Themed 365?

February 6th, 2011
This is my first 365 project. I have chosen to set a specific theme through out. Mine is cats because I have a few (could possibly be the next crazy cat lady some day soon) and some of them are ok with my photography obsession and are willing to humor me for some cat nip, though after only 8-9 days they see me get the lights and I have at least 3 of them on set before it's even set up ( this includes the shots that do not include them) which makes my other shots not for my 365 challenging at best.
I have been told I was crazy, brave, and even adventurous for selecting a themed project verses a generic, especially for my first.
I was wondering if there were any other adventurously,brave,crazy photographers out there who chose a theme, if so I'd love to hear about it.
February 6th, 2011
Hey Sondra!

Welcome to 365! A lot of people choose to do specific themes. Whether it's micro shots, their children or landscapes. Your choice sounds great and a lot of fun too! Here's one you might enjoy:
February 6th, 2011
I know one girl Kate Marsden is taking pictures of a duck named greg. I follow her she's 17 & very funny. I haven't settled on a theme myself. I may as a I get into it or change it up. I want to do street photography but I find I don't always get out enough. I did see one guy use star wars figures in every picture of his. I have 3 cats so I found your story funny. I'm almost at the single crazy cat lasy stage too. I told my son no to a cat this weekend though. lol
February 6th, 2011
ok I'll let the cats out of the bag I have ten. my females (3) usually don't model two won't even come out of hiding when the lights are on, one I can some times coax into it but usually my shots contain the boys, even if they are dressed or represented as girls.
February 6th, 2011
A lot of people do all self-portraits as well. I don't think I'm interesting enough to have one a week, let alone one every day for an entire year.
February 6th, 2011
Well I don't have a theme for the whole project but my first shot for this month had an element of red in it and as it is the month of Valentine's Day I have decided to have red as the focus for the month...
February 6th, 2011
With a few cats of my own (my top number several years back was 9) I'll be interested in watching your photos unfold. I enjoyed Kay's Daily Dose of Doxies (The Sheridan Ave Boys, they were called) and you might like to look through her album She did an awesome job! Wishing you the best, too!
February 6th, 2011
I am such a cat person....I could see myself being a crazy cat lady! very excited to follow you and see all the lovely cat photos! good luck, and welcome to 365! :)
February 6th, 2011
Every Wednesday I do a Prince Spaghetti Day picture. The pictures consist of pasta dishes (usually spaghetti) that I make for dinner (a 30 year tradition).
February 6th, 2011
Hi, Sondra. I think your cat theme is great--and courageous. I looked at your pictures, and they are wonderful! I haven't had much luck photographing my cats. Do you have any pointers?

(The kids next door call me The Lady with the Mean Cat)
February 6th, 2011
Diane, cat nip is my main trick and a second is a piece of toilet paper hooked into the end of a turn rod for a set of blinds, that allows me to get there attention if there is no place to hide the nip. other than that I think they just got used to it. ( I was photographing them before I started my 365.)
February 6th, 2011
I'm making a bunny a day for a year :)
February 6th, 2011
I am photographing an animal a day. I also have another album which I need to add the photos too which are photos of a Keyring fox.
February 6th, 2011
I am considering starting an elephant based album, haven't decided yet, though.
February 6th, 2011
Wow.. yes, as @georgia81 and @rachdbo said, I am doing a themed shoot for all 365 days. When I started I asked for suggestions for where to put my rubber duck, and the responses were.. mixed. Some people came up with huge lists of wacky ideas ( @eyebrows ) but others said that I would get bored of shooting the same subject and I would find it really, really hard. In a way they were all right: sometimes I have a fantastic idea and it just seems perfect, and easy to do.. other days I am seriously struggling to think of something interesting to do. Also, it can be very, very frustrating when I see something awesome I could photograph, such as a stunning sunset, or silhouette of something.. and I can't put it up here because 1. my camera isn't good enough to capture shots like that well, and 2. it doesn't fit with my theme and even if I tried I couldn't fit a rubber duck into it.

I am trying to get a mixture of shots that I set up at home, and shots that I get when I'm out and about, so there is some variety in there. I find that the subject I have picked for my theme, a rubber duck, is quite hard to photograph, because he is an awkward shape, so he won't stay sitting on certain things, he is slippery and round, and the white hearts are often over exposed when the rest of the shot is under exposed, he is actually quite translucent, so I often get light shining through him in the wrong direction, and I can't move him so he is holding things, or change his facial expression, or anything like that.

That said, this is possibly one of the most fun things I have ever done, and it certainly is a challenge.

I take my hat off to you (if I were wearing a hat.. I might even go and put one on, simply so I can do that..) for photographing cats. I cannot stand working with animals, because they never, ever stay still. If anyone tells you not to then don't listen to them.. themes are great fun :)

Sorry about that.. I tend to ramble a bit when I get on these discussion boards.. but I hope that some of that may be interesting to you :)
February 7th, 2011
@shutrfly Thanks for your hints about catnip and a toilet paper toy. I have lots of catnip, so I'll start trying to get them used to the camera with catnip and lots of distractions!
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