You know you are over 35 when .......

February 9th, 2011
You had to wait two weeks or more to get your photos back/
You had to get off your backside to change your TV channel.
You had to stay in the one room to talk to someone on the phone.
You had to wash the dishes by hand..
You had to send a letter via the post office ....
You had to walk to school..
You had to take a book or toy with you in the car... No DVD player...

What makes you
February 9th, 2011
you used a pay phone to call your mates and organise when to meet..and you stuck to that time
February 9th, 2011
You took photography in college, and we used film cameras. :)
February 9th, 2011
@rg37 . wow, cant remember the last time I used a pay phone. and yeah cant remember the last time friends stuck to the agreed time.... is that because we can now ring and say blah blah blah . Im standing you up!! ?
or people are just ruder these days??
February 9th, 2011
~ and the pay phone only needed the 10p your parents gave you :)

@nikkers ~ deffo ruder now a days !!

im only 32 but all of the mentioned i remember !
February 9th, 2011
Although, I am 35 and we've always had a dishwasher and I didn't HAVE to walk to school. ;)
February 9th, 2011
@lislee75 / we had photo class in high school , but I did woodwork instead.. lol
February 9th, 2011
@flamez . yeah in Oz it was 20 cents ... lol
February 9th, 2011
I remember using a clunky old tape recorder of my dads to try and record my favorite songs from the radio since I didn't have enough money to buy albums. I could never get the timing quite right and the song would start not right at the beginning or would end with a commercial attached.
February 9th, 2011
@wwhite13 / OMG I did the same thing.. then would use my sisters recorder to tape me singing while using mine as a "karaoke machine" lol
February 9th, 2011
Oh when getting a tan meant lying in the sun for hours on end.. not 15 mins in tanning booth....
February 9th, 2011
you had to buy b&w film to shoot in b&w, and then send it to a 'special' lab for developing.
February 9th, 2011
@do11face . yeah my mum had a dishwasher . well she had 4 actually,,, me and my sibs... lol
February 9th, 2011
@wjw1741 . wasnt there a time when B/W was the only option?? lol
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers ok, hold on now, I might be old, but I am not quite that old, that must be something you 'heard' from someone else, cuz I dont think you are that old either.
February 9th, 2011
@wjw1741 . lmao/ Honey Im older than your dirty old socks that you lost in the wash 64 years ago!!
February 9th, 2011
Playing a game meant mostly a board game, no PS3 or X-Boxes, something which shocks my seven year old son. I also remember us telling him how we never watched videos as a kid because hey video players weren't a common household item he replied "Oh that's ok you just watched DVD's." lol the innocence of children.
February 9th, 2011
@flamez 10p...blimmin hec it was 2d when I used a call box! lol
February 9th, 2011
I only just remember when I was 35! LOL
February 9th, 2011
@coolgirlsar .. bless him...

we had didnt get a video player until I was a teen.. and didnt get colored TV until I was about 12 or so.. I remember getting it just in time to watch The Wizard of Oz, in color....
February 9th, 2011
Radio lived on in our house until South Africa got TV in 1976. My family got our first (and it was a HUGE box of a thing) around 1980/1 - it only screened 2-4 hours a day and we were glued - even to the adverts. Home movies on reels down in the garage - LP records, then tapes then my very first Sony Walkman. Such sweet memories.
February 9th, 2011
@thebluegnu . yeah I remember TV stopping for the evening.. we would get the test pattern for more hours than it was
I-Pod. V Sony walkman... lord lord lord.... I still have a
February 9th, 2011

I think I was a bit younger when we got a video player but I can remember it being a huge thing and Saturday night we'd hire a video and all sit down to watch it and halfway through the film we got to eat a Wispa bar each. I have really fond memories of those evenings.
February 9th, 2011
From my childhood .....

1. The telephone was a party line with several of your neighbors. You had to wait for them to finish their call so you could use the phone.

2. My parents remodeled our home the summer before I started 1st grade. Before that, we used an outhouse and went to the Grandparent's house for our bath on Saturday evening.

3. Gasoline was 50c a gallon when I started driving.

4. My Grandparents had one of the first color TV's. We would go down and watch "The Wonderful World of Disney" (one of the first shows in color). We were disappointed if we missed the NBC peacock spread his feathers before the show. The NBC Peacock was only displayed prior to shows in color. That is how the viewer knew the show would be in color.

