is it just me...?

February 6th, 2011
I have a callous/pressure sore developing on the boney part of my right hand/wrist where it meets the mouse mat, I have a rapidly expanding backside as I am spending so much time sitting in front of the computer, I am actually considering how much I need to reduce my calorie intake to maintain a normal weight with all the inactivity spent in front of the computer, I find it hard to focus after a few hours browsing, every person who comes within showing distance of my computer is dragged to 'admire' my favourite daily capture (!) and have even started dreaming of my next photo opportunity.... tell me, is it just me or have you too become a little obsessive about your project 365...????
February 6th, 2011
but what else does a 17 year old do but spend too much time on a website.
better 365 than facebook i think :D just tell the parents im studying for my art class :D
haha nah im a responsible kid but yeah spend LOTS of time on here :)
February 6th, 2011
Same here... I've even purchased a laptop, so I can keep track of 365 and watch the cricket on the teev... all I need now is a couch with an inbuilt fridge.
February 6th, 2011
I don't spend any time editing and I haven't developed a pressure sore.....yet but I'm also guilty of spending way too much time on 365. My backside and waist are also both rapidly expanding as the only exercise I'm getting on my days off is walking from the computer to the food supply! Oh dear!!
February 6th, 2011
Guilty here too !!
February 6th, 2011
Ditto Michelle - specially in the evenings and it's better than tv! I'm telling myself that I'm pursuing an interest, a hobby and learning! No guilt here ;)
February 6th, 2011
I use iPad to follow new photos...
February 6th, 2011
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! I am forever showing people my photos, the photos of people on here, thinking about what to photo to take, etc! But I love it!
February 6th, 2011
No. I am a nightmare. It is totally addictive in a way that nothing else has been. Same expansion of the derriere and having to take a fast 20-30 min walk every day - not! I can get totally carried away on abstracting things on Picnic too. It was to be 1 hour a day ...instead I can easily lose myself in 4-5 hours, especially at weekends, what with taking, processing (if there is any) and then responding to all the lovely comments, followers and those you are following. Oh, and then, just before I switch off, I'll check to see the Themes and Competitions and then I'll turn it off ...not! Then I'll check out the popular page and off you go again, looking at beautiful pictures. Oh gees - Hilary (Mixiewings), what did you get me into?! Better this than TV, which I don't have, thank God.
February 6th, 2011
Oh god yeah, I've had to cut out sleeping to fit everything in!
February 6th, 2011
Guilty as charged. Guess I'll have to wait and see how long it lasts. Had to catch up on almost 24 hours of photos just now and felt guilty for some reason, LOL.
February 6th, 2011
My back/waist hurts a lot lately,mostly because I spend to much time browsing on "365" and "FlickR".But mostly,here.Last night I went to bed at 4.30. Oh,wait,that`s morning!... But I need to control myself,my back pain is worst now
February 6th, 2011
Same here! But honestly, I don't think you could get through an entire year of this project with at least getting semi-obsessed with it. It takes a lot of effort and if you don't let it be an important part of your day, I don't see how you'd last a full year. So lets ban together all you 365 obsessive compulsives, and be proud!! ;)
February 6th, 2011
I am guilty to some degree lol I do not spend hours on end on the computer... well maybe... I wake up, make coffee, serve my cereals then I go downstairs to check 365! I stay on here until the kids and hunny wakes up and then I'm off. I look for ideas while on here and I ask questions so I learn some cool tricks.
What I'm really guilty of is thinking about 365 all the time!!! Every spare minute... "hmmm I wonder how that would work" sorta thinking thougths... constantly thinking of my next shot. The evenings are for actual practice, I'm set with what I wanna photograph and off I go. As for the edit, I spend maybe 30min if that... perhaps that is why all your pictures looks way better lol
February 6th, 2011
Incredibly addictive - but such a fabulous community of like-minded people and some breath taking photos - from the mundane to the highly original. I get up early to check it out before work!!!
February 6th, 2011
I'd have to say that the 365 project gets me out and walking about more. I am bored with taking pictures of my cats and dog....and I still have not developed a good sense of creativity. I am a bit addicted to the project...waking every morning and trying to anticipate what I can take a picture of TODAY! I love to sit in the evening and review all the pictures that have been uploaded and sometimes it gives me an idea for a future shot. I have been using my laptop more so that I can keep it in the dining room and watch TV or talk to my son at the same time....:)
February 6th, 2011
I also am addicted. But I quit bothering to cook, so have actually lost a couple of pounds, because I'm still training for a race. I can barely concentrate on anything but photos! Then I love playing with my editing program!
February 6th, 2011
Ugh yes! I spend a lot of time editing and trying to get more followers to this, my blog, and my photography blog. It is a lot of work, and what one would think could take 30 minutes turns into 5 hours... UGH. I don't know how I do it!
February 6th, 2011
February 6th, 2011
Oh my God!! My husband and I are sitting here just dying laughing. I have the exact same problem, plus my house is a disaster and I no longer get the laundry done!! We can't drive anywhere without me saying, "Oh man, that would make a great picture". I think he's ready to have me committed!!!!!!!!!!
February 6th, 2011
Guilty as well - I'm addicted. Maybe we need a group? all seriousness, though, I get this way with every new endeavor and then it subsides so when I started I thought I'd be a little obsessed at first and then it would be ok. Not. At least not yet! There's just so much talent here and I have so much to learn. :)
February 6th, 2011
You just described me perfectly.
February 6th, 2011
Very much guilty! I am so addicted now. I think about 365 all day! The other day while busy at work, I was able to sneak in a a few minutes to run to my locker and take a photo of our microscope.....while the ER was less busy. Hahaha! I couldn't help laughing at myself. I think I still had that smile when the ER doc walked in the lab and said "well, you sure look like you love your job!" lol
February 6th, 2011
Too much time on 365? Is that even possible? Whats wrong with living and breathing this site?

"mom? You've been in there a week, can you PLEASE feed us?"

ya, Guilty :)
February 6th, 2011
"Does this 365 make me look fat?"

I just started following 3 more people on this list, based on what they posted. I also noticed quite a few of folks I already follow have posted here too.

As a person trained to identify co-dependent behavior, I have diagnosed my behavior as being such. Must....get....air....and a life.

Huh? Why, look at that - another awesome image!!! Better zoom over there.....
February 6th, 2011
@emsabh @jessicapena - laughed so hard at your responses haha

yea. not gonna lie. I'm sooo guilty too. can't help myself :)
February 6th, 2011
guilty as charged.
February 6th, 2011
LOL!!! Yep, guilty.
February 6th, 2011
Way guilty! Addicted as charged.
February 6th, 2011

February 6th, 2011
Here I was thinking that I was the only one. Boy was I wrong, LOL. Definitely guilty.
February 6th, 2011
Yep, guilty too! My excuse is I've got a slipped disc...but then if I sit down too long my back I get up and pace for a bit...then am right back onto 365! How sad am I?!?
February 6th, 2011
oo oooo ooo and I just went onto the 'new fces' page and I'm on there! Sooo chuffed..I would normally jump up and down..but best not! :) :) Had to high 5 my husband instead...
February 6th, 2011
Definitely guilty and I've put on so much weight. I am starting to do exercise daily to try and keep it off but left it a bit late since trying on trousers this weekend inmy wardrobe no longer fit me, oops.
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