Stolen photo on popular page

February 7th, 2011
Came across a photo today that caught my eye, since I've been trying to learn how to take some of these shots. Looked at some of the other shots and recognized a crayon shot that my son showed me on youtube a couple weekends ago. So not cool.
@scrivna may have to have a chat with them to explain some rules about copyright. :(
February 7th, 2011
I thought that photo looked suspicious - the file name is cool-backgrounds-19 or something, and the rest of the photos in the album are nowhere near this quality. Too bad.
February 7th, 2011
It had 78 results on tineye
February 7th, 2011
Am really disappointed have just found the crayon bullet shot that he posted and it was actually shot by David Neff and is featured in an article about high speed photography.
February 7th, 2011
Tsk, tsk.
February 7th, 2011
wait what if they are using 365 in a different way. if they took credit your right bad deal but a friend is posting americana and its the writing with the photo that is his project so please lets not jump to conclusions right?
February 7th, 2011
@charlarupp Perhaps you are right; however, he really should give credit in the comments section.
February 7th, 2011
How many (if any) "indiscrestions" like this are users allowed before their accounts are suspended, or banned? Are there any provisions like that for this site? I think there should be.
It is inexcusable to claim work as your own when it is not. This isn't a site anyone is required to post on. If you don't want to post your own photos, share and learn from a diverse and experienced community, and grow as a photographer, go somewhere else.

@charlarupp I agree, if that is stated in your bio and credit is given to the photographer somewhere in the caption. However, in this case, I couldn't find either with this user.
February 7th, 2011
Credibilty is "shot" pun intended.
February 7th, 2011
There is no credit to the original photographer given. I realize that we had this particular discussion before the New Year, which brought thousands of newbies, so it's probably a good time for a refresher course on using someone else's work. I don't remember the legalities of it, but I'm sure someone that does will pop up on here and straighten us all out. It's a big NO NO unless you are giving credit to each photo where credit is due, and sometimes you need permission to use that photo.

And really, why join a photo site where the goal is to "take" a photo for 365 days if you are going to use someone else's photo. Just do the project on your own.
February 7th, 2011
Ok, I've been watching this thread for a little bit now, thought I'd come in and spell out the legalities of this situation.

It is NOT acceptable to use another person's photograph. Period. Even if you give credit and a link to the photographer's original work, that is still theft.

According to US Copyright Law as it pertains to photography, you must have the written permission of the original photographer before you can use any of their work in print, electronically, or using any future technologies.

It is not acceptable for this user to have stolen two photos. It does not matter if he is trying to showcase other photos or write clever poems for a photo, if he is using these photos without written permission it is theft.
February 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Totally agree with that. Besides, what's the point of using other people's work when the 365Project should be something you are proud of when you look back!
February 7th, 2011
i still cannot imagine how anyone could take someone else's photo's and pass them off as their own! i don't get what they think they're going to achieve from it?! it makes me incredibly paranoid.
February 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Thank you Jason. I knew you'd pop in here. I just didn't know for sure how set in stone it was.
February 7th, 2011
@all71s Your "rant" is right-on! I'm posting to "journal" a year, to learn my new equipment and to learn from other's images.

@jasonbarnette Thanks, Jason!
February 7th, 2011
hes just a KID for goodness sake!
give him a toy camera! ..... and LOTS of pringles!!!!
February 7th, 2011
@charlarupp no credit is given on his pages
February 7th, 2011
I wonder how many more photos were used and claim as his work. too bad! that is not good.
February 7th, 2011
@gavincci hehehe, agree... :)
February 7th, 2011
Yup. Went back through his photos. From the comments I figure he's a kid. Someone should let him know that he should only post his own photos, but yeah, we should go easy on him. He's probably not even 13.
February 7th, 2011
@charlarupp - I believe this was an issue months ago. If I'm not mistaken this came up then, and the prevailing rule is generally NOT to post other peoples work (I'm sure there are exceptions, circumstances vary).

