Photo + quote combinations

February 7th, 2011
I'm inspired by all the great pic + quote combinations I see on the site, and am thinking of giving it a go. So, I wondered how other people approach it - what comes first, the photo or the lyric/poem/quotation? Do you carry a song around in your head until the right picture presents itself .. or vice versa?

Oh, and do people want to share their favourite examples? Here's the particular one by @pausethemoment that I saw this evening, which prompted this thread:


February 7th, 2011
Can go either way. Sometimes I think of some witticism and then derive a photo to suit it, sometimes I take a shot and then try to mould some play on words out of the subject or theme. One thing though: I always try to put effort into making the title a key part of the "experience" of the photo itself.
February 7th, 2011
I always have the pic, then a caption, or quote, and a song for every day. Pic first.

Not necessarily my favorite, but it tells the story of what you're talking about:

"I just wanted to play guitar in a Rock and Roll band. That's all." - John Lennon

Today's music: All I ever wanted, The Beatles
February 7th, 2011
I always put quotes, poems, or songs with my photos! Sometimes I think that maybe it emotionally sways people though, like when you hear music on movies, it kinda tells you how to feel. Sometimes when I put up the quotes I feel like I am telling people how to feel...
February 7th, 2011
While cropping this

I remembered this-
Small boy

He picked up a pebble
and threw it into the sea.

And another, and another.
He couldn't stop.

He wasn't trying to fill the sea.
He wasn't trying to empty the beach.

He was just throwing away,
nothing else but.

Like a kitten playing
he was practicing for the future

when there'll be so many things
he'll want to throw away

if only his fingers will unclench
and let them go.

Norman McCaig.
February 7th, 2011
@eyebrows thanks - that's a really useful point about the title - I enjoy thinking of the titles for my photos :o)

@moncooga Love the pose in this! :o)

@comfortplenty I like the image of conjuring up a soundtrack to accompany the photo .. conjuring up a response :o)

@tolpol Oh thanks for the reminder of that great poem - I first read it about 14 years ago, and I love it! Great pic/quote combo! :o)
February 7th, 2011
I have done both...I'm doing a RENT series at the moment and so I know the song I need to take for each day and so I usually make the shot to go with the song lyrics.
But, in the past, I have taken a picture and then found a quote that went well with the shot. So, I would advice you to maybe try it both ways, and see what happens! :)
February 7th, 2011
I always used to put a quote, poem or lyrics with my photos, but after I moved I just didn't have enough time to upload every day and find something that fit. Go to my album and look at anything in the spring or summer months and they all have something. Just because I'll share a couple of my favorite combinations.

“Big sisters are the crabgrass in the lawn of life.” - Charles M. Schultz

"You say you want diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want your story to remain untold.
All the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you.

You say you'll give me a highway with no-one on it
Treasure, just to look upon it
All the riches in the night.

You say you'll give me eyes in the moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest.
All the promises we make, from the cradle to the grave
When all I need is you.

You say you want your love to work out right
To last with me through the night.

You say you want diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold.
All the promises we break, from the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you. "
- U2, All I Want is You

"Celebrate your country's independence by blowing up a small part of it" - Apu, The Simpsons

February 7th, 2011

"You do not love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her" - Shakespeare.

A bit of both sometimes, this pictures just evoked that thought and Shakespeare said it perfectly.
February 7th, 2011
Oh just thought of something else, for me the quote needs to be just that, "a quote" and not verse after verse of poetry, it puts me off and I don't read it.
February 7th, 2011

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead ~ louisa may alcott
February 7th, 2011
I tend to come up with the quote afterwards... If I have a photo that is particularly emotive, I sometimes feel that a quote will complement just what I was feeling when I took the picture, so I'll then research a quote to go with the shot.
February 7th, 2011
Here's an example...

Sisters are "your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway"
February 7th, 2011
Picture comes first, then I try to think of a quote for it.

I usually try to find songs, but for this picture, I was inspired to write a poem of my own:

He used to look before he leapt
Used to count down the numbers under his breath
I gave him my heart to be kept
The day he leapt without looking,
I wept
February 7th, 2011
Picture first-then the quote :)
February 7th, 2011
I forgot to mention earlier that I usually just take the photo and come up with the quote later. But I do have a selection of quotes that I like and lines from my favorite songs that I will draw to try and illustrate on the days when I struggle for a photo. On the three examples above, the two with quotes were photo first and find a quote later. The one with the song had been in my head for a while and I was saving it to shoot on my wedding anniversary.
February 7th, 2011
Last year I added my own haiku to my photo....which was kinda fun. For those of you who don't know what a haiku is: Based on Japanese poetry - 3 lines:
1st line = 5 syllables, 2nd line = 7 and the 3rd 5. You can get loads on the internet if you don't want to write your own.
February 7th, 2011
Stolen kisses require an accomplice. ~Just One Fool Thing After Another: A Cowfolks' Guide to Romance

February 7th, 2011
@ericaleigh017 @lookitsz @michellegaynor @asrai @timtam_adams @cindyisboring @jodimuli @thebluegnu @serenalorraine

Thank you all for your comments and pics - very inspiring - I'll see what I can come up with!
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