5. We played Solitaire with a deck of cards.

I could go on and bore you all, but I've said enough.
February 9th, 2011
@mabear ,nope please go on.. I love this thread...
there is something to be said for the good old days..... not less stress for one.. although there was stress and horrible things happened back in the day.. but life seemed a little less tense.,
I guess being a kid with no worries helps that illusion .
February 9th, 2011
we had to wait for SATURDAY morning to watch cartoons! on the ONLY TV in the house
and you actually had to stick the key in the car door to unlock it
Remember the boomboxes that came before the walkmans? We had to carry those things around if we wanted our portable music
February 9th, 2011
@coolgirlsar . Oh a wispa bar,, now thats a blast from the past!! lol...
February 9th, 2011
@rddaisy / SAT morning wrestling in B/W for us, and my brother and I would always wake our parents . because one of us would get hurt trying to do the moves we just saw on TV.. .lol
and remember the seat belt buckles burning the crap out of you in the summer. and you had to adjust the belts yourself.. so you always wanted to get in the same spot that you used last!!!! lol
what did you say?? Im deaf from carrying my boombox round with me!!! lmao
February 9th, 2011
Used to reverse charge calls to a phone box at a set time, mate accepted the call and wasn't charged (took some arranging though).
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers now see, I thought you were my age, 40 something, no?
February 9th, 2011
you used to have to change channel on the tv with a dial,
25p would get you enough sweets to last the week,usually spangles ;)
dancing on the street corner was actually cool so long as you were playing the right mix tape
February 9th, 2011
Remember when games took 5 minutes to load off a cassette (if you were lucky).

And downloading songs meant recording them off the radio and hoping you didn't get the DJ talking on the end of the song.
February 9th, 2011
LOL. You forgot;
* You had no computer, only scientists had computers...and they were huge
* You had to carry a dime with you to school for emergency phone-calls...which you invariably ended up spending on a candy bar
* There were no such things as video games, you played outside after school, rain or shine
* Saturday morning cartoons. Only Saturday morning. And if you missed them, oh well.
* "Jaws" was a groundbreaking special effects movie. Yep, I remember that being a huge big deal when I saw that. I thought my parents were taking me to see a movie on Jazz music and were just pronouncing it funny. I didn't close my eyes in the shower for weeks. And bathtubs and pools were out of the question.

February 9th, 2011
When you had to push the rewind-button when you wanted to hear that song again...
When you taped hits from the radio on a cassette to listen them later in your walkman...

But I'm only 31 and I can agree with everything said in this threat... I think I'm old for my age :-(
February 9th, 2011
Top of the Pops and miming. lol.
February 9th, 2011
@wjw1741 . 42 last December.. lol but in dog years.. Im well over 100.. lol
February 9th, 2011
Aluminum ice trays, milk delivery, no central AC, Cokes in 6 oz. returnable bottles, adjustable roller skates with skate keys, Barbie had a best friend named Midge, vinyl records...I'm really old. :)
February 9th, 2011
@clarissajohal So familiar! We must be around the same age. I loved my Saurday morning cartoons. We only had 4 channels to choose from back then.
February 9th, 2011
-rescuing Smurfette from Gargamel on the Colecovision
-8 tracks
February 9th, 2011
@geertje ~ haha im 32 and agree with most of this too :)
February 9th, 2011
when you remember the days when there were only 3 channels and the shows finished at midnight and didn't come back again until 6 am for the early morning news and weather
February 9th, 2011
SO I'm a wee bit older than 35 - growing up included rotary phones, B/W televisions, 78rpm records, TLR cameras, vacuum tube receivers. @sallycheese definitely that! @peggysirk what! I still have ice trays! @geertje Those were the hottest things. Music became portable. And people began running into poles. Remember cellular phones larger than bricks? They were portable cause they were wired into your car. @clarissajohal Before jaws it was 2001:Space Odyssey!
February 9th, 2011
When your in a rental and you ask your 7 year old son to roll down the window and he doesn't know what to do cause there ain't no button to push.
February 9th, 2011
@barrymikhal ,
Now that just struck me as funny!!!! poor baby having to roll the window down himself...
February 9th, 2011
My husband and I were talking about our old record players (many years ago), and our son looked at us and said "what's that?". Ugh!
February 9th, 2011
... to play tin telephone can with my sister, that was so much fun!
February 9th, 2011
@alecio . we did that too.. and yes it was fun... our play was so much different to what the kids do now...
February 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri , makes you feel old when the brats do that doesnt it!! lol
February 9th, 2011
Have you had to fill out a form electronically, like on a website, and you have to scroll, and scroll, to get to the year you were born?
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers No kidding! My husband and I looked at each other and questioned if we should start checking each others heads for horns that may not have fallen off during evolution!!
February 9th, 2011
@cdford // hehehehehe toooo many times to count!!!!!!!! oh lord. I think we need to stop this discussion ..or at the very least halt it while I go put my teeth back in!!
February 9th, 2011
@petersonsheri . mine fell off. but I still have the scars... lol
February 9th, 2011
@mabear I had a party line when I moved to my property in 1985.