EIther way, I love this community and the support people show. Its even more impressive that it is policed by its users.

Tsk tsk indeed.
February 7th, 2011
Would u mind sharing who stole the image...just curious. Also, I am just a wanna be photog, hobbyiest, mom with a camera and, I have had images stolen. It can happen to ANYONE!
February 7th, 2011
@kaustin The stolen image is at the top of the post. If you click on it you can view the other pictures on his project. I also have the feeling he is a kid. Russ usually does a great job of handling these issues.
February 7th, 2011
@scooper Wow, I just read the posts under some of his other pictures. I agree, 13 at the most.
February 7th, 2011
It is written in the terms or something that you can't upload photos that aren't your own isn't it?
February 7th, 2011
@mizikei I believe so, and if not, it goes without saying because of copyright laws.
February 7th, 2011
February 7th, 2011
@mizikei . Whether or not its written here is NOT the issue.. the issue is someone stealing someones work...

If you look at his post there is nothing to say that it is NOT his work.... most people here are posting there own photos, and even if its a friend/loved one that has taken of them they will say that on their post...
When someone has posted a photo for one of the new theme comps that are coming up, its a given that people will edit and re post.. but again most WILL post that it is part of the comp and not their original work..
Stealing is stealing and to not say anywhere that it is not your work as in this case is wrong....

and if this person is 13 or 30 it doesnt matter... he is old enough to use a camera, and a PC and therefore old enough to know better...
February 7th, 2011
Yeah I know, I was just saying cause I'm pretty sure I saw that when I signed up and it would have served as a reminder. But yeah, regardless it's wrong.
February 7th, 2011
I would say he's old enough to be taught better. And it should be done in a way that doesn't kill his enthusiasm for photography.

I once tried to do a science fair project by plagiarizing most of my work from an encyclopedia. I honestly didn't know I couldn't do that. Luckily my older brother taught me the meaning of the word "plagiarism" before I could turn it in and get an F.

My point is, the kid probably doesn't know what he did was wrong. Ross has probably already sent this guy (or gal I guess) a politely worded email about this.

Also, I saw that @jennlouise had made a gentle comment to the person in question. Thank you for that.
February 7th, 2011
@gavincci Hahaha @ the Pringles reference!
February 7th, 2011
@petersonsheri what a dipstick, thanks for letting me know, I have deleted the account.
February 7th, 2011
THANK YOU for posting this discussion. You wrote my thoughts for me. I was perusing through the popular page and came across this fantastic image, too. I commented on the magnificence of this photo and even followed the "artist". I thought I'd check out his other work and was even more amazed at the bullet through the crayon shot. "Wow!" I thought, "This guy is good!" Sad to say, however, the other photos in the project were tell-tale signs that this was a stolen photo. Needless to say, I deleted my comments and quickly deleted him from my following list.

I used this situation as an object lesson on ethics & copyright with my middle school students. They weren't fooled either, and several said they had seen the fat dog and the crayon picture on the Internet before, too. Thanks to @Scrivna for deleting the account, but in my opinion, the picture needs to come off the Popular page as well. It's an honor to have a photo displayed there, and this one, while a great photo, hasn't earned that honor.
February 7th, 2011
@petersonsheri Very good that you picked this up.
February 7th, 2011
@Scrivna --Thanks Russ. Knew you'd handle it ASAP. I do think this was a good lesson to anyone new that has joined since this discussion was had last year. Unfortunately.
February 7th, 2011
@jasonbarnette - totally agree!
February 7th, 2011
we all bust our butts to this project - be creative and be inspired and bounce of each other - you cannot just poach work and display - its unfair to the owner
February 7th, 2011
@gavincci What?? Pringles? I don't get it, but it's making me laugh, anyway. :D
February 7th, 2011
Looks like it has been removed now, but wow I dont know how anyone could do that!
February 7th, 2011
hate it when people steal work as their own. Yes it's hard for some of us to find inspiration at the best of times, but plagiarism is stealing. End of.
February 7th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau One of the photos on this person's account was of a can of Pringles. If you'd seen the pictures, the Pringles comments would have made more sense.
February 7th, 2011
@Scrivna Perhaps we could add a warning on the Upload page about only uploading photos you have the copyright to, and further linking to the pages listed here:

I think the warning should be adjacent to the upload button, and include a warning that copyright infringement will result in the offender's account being deleted.

