 2011
I was amazed the first time I saw these (as a newbie in 2010) but you are right...I have seen both a good number of times now but have never taken either shot myself. I do still think they are cool shots even if not original...maybe I will just have to think of my own spin if I decide to try it/them ;-)
February 1st, 2011
haven't yet and will try to avoid it

February 1st, 2011
My oldest daughter has though

February 1st, 2011
Not yet but might be worth trying something along those lines :)
February 1st, 2011
I've never seen this...like the rings..
February 1st, 2011
not done it as its such a popular shot
February 1st, 2011
I thought about it.. and had one go at it.. and then remembered how everyone else has taken it, and I am trying to be different from everyone else with my 365 project! And it looked rubbish.

February 1st, 2011
@nellycious Like glasses :)

I don't care though, because the author of the book saw this and he was flattered and thanked me, which felt really good.
February 1st, 2011

February 2nd, 2011
I've never even thought to take that picture...
February 2nd, 2011
I don't think I've actually seen the pages folded like that or the rings. I must be living in a cave. Maybe these are overdone by wedding photographers or something, but I've never seen or, like Greg, thought to take this picture.
February 2nd, 2011
@wellington DITTO!
However I did recently take a shot of a spider inside a rolled up page. Does that count?
February 2nd, 2011
I have seen loads of these and keep telling myself I'm not going to do it. Now I have an excuse, yippee!!!
February 3rd, 2011
@wellington really? they really are just everywhere, maybe not on this site too much, if you look for them on deviant art they are never ending :P
February 3rd, 2011
Then lets all join the band on taking photos on this subject and concept. LOL! hmmmm what book could i possibly use? and who would be the author? LOL!
February 4th, 2011
nope, not yet ...
February 4th, 2011
@blueburn11 that's one of the reason I've not done it yet ... it has to mean something as a holistic concept for me. lol

@spaceman @kirsty1975 @barrymikhal - I'm with you but not convinced ... yet ... I want to be 'original' roflmao!

February 4th, 2011
@misschuff - lol!
February 6th, 2011
I won't be taking that photo, just looks like a good way to ruin a perfectly good book.
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