Anything different about how you take pictures now?

February 9th, 2011
Compared to your first month of 365, how different are your pictures now? I looked at my recent photos and noticed that I've started a trend of black-and-white pictures, while last month I had so many colorful photos. So far there are 8 pictures in February and only 3 of them have color.

Have you noticed any changes in the pictures you've taken, and why have you made those changes, subconsciously or not?
February 9th, 2011
I process my photos now - adjust the levels, add contrast, etc. I never used to - they were all straight off the camera.

I think I've also put a lot more effort into composing shots, though that could still use some work with framing sometimes!
February 9th, 2011
I don't really see much difference other than editing. I've learned how to do basic editing. Maybe the subject matter would be what has expanded. Taking occasional pictures are generally basic snapshots but pushing for a daily picture has made me stretch my imagination beyond what is the most obvious.
February 9th, 2011
I don't really see a differnce except maybe having a little more faith in my camera than I did.... It still not the best, but it works for me....
February 9th, 2011
I have started to wear cloths behind the camera... I find I get few odd looks well taking street photos...
February 9th, 2011
probably a bit more editing this end.. sometimes i just enjoy playing with the image... definitely taking more thought of what I am photographing and mor eportraits than I used to do
February 9th, 2011
@icywarm LOL
February 9th, 2011
I alternate which eye I use on the viewfinder...... (jks)
February 9th, 2011
I'm "seeing" more shots in everyday life... soon, I'll start "stopping" to take the picture, but I still let life get too busy.
I'm taking a little more time, making sure I have focus, framing...I'm taking MORE pictures..not just the shot and walking away. But taking it over and over.
And I found my camera manual...THAT's how I adjust manual aperture on my p&s!
February 9th, 2011
@icywarm lol
February 9th, 2011
I notice more photo ops in my everyday life too. I notice that I have started to take more photos that fit a journal type style, depicting my everyday life. I am finding that I am developing my "camera eye", in that I know if what I am seeing through my viewfinder has good composition or not. I am finding it easier to take pictures of birds in action. I still struggle to get shots, but it is easier and more natural to get good shots.
February 9th, 2011
I'm actually better at editing and seeing colors the way I want them. Like, I used to take a picture and hate the colors and the lighting, but I think I'm getting better at working everything more to my advantage
February 9th, 2011
@daisy @celticmystyc I also pause more as I walk to work, or look out my window....driving, frankly it's gotten a bit annoying to keep thinking - "wait, maybe I could pull over..." while doing 70 on the freeway. When I first started the project, I wasn't doing too much processing - I do more now, paying attention to more details than before.
February 9th, 2011
For me I am also noticing more photo ops. I use my phone exclusively for the shot and any editing afterward. What I have noticed is that I will take a heap of shots now. When I started I may have taken about 3 or 4, but now I'll take lots more. I also have learnt from viewing other people here and the discussions here about framing and lighting. Still have a long way to go, but I am enjoying the journey. Next 365 I may have to get myself a camera!
February 9th, 2011
I take my camera with me a lot more now and am not so 'afraid' to whip it out in public and take a shot of something as I see it.
As others have said, I too notice more photo opportunities in everyday life. I've also been taking more photos of 'everyday objects' as opposed to just landscapes which was what I predominantly photographed before starting 365
February 9th, 2011
yup ive noticed mine are much brighter images now , im only a month in and already i can see littl;e changes in the way i do things creeping in !
February 9th, 2011
@mednez @dmortega
The same for me, I still take 'snaps' of the kids etc, but I'm also taking more photos where I think more about composition. I now adjust my photos and don't use sooc anymore.
February 9th, 2011
At the mo I can't really put my finger on what I'm doing differently except my editing is getting better (I think anyway), plus I'm paying more attention to the settings on the camera to let more light in. Oh and paying more attention to my focus and trying to get what I want in focus rather than letting the camera do the work and getting it wrong.
February 9th, 2011
I analyzed more on the subject and perspective before pressing the button to shoot. and I think I'm becoming a little choosy of what i want to shoot. :)
February 9th, 2011
I've got some sort of camera with me at all times...and have started a list of stuff I want to try. So already I'm planning more stuff than before.
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