When you had to DIAL a phone.
When Phone numbers "had" two letters for the exchange ( COngress 4)
When the first VCR cost $800US
When Apple was the only assembled computer that you could buy, and no disk drives.
@clarissajohal You could have a computer, but you really had to justify the cost of an hour of CPU time.
@petersonsheri vinyl records are coming back,
@mabear Gas hit 19.9 cents/per/gallon at one point, still didn't have quarter to put any in the car.

When cars came with manual transmissions, Automatic was an expensive option.
February 9th, 2011
@barrymikhal That makes me laugh!

I remember staying out as long as possible. Wasnt that interested in too many toys or TV, tho my brothers and I did love our atari home console, with complete with Pong!
I aslo remember seeing a CD about 6 years before they were commercially availableand my Dad saying they'd never catch on (as he was still smarting over his reel to reel vs cassettes). I remember thinking a VHS player was like pure magic and when the microwave came around all the horror stories about them. I remember not very long ago when people took the mickey out of anyone owning a mobile phone, and now its the other way round! And I remember when we could make mistakes without everything being so health and safety or PC mad ;-)

.......And I remember a life without the internet. As wonderful as it is, I dont half love/hate it. Its the worst for being productive and getting out there!
February 9th, 2011
Sooo.. I'm only 17 but I remember all of that! (the original post, anyway!) How have you managed to make me feel old??!!?? :/
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers Hilarious! This whole thread has been so much fun!
February 9th, 2011
I remember a pack of smokes costing 6o cents... and yes I did smoke even though I was only a young teen!
February 9th, 2011
@katiegc24 . my pleasure. Im good arent I!!!
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers - yeeeeeeeahh.. thanks ¬_¬
February 9th, 2011
@cdford . Yes Its a funny thread.. and makes you realize we have more in common than we think!!
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers Yes, even regardless of where we are in this world!
February 9th, 2011
Mmm let's see...
No dishwasher just me & brother
Party Line phone & rotary dial
Video game was "Pong"
No self propelled lawn mower (that or we let cows into the front yard)
Eggs came from chickens (not stores)
Milk came from cows (not stores)
Dad had me make a COLLECT call after events for him to come pick me up. He'd hang up and say he didn't know me..20 min. later show up.
"Cool Dances" had balloon arch fog machines
DJ's used LP's or 45' cd's
sneakers didn't pump up, shape up or power up.. they just laced up.
Our "computer" was an Apple IIe.. and technically it was a glorified typewriter and pong game...
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers Were you able to buy single ciggies? We could in the UK, my parents would send me to buy them around age 5!
February 9th, 2011
@blightygal lmao. hell yes!! my dad rolled his own but mum, smoked the packets.. and yes we could buy them in singles.. I had forgotten about that!! lord!
February 9th, 2011
@gill . bananas in Pajamas and play school, Humphrie B Bear was NOT a perv, even if he didnt wear pants!!
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers I remember my dad dropping his pack of cigarettes in the wading pool and then retrieving them to dry on the clothes line. They were that expensive back then. Oh yeah. What's a clothes line?
February 9th, 2011
@webfoot lol I can see my dad doing that too... and yes I remember clothes lines. and cloth diapers.. (nappies)
I remember getting caught on the clothes line.. we would jump off the side of the pool, into the water. and the clothes line over hung the pool... one day I jumped and got caught on the line and there I was dangling over the pool hanging by my mouth while the others screamed with laughter.. cut my mouth to shreds and got a major butt kicking for jumping off the side! but lord it was fun!!
February 9th, 2011
You know you are over 35 when you read posts titled "You know you are over 35 when ......."
February 9th, 2011
When there were only 4 TV stations (and 2 local stations) but there was always something good to watch!
February 9th, 2011
I'm twenty, and I remember most of that...
February 9th, 2011
@bradsworld lol

If you did have a home computer it was ping pong or the next best thing - a self built ZX 81 and you had to programme all the games in yourself.