Just a thought.
February 7th, 2011
@scooper I think that is an awesome idea! At least when the offender's account is deleted it should not come as a huge shock.
February 7th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau The kid also had a photo of Pringles :)
February 7th, 2011
And since this site is used by younger kids who might not know what is entailed by the word "copyright" (as I think this case was) then we should include wording which a tween or a teen could understand.

By checking this box, I agree that the photo I'm about to upload is one taken by me or one which I have permission from the copyright holder to use.

An extra checkbox and we're done.
February 7th, 2011
@scooper I was trying to think where else I have to do something just like that. Is it Facebook? Kids should be VERY familiar with that!
February 7th, 2011
Age is irrelevant, if they are on here they can read and copyright rules apply. It is theft plain and simple. I do think there should be a box to tick to confirm that the work is your own when you download.
I love my pictures and a lot of time and thought has gone into a lot of them, I would be so upset if someone took them, stole them. Totally unacceptable. I agree with @dejongdd that it is such an honour to get onto the PP, getting there when it is not your work is cheating!
February 7th, 2011
@petersonsheri I checked both Facebook and Flickr, neither has a warning like that, at least not on the first screen after you click upload. Youtube does though.
Given how this community has reacted in the past to uploaded photos without copyright, I think we ought to make this pretty visible.

Here's what youtube has to say (umm - copyright I guess. :)
Important: Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts, or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself.

The Copyright Tips page and the Community Guidelines can help you determine whether your video infringes someone else's copyright.

By clicking "Upload Video", you are representing that this video does not violate YouTube's Terms of Service and that you own all copyrights in this video or have authorization to upload it.
February 8th, 2011
@scooper Hmmm. I thought it was Facebook, but I can't remember. I just know that I've had to click a little box, and it was no big deal to click it. I'm with you on this one, and @michellegaynor @dejongdd. I put a lot of thought and work in to the majority of my photos, and the handful of times that I've been lucky enough to hit the popular page, I was thrilled and honored!!

I guess it all comes down to what Ross, @Scrivna feels needs to be done, since he is the one that needs to come up with the computer code to make it happen. I was shocked the last time this was a big deal, and shocked again today. I just don't get it. Never will.
February 8th, 2011
@petersonsheri Agreed on all counts.
February 8th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau yes... have you seen his pringles photo? hehe
February 8th, 2011
@gavincci @dejongdd i love pringles. even blurry ones.
February 8th, 2011
@mizikei . Didnt mean to sound like I was going on at you, just was answering your query and then followed on from there... :)
February 8th, 2011
@keithdavid - you are a real hoot :-)
February 8th, 2011
@scooper @petersonsheri @dejongdd @jasonbarnette @Scrivna I echo that it's probably a good resource to place some "do's and don'ts" on the FAQ page that has links to moe authoritative resources. I taught college level course about 8 years ago, and it was amazing to me how few kids could clearly define plagiarism. As it pertains to photos, it's not as clear cut as one might think. For example, if you're putting together something that is purely educational, and not with commercial intent, there is a "fair use" act that allows you to use images, video and sound in that arena. There are rules though. And not all countries have similar rules and laws about content. Lots of folks on this thread already said it - attribute it if you're in doubt.
February 8th, 2011
crazy! what makes people want to do that?
February 8th, 2011
On a lighter note, no one will ever accuse me of stealing anyone else's photos! :-)
February 8th, 2011
ok, this is getting crazy. stealing is wrong, the account has been deleted, lets all move on.
Thanks for your participation, this thread has now been closed.