Last day of the Alphabet Challenge!

March 19th, 2010
Wu was a fun ride no?

Big props to Sarah for suggesting the theme, and a huge thumbs up for everyone who participated!

So is time for reflection.

What did you learn?
and what was your favourite photo?

I learned quite a bit about composition and planning
My favourite photo from this challenge:

you're turn :)

Happy weekend everyone!
March 19th, 2010
So glad you brought this up, Chris! I love nothing better than "a classroom exercise" and the critiques that follow. I hesitated (over a period of days) before agreeing to join in for fear of failure along the way. Instead, I was inspired by what I found around me and the challenge to create an interesting photographic illustration of each letter.

In doing this, I followed everyone's pictures each day by following the tag. It was a rich vein of talented photographers that I was able to come to know during this time. I'm humbled by so many of you; I had no idea how much I have to learn about "post processing", and I learned the term, "SOOC" which seems to apply to my work in large part.

I hesitate to name a favorite of mine here, but I've tagged many of yours as my favorites. I leave it to the community to judge my photos, I invite critique so I might learn, and continue to hope my best work lies ahead of me. Oh, well, this came to mind, my picture of Tabby, viewed from his paw (and claw)...I have to love that one because he's such a wonderful pet!

Thank you, Sarah, for posing the challenge, and, again, all who played along! I don't know when I've had such an enjoyable time!

March 19th, 2010
this theme has definitely been a challenge but I have enjoyed it quite a bit!! I feel I have improved a little more as a photographer and I notice more aorund me. I think my favorite is the old house.....I was excited I spotted it and I FELT like it was going to be a good picture :)
March 19th, 2010
You need to give yourself more credit, you have some lovely pictures in your challenge, my favorite of yours is: HERE and I am not even a cat person, but it is a great perspective and a unique view.

I have to take my "Z" picture later today but after that I will go over my collection and determine which I like the most.

Thanks to , I know you struggled in the middle of this challenge; however without you fronting this none of us would have done it. So again THANK YOU.
March 19th, 2010
I have loved it - and learned a great deal about composition and creative angles. Now I take much more care and pay attention to detail. Digital photography has made it possible to take fifty or more shots and one by one weed them out until you're left with only one remaining. I've been forcing myself to be selective and keep only the picture that I'm planning to post instead of just adding more and more images. My favourite from the twenty six.....
So thank you to creator and fellow travellers. I've enjoyed looking at everyone's shots. Good luck for the next challenge - perhaps a shorter one!!!!!
March 19th, 2010
I still have one letter left (I know you know which one!!!) ... however, I, too, have (mostly) enjoyed this challenge. (Who knew the alphabet was so long?!!?) So, kudos to Sarah for being the impetus behind the organization, kudos to all who participated and congratulations! I look forward to seeing what everyone is up to now that it's spring (in the northern hemisphere).

I have chosen this as my favorite shot for several reasons, but the biggest reason is that I asked for and received feedback about how to make the presentation better. For me, this shot represents the 365 community, which has been a completely unexpected benefit of participating in this project.

I look forward to our continuing adventures in photography!
March 19th, 2010
ugh im a day behind. my Y picture wouldnt upload yesterday. hopefully i'll get Y and Z up today.
March 19th, 2010
I still need to think of what to do for Z . . . I'm hopeful that inspiration will strike sometime today! I've both loved and hated the Alphabet Challenge . . . on days when I lacked inspiration, the challenge gave me something to shoot for. On the other hand, there were days when I took a photo that I loved and wanted to share, but it didn't apply to the theme, so I had to keep it to myself. I hated those days!

The worst were the days that I was so wrapped up in figuring out what to shoot for the challenge that I forgot to look around me and enjoy all of the opportunities for photography. In general, I think that such a long challenge is perhaps a bit limiting for my tastes. On the other hand, I did enjoy discovering how much fun it can be to photograph simple, everyday objects.

As for favorites, I've got a few, but for now I think I'll go with this one: I like the colors, and even the obvious camera shake, I think, adds something to the photo.

Thanks to everyone who followed my project and helped me along the way! I've enjoyed getting to know you through photography, and I hope we can keep following one another! :)
March 20th, 2010
This was a huge challenge and enjoyed it very much, Thank you Sarah for starting this up :-)

I had 2 favorites that I took and
March 20th, 2010
I loved doing this project except I was on vacation the last three days of the challenge and I got behind... ugh!! I had so many favorites!!!! But I guess this is truly my favorite

Now I have to upload the last three days...

March 20th, 2010
:) yes chris, a fun ride!
so appreciated the encouragement from everyone - it was a crazy challenge!
i really struggled in the middle and found myself over thinking everything :S
but i think that's just me haha.
the beginning was exciting and the end was rejuvenating - it felt really great to complete!

nice work everyone! i really enjoyed watching you all have to think outside the box. it was hard because it all had to be planned. i think it really pushed us all outside our comfort zones.
There were some fantastic concepts & ideas - as well as beautiful photos!

yay :)
March 20th, 2010
o ya...

and my personal fave of my own??? hmm...
March 20th, 2010
March 20th, 2010
haha Sarah your hugs is so adorable :)
March 20th, 2010
March 20th, 2010
I LOVED this theme. now on to the next one...

I had a real hard time with this so I called in some advisors to assist me.

WIFE's Pick of her Favorite

Eldest Boy's Pick of his Favorite

Youngest Boy's Pick of his Favorite (determined by smile/giggle)

I still had a hard time myself so I have top three I can't pick:

Contender #1: I anticipated doing this shot for so long.
Contender #2: Color texture and attempt at something very different.
Contender #3: The concept in itself gets me.

PS... personally I loved the vast majority of my collection but there were a few hurried ones.
PSS. I really enjoyed watching everyone elses creations come to life and some really surprising ones showed up everyday, very creative bunch here.

March 20th, 2010
Hey Jeff, sorry mate, but i'm going with your missus on this one... I like the feeling of action in it
March 20th, 2010
by the way sarah, my favourite is the one of you and your dog as well :)
March 20th, 2010
huge challange! ...but a lot of fun! it was strange to be able to shoot anything I wanted to today! lol!! :)

1st runner up...

and my all time fav! :)
March 20th, 2010
nice pictures amber!
March 21st, 2010
Still gotta do "Z", so I'll be late.
March 21st, 2010
I'm already late. gotta do x,y and z. ugh...I may leave some blanks in my calendar for y and z and come back to it later. this challenge felt like the 98th of 100 sit ups to me. Now I understand why artists whine about being put in a box. once you start making rules about it it gets really hard to do!
March 21st, 2010
I already miss the structure of having a set theme for each day. I really did enjoy the planning, sitting with my wife trying to come up with an idea for the next day. On the other hand I am glad to get out of the basement. LOL!! Thanks to all who commented on my photos.
March 22nd, 2010
Even though I uploaded for this challenge a bit late, it was alot fun. Getting certain letters was a bit hard, but it was still a great way to work the imagination.
March 22nd, 2010
I thoroughly enjoyed that challenge and learned so much! Thank you for all of the kind words and feedback throughout the project! It was so much fun seeing what everyone would post every day. =)

As for my favorites... I could narrow it down to 3 in no particular order: - I took inspiration from my dear friend who has an eye for symmetry when I took this shot. I love how it came out and I know he sees his influence there, too. =) - This was such an incredibly lucky shot! I could not believe how clear everything came out for the amount of movement occurring in the shot. - I went on a day trip to Tahoe alone and was rewarded with some stunning beauty and some peaceful quiet time.
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