The only time you were home was breakfast, lunch, dinner and bread in fact half the time you took lunch out with you.

You had horrible patterns on your carpets and walls

Betamax was the video of choice before vhs took over

February 9th, 2011
You know that you are over 55 when those who post "You know that you are over 35..." posts think that the world started in 1970 :-D All you 30-somethings are still kids!!

Hee hee hee; I couldn't resist.

You know that you are over 55 when you remember how cool black-and-white TV was, that radios and TVs had tubes, newsreels and cartoons ran before the main movie started, men and women wore hats most of the time, and most newspapers had morning and evening editions.
February 9th, 2011
@emsabh Of course....Dave @cjwhite 46 and counting...backwards
February 9th, 2011
@clarissajohal I'm older. I'll be 53 in March. Yikes! I hate to put the big numbers down! :0)
February 9th, 2011
You know you're over 35 when you learned how to use a slide rule and remember calculators being invented. And you were allowed out to play in fields and on raIlway lines under the supervision of your older, 6 yr old sister. And a Smash icelolly cost 5p and that's all you got. And dandelion & burdock was exotic. Or maybe for these things you know you're over 45!!
February 9th, 2011
@foxinsox47 Over 50, younger than 55, but I remember all of that!

Girls wore skirts or dresses to school. I got my first pair of blue jeans in the 7th grade.

Everyone went to church.
No one locked their doors.
Cars didn't have seatbelts!
Spanking was allowed ... and not just by your parents.
Transister radios.
It was a special treat to eat out.
Stores closed every evening and were never open on Sunday.

This has been so much fun! Thank you nikkers for starting this insanity!
February 9th, 2011
You know when you are over 35 when as a child...
- you happily did 'child labour' in the bean fields to earn your own money
- you gave 50% of any money you earnt to your mum and it seemed a fair deal
- Coca cola was a huge treat
- you took your 'pop' bottle back to the shop for the deposit
- you rode in the back of a back-firing Morris Minor
- you woke up to ice on the window
- you have to put a hot water bottle in your bed in winter
- your mother used a washboard to do the washing
- all the kids took it in turns to the washing up, lay the table and the hoovering
- you fed the poulty at 6am every morning without complaining!
- your headmaster pinged the girls bra straps for a joke and asked when you were going to give him his morning kiss!..........

February 9th, 2011
@nikkers briliant thread.
February 9th, 2011
@lislee75 we still do use film in college! Im taking it at Cal State University Fullerton, had to pull out the old 35mm film camera!
February 9th, 2011
@foxinsox47 ..lmao It started in 1968 actually!! funny man. : )
February 9th, 2011
@foxinsox47 I'm right there with you! Fortunately, they built an "indoor bathroom" shortly before I was born.
@scarlett33 Wow, 6 channels! We had 3 on a black & white TV and felt privileged to have a TV.
February 9th, 2011
I remember when flying on an airplane was an event, a big deal, you were special!
February 9th, 2011
Oh and don't forget microwaves, didnt have them until the late 70's early 80's and it had a round dial kinda like the TV's back then (this is if you had the money to buy one)
February 9th, 2011
@clarissajohal Hahaha @ "and counting...backwards"
February 9th, 2011
@indiannie_jones . I just had my 2nd 21st birthday.... lol
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers Haha!
February 9th, 2011
Well I am relatively young but I recall my cartoons having a cat chasing a mouse and shooting at it with guns and Wile E Coyote blowing up the roadrunner with Acme TNT. Now, parents dont even let their kids watch Spongebob because he is rude.
February 9th, 2011
When you watched the first shuttle go up.
When you were in school when President Kennedy was shot.
Nuff said!! lol
February 9th, 2011
Banking - we had little books. Travel suitcases did not have wheels. EVERYONE smoked. No contact lenses. Kids played in the street or on the mountain till sunset (our parents did not even know where we were!). Boobtube shirts. Brightly coloured eyeshadow (OMG I think it's making a comeback agghh!!!). Staying in ...for Dallas and Rich Man Poor Man (even our restaurants had early bird specials that night). Drive in movies. The list continues.....Well done Nikkers for starting this - it's hilarious and such think-back!
February 9th, 2011
when they stop asking you for ID to buy things......
February 9th, 2011
well, we had a computer in the house but that's only because my daddy was an engineer at HP and we got to play with prototypes...all that stuff applies to me... I'm a proud 43!
February 9th, 2011
@staciehighland I was wondering if film was still taught in college! Good to know. @amorton1437 I've seen Wile E Coyote blow up so many times it's not even funny. Maybe that's what's wrong with me? LOL!

I must say though, that I enjoy being in my thirties way more than my 20's and I'd never want to go back aside from being able to stay up all night, drink whatever I wanted w/o to much trouble the next day, being able to run faster, and no laugh lines!
February 9th, 2011
When I was a kid,
we did not have tv at all until I was 12
the movie on Saturday afternoon was 9 cents
we looked on the bottom of the coke bottle to see where it was bottled.
we listened to the radio for our entertainment
we had a party line (anybody know what that is?)
when we did get tv, it was b and w
on tv shows couples did not sleep in the same bed

When I think about the changes in communication in my life time I find it hard to believe. I love all of the changes in the past 10 years and wish I had been born later so I could see what will happen in the next 25 years. You youngsters enjoy it for me in case I don't get there.
February 9th, 2011
You know you're over 35 when your 8 year old child sees old 45 LPs in a juke box and says, "Look, Mom! Black CDs!"
February 9th, 2011
... you fart and dont care who hears it.
February 9th, 2011
@nikkers hey i had to do all those things and i'm only 30 lol
February 9th, 2011
@barrymikhal .. grandpa... !!
February 9th, 2011
When you didn't have the coins (four pence) for the public phone, so you rang the number and yelled through the ear piece.

When film was all black and white and even professional photographers coloured the pictures afterwards - quite often getting the colours completely wrong.

When owning a crystal set made you the envy of the class.

When interior car door handles opened by pushing them DOWN. That, added to the non-existence of seat belts makes me amazed that more kids didn't fall out of cars, not just me.
February 10th, 2011
@nikkers i've done all of those and still do some of them and i'm only 19...
February 10th, 2011
@omabluebird - oh my! I do remember party lines. While we never had one, my grandparents did.
I grew up military and mostly oversees, so television (on about a 12" b&w) consisted of only a very few English shows through the week...Gilligan's Island being one of them.
We also went tromping out and about all day long - going in only when we were hungry!
And now I'm thankful for no-line bifocals :s
February 10th, 2011
@nikkers Haha, I am definitely not over 35 (8 years off actually) and most of these still apply to my childhood plus many more! Man, makes me think of a lot of good memories!
February 10th, 2011
hahaha well I'm 27 now and STILL have to wash the dishes by hand :D
February 10th, 2011
When the phrase "Back in my day" is a regular part of your vocabulary.
Back in my day, kids could actually spell vocabulary.
February 10th, 2011
How about when you go to work and complain about the childish things your (adult) children are doing & suddenly realize you're complaining to a co-worker who is younger than your children?
February 10th, 2011
You remember when Star Wars originally came remember when the Reds were a perrenial power in baseball....& where you were when the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up
February 10th, 2011
There were three channels on the TV that came in on an antenna.

When every character in the studios cartoon arsenal was voiced by one guy... Mel Blanc

Homework was done on paper in a notebook bound with staples. (no spiral bound yet)

PONG!! Atari space invaders, knowing the pattern to pac man for the first 12 levels.The PET computer. Teletypes. Typewriters for that matter. The GremlinX. Pigs in Space. .10 for a phone call and $.25 for a bag of chips in a paper/foil bag.

Taking pictures with a Minolta X700 on ... *gasp* film!! and developing it yourself in a darkroom.

Three speed bicycles

@susan - we had a party line at our cottage and I would arrange a time with my friend across the lake to pick up the phone so we could plan our night out.

Our consumer grade video camera looked like a modern day ENG unit AND you had to have the cassette player hanging off your shoulder with a strap and wired to the camera... I cant remember what the resolution was... 640 x 480 is probably too big.
February 10th, 2011
I remember buying lunch at primary school. You could get 5 cents of hot chips from the fish n chip shop and there was so much you had to share with your friend and the fruit shop would sell you a slice of watermelon for 5 cents.

I also remember when TV was only in black and white. Colour didn't come to Australia until 1974
February 10th, 2011
When going to the movies on a Saturday cost on 2 shillings (about 40cents) and that included a choc top, you watched man land on the moon with the whole school around a little TV, you still used slates and chalk in year 6, I also remember when colour TV came to Australia in 1974, you could buy cigarettes one a time for 5 cents, you remember Dollar Bill, you remember the it's time political campaign Labour ran to win the election AND it was in b&w, the first time hot pants were fashionable, and I could go on!
February 10th, 2011
@sara_bai so true Sarah! What happened to teaching the basics!
February 10th, 2011
when you super love the eighties band !:P
February 10th, 2011
The smell of ditto's, what schools used to make copies before the copy machine
February 10th, 2011
Well, not quite over 35.
But I know I'm 2 months off it when I clicked on this link to see what it was all about!! :P
February 10th, 2011
You can remember blowing up the neighbour's letterbox on firecracker night ...
You got to leave primary school early to watch the moon landing on B&W TV...
You watched Gilligan's Island and Prince Planet on TV and they weren't re-runs...
Your desk had a hole in the middle at the top for the ink bottle...
You got the cuts (the cane) in primary school for being naughty (ow) ...
You used rods to learn numbers..
Your reading books actually had Dick and Dora...
February 10th, 2011
... you remember when cartoons were reserved for Saturday mornings!
February 10th, 2011
we had to "rewind" tapes- we still have VCRs but this just baffles my oldest.

I remember listening to the radio waiting for that one song so I could press record

there is a payphone at the gas pumps at kid was like , mom what is that?

the biggest for me is i can remember when MTV played MUSIC!!!!! Guess reality shows killed the video...
February 10th, 2011
@Cherrill I remember 2p too - in fact I remember it when it was 'd' not 'p'.
February 10th, 2011
@miranda I did put d!! Yes folks we are that old! LOL Inside about 25 though! :-)
February 10th, 2011
Looking in the TV listing for when a movie was on and plan you week so as to watch it.

Only the grade 12's could smoke in school cafeteria during the day but at dances everyone could.

You could smoke in class at University.

We had only 2 channels on TV.

Public pay toilets. " Here I sit broken hearted ,paid a dime and only farted."
February 10th, 2011
beer came in cans you had to open with a tin opener and soft drinks had pull off ring tabs
you were amazed how awesome space invaders was when it first came out
when you remember movie critics being adamant that no movie would be able to out produce the effects used in "Tron"
when the amount of lead in household paint was as much as the amount of lead in petrol
rollerskates you adjusted with a key
when no one gave a damn if you managed to kill 99% of household germs or not
and a mars bar cost 8 pence

February 10th, 2011
@Lee Gordon - I am traveling in Saudi Arabia right now.... they STILL have pull off ring tabs. I actually had to sit for a second to remember what the new way was.. lol...
February 10th, 2011
I'm 26 and all of that applies to me too..hahaha
February 10th, 2011
Telling people you saw Led Zeppelin in 1977, and they say "Who's he?" (yeah, serious)
February 10th, 2011
I'm 33 and all that applies to me plus music used to be played on something called records (or casettes or god forbid 8-tracks)
you used to enjoy family vacations on slides
cars didn't require seat belts or car seats
you remember when michael jackson was actually black and MTV played music videos 24 hours a day
you remember when disney channel played cartoons and not just teen drama crap all day long
you remember when you could get up at 6 in the morning on saturday morning and watch cartoons until 2 when you had to give it up to your dad because football came on
pong, pacman, space invader and asteroids were the greatest video games ever made
you could fall off the top of the house, get up and do it again without your parents freaking out and having to rush you to the emergency room because you were just being kids

There was no such thing as ADD or ADHD, just kids being kids.
February 10th, 2011
Going to the drive-in movie theatre and watching a movie sitting in the back of a Sandman panel van !
February 11th, 2011
My folks gave me a $5.00 weekly allowance when I went to college and it paid for dinner out on Sunday night and anything else I might need during the week. Cigarettes (yes, I was corrupted into smoking in college) were only 35 cents in the machine. My tuition was $179.00 per semester and $300 for board and room in the dorm. And girls only in the dorm - no boys allowed... compared to now where co-ed dorms are the norm. Yes, I am also REALLY OLD... :-) Way over 35. Ha ha
February 11th, 2011
@jools or car door handles that opened when you pulled up and locked when you pushed down!
February 11th, 2011
@mabear - yes, they came later and were a lot safer than the earlier version. I have vivid and unpleasant memories of standing up in the back of my neighbour's car as it turned the corner. I pushed down on the handle (accidentally, I think) and the door opened, hurling my young self across several square yards (yes, this was way before metrification!!) of gravel.
February 11th, 2011
@jools OUCH!
February 11th, 2011
you actually popped popcorn on the stove, in a pot with real butter

TV stations turned off by midnight and played the color bars
February 11th, 2011
lol...will be 30 this year and remember ALL of that fondly!
February 11th, 2011
You had a pen-pal that you wrote letters to on the other side of the world and thought it was just AMAZING ... lol
February 11th, 2011
Music Mixes
America's top 40 with Casey Casem
Banana seats on your bike
Jolly Rancher Sticks were only 10 cents
Rainbow shirts and unicorns
Plaid bell bottoms
Barbie & Skipper
Playing "Bloody Murder" in the backyard after dark. SCARY!
Record players imbedded in stands that were actuall furniture
Yeah, I'm over 35. Gotta love the old stuff...
Oh, and encyclopedias!
February 11th, 2011
Haha,love this thread,to funny. I can remember a few years back my youngest daughter asked me if toothbrushes were made out of wood when I was little!! LOL!
February 11th, 2011
you remember when car phones were the thing. And choosing between hard and floppy discs.
February 11th, 2011
You had to explain that "in my day" you didn't use a computer for school.

At all!

Other then once when you played Oregon Trail.

And that "when I was growing up" we used our imagination or books to entertain ourselves on 10 hour car rides.
February 11th, 2011
When milk came in glass, music came on vinyl, they only made hamburgers at the local fish and chip shop, the seat belts (if you had some) didn't retract and it took your Dad forever to focus a family photo!
February 11th, 2011
I daren't join in this :-D
February 11th, 2011
@ellida You chicken hahahaha
\Well my contribution is when our children didn't answer back, or argue and would never raise their voice or stand up against their parents. Respect from our children is no longer a matter of fact, Now days once you reach 60 it's like they think they can speak to you like they are the parent and you are the child, or worse still no respect, you are too old for them now.
I am seeing this and hearing it too often.
February 11th, 2011
I'm 27 and it all applies to me :) Then again, I didn't grow up in the States!
February 11th, 2011
I'm 16 and I grew up with all of the above applying to me and lots still doing so. :)
February 11th, 2011
@celticmystyc You reminded me:

Jukebox's held 78 RPM records.
February 11th, 2011
@neda Yay for Oregon Trail!

I remember all of that too and I just turned 30. I even had a Malt Shoppe in town! If you couldn't read in the car, you better be very interested in the passing scenery to stay occupied!
February 11th, 2011
Typewriters with ink ribbons, if you made a mistake you started over and there was no spell check! Remember having to go through a card catalog to find a book in a library? And a piece of Bazooka bubble only cost one penny.
February 11th, 2011
ur 36!!
February 11th, 2011

... "Look, Mom! Black CDs!" - Oh, now that's just too funny!! I still have a few of those, as well as some of those really heavy 78s.
February 11th, 2011
@foxinsox47 I thought I was still pretty young and spry up to that point, but boy did he shoot me down quickly in one, innocent little sentence.
February 12th, 2011
when you start to forget your age! Am I 43 or 42?
February 12th, 2011
satellite tv meant you had a big ass dish in your backyard that you had to occasionally had to go outside and turn to get a better reception

answering machines ran on tape that if it ran out you just lost all of those calls after that point in the day (forget about going on vacation and expecting a lot of phone calls, not going to happen)

we had a laserdisc player before we ever had a vcr, the first "vcr" we had was when we bought a camcorder and it held vhs tapes, we found out we could hook it up to the tv and watch what we had recorded straight on the tv rather than watching it through the camcorder all the time
February 12th, 2011
When trying to explain to the kids about returnable deposits on Corona Bottles, Used to go round the neighbourhood and collect the empties to return them for the grand sum of 2p per bottle.
February 12th, 2011
LMAO! Some of these replies are too funny. Guess I'm from the stone age. My youngest child is 37. I grew up in the primitive 50's and 60's. (a very good era to grow up!)
February 12th, 2011
Lordy Lord. I didn't think this discussion would be SO popular... isn' it amazing the cross culture this site brings..... Bravo to all of YOU... and for the memories.....
some of your answers have been just so awesome!!